
Reverse pedigree generated by bulldogpedigree.com

Fils et filles Petits fils et petites filles
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa) x Donna Alba
Rhinestone x Maisie
Barney Barnato x Brahma
Barney Barnato x Brahma
Gamecock x Brahma
Gamecock x Brahma
Hockley Blarney Stone  
Barney Barnato x Brahma
Barney Barnato x Brahma
King Sammy  
Pendragon x Brahma
Pendragon x Brahma
Nell Of The Hill  
Gamecock x Brahma
Gamecock x Brahma
Nuthurst Cay Cirl  
Pendragon x Brahma
Pendragon x Brahma
Slongo Rowdy House (uk-usa)  
The Crusher x Brahma
The Crusher x Brahma
Victoria (uk)  
The Crusher x Brahma
The Crusher x Brahma
Weary Will (uk-can)  
Marquis Mahomet (uk-usa) x Brahma
Marquis Mahomet (uk-usa) x Brahma