Peggy Stewart (usa)

Reverse pedigree generated by

Fils et filles Petits fils et petites filles
Peggy Stewart (usa)  
Broadmoor x Bronxelle
Bella ( Wolfrum)  
Crumpsall Rod x Peggy Stewart (usa)
Belle V (usa)  
Duke Of Montgomery x Bella ( Wolfrum)
Duke Of Montgomery x Bella ( Wolfrum)
King V  
Duke Of Montgomery x Bella ( Wolfrum)
Duke Of Montgomery x Bella ( Wolfrum)
Mugsy M' Graw  
Duke Of Montgomery x Bella ( Wolfrum)
Duke Of Montgomery x Bella ( Wolfrum)
Bellona (usa)  
Roderick Dhu x Peggy Stewart (usa)
Bibers Daisy  
Sceptre x Bellona (usa)
Sceptre x Bellona (usa)
Boxer I I  
Duke Of Montgomery x Peggy Stewart (usa)
Boxer I I x Princess Bess
Boxer I I x Princess Bess
Boxer Girl  
Boxer I I x Rival Maid
Boxer I I x Rival Maid
Carmen Sylva  
Roderick Dhu x Peggy Stewart (usa)
Berts Folly  
Crumpsall Ivel (79899) x Carmen Sylva
Crumpsall Ivel (79899) x Carmen Sylva
Dolly Gray (143401)  
Crumpsall Ivel (79899) x Carmen Sylva
Crumpsall Ivel (79899) x Carmen Sylva
Ruth Roosevelt  
Crumpsall Ivel (79899) x Carmen Sylva
Crumpsall Ivel (79899) x Carmen Sylva
Don (usa)  
Crumpsall Rod x Peggy Stewart (usa)
Bob I I (usa)  
Don (usa) x Princess Nora
Don (usa) x Princess Nora
Duke Of Abruzzi  
Crumpsall Ivel (79899) x Peggy Stewart (usa)
Earl Bob  
Crumpsall Rod x Peggy Stewart (usa)
Gertie Alpenrose  
Roderick Dhu x Peggy Stewart (usa)
Duke Dickie  
Prince Danilo x Gertie Alpenrose
Prince Danilo x Gertie Alpenrose
Krishna Mohammed I V  
Mahomet I I I x Gertie Alpenrose
Mahomet I I I x Gertie Alpenrose
Laddie Buck  
Gotham Trust Promoter (uk-usa) x Gertie Alpenrose
Gotham Trust Promoter (uk-usa) x Gertie Alpenrose
Lady Jane (132169)  
Gotham Trust Promoter (uk-usa) x Gertie Alpenrose
Gotham Trust Promoter (uk-usa) x Gertie Alpenrose
Ladysmith I I I  
Gotham Trust Promoter (uk-usa) x Gertie Alpenrose
Gotham Trust Promoter (uk-usa) x Gertie Alpenrose
Peggy Mc Carthy  
Prince Danilo x Gertie Alpenrose
Prince Danilo x Gertie Alpenrose
Plexo Mahomet  
Mahomet I I I x Gertie Alpenrose
Mahomet I I I x Gertie Alpenrose
Grand Duke Of Luxembourg  
Duke Of Montgomery x Peggy Stewart (usa)
Garibaldi (usa)  
Grand Duke Of Luxembourg x Rival Dame
Grand Duke Of Luxembourg x Rival Dame
Queen Louise  
Grand Duke Of Luxembourg x Rival Dame
Grand Duke Of Luxembourg x Rival Dame
Grand Duke Of Luxembourg x Rival Dame
Grand Duke Of Luxembourg x Rival Dame
Happy Jack I I  
Roderick Dhu x Peggy Stewart (usa)
Morley Peg  
Happy Jack I I x Parkside Lassie (uk-usa)
Happy Jack I I x Parkside Lassie (uk-usa)
Peachie (usa)  
Happy Jack I I x Lady Lassie
Happy Jack I I x Lady Lassie
Princess Trixie  
Happy Jack I I x Woelk Lassie
Happy Jack I I x Woelk Lassie
Nellie Montgomery  
Duke Of Montgomery x Peggy Stewart (usa)
Peggy Stewart I I (usa)  
Roderick Dhu x Peggy Stewart (usa)
Petty Stewart  
Prince Burley x Peggy Stewart I I (usa)
Prince Burley x Peggy Stewart I I (usa)
Princess Ira  
Roderick Dhu x Peggy Stewart (usa)
Buster I I (usa)  
Woodcraft Sir David (scot-usa) x Princess Ira
Woodcraft Sir David (scot-usa) x Princess Ira
Sally Girl  
Ch Deodora Monarch (uk-usa) x Princess Ira
Ch Deodora Monarch (uk-usa) x Princess Ira
Sappho ( Reinemann)  
Roderick Dhu x Peggy Stewart (usa)
Ben (usa)  
Raleigh x Sappho ( Reinemann)
Raleigh x Sappho ( Reinemann)
King Pin I I  
Huck Finn x Sappho ( Reinemann)
Huck Finn x Sappho ( Reinemann)
Rodney Gladiator  
Raleigh x Sappho ( Reinemann)
Raleigh x Sappho ( Reinemann)
Rodney Sanborn  
Raleigh x Sappho ( Reinemann)
Raleigh x Sappho ( Reinemann)
Sociable Cecil  
Sociable Ben (uk-usa) x Peggy Stewart (usa)