Mariseni Lady Luck Samantha

Reverse pedigree generated by

Fils et filles Petits fils et petites filles
Mariseni Lady Luck Samantha  
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold x Mariseni Miranda
Mariseni Alexandra  
Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions x Mariseni Lady Luck Samantha
Mariseni Amber  
Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions x Mariseni Lady Luck Samantha
Mariseni Amos  
Mariseni Amos
Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions x Mariseni Lady Luck Samantha
Amos John-Bulls  
Mariseni Amos x Britains Glory Astoria
Mariseni Amos x Britains Glory Astoria
Anthony John-Bulls  
Mariseni Amos x Britains Glory Astoria
Mariseni Amos x Britains Glory Astoria
Appearing Day John-Bulls  
Mariseni Amos x Britains Glory Astoria
Mariseni Amos x Britains Glory Astoria
Cornflower High Jinks  
Mariseni Amos x Merchant Mariner's Witch
Mariseni Amos x Merchant Mariner's Witch
Emmylou After Tacha  
Mariseni Amos x Ch Gloriosa After Tacha
Mariseni Amos x Ch Gloriosa After Tacha
Georgie Girl After Tacha  
Georgie Girl After Tacha
Mariseni Amos x Ch Delaila
Mariseni Amos x Ch Delaila
Ch Gloriosa After Tacha   
Ch Gloriosa After Tacha
Mariseni Amos x Ch Delaila
Mariseni Amos x Ch Delaila
Kzen-Moshe Van Ammbern  
Kzen-Moshe Van Ammbern
Mariseni Amos x Illinois Van Ammbern
Mariseni Amos x Illinois Van Ammbern
Mariseni Artillary Girl  
Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions x Mariseni Lady Luck Samantha
Barudesha October Snow  
Ch Outdoors Jubilant x Mariseni Artillary Girl
Ch Outdoors Jubilant x Mariseni Artillary Girl