Show-me Legacy One And Only

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Fils et filles Petits fils et petites filles
Show-me Legacy One And Only  
Ch Legacy's Only Calvin Klein x Hillbullyz Maj League Madonna
Ch Show-me Aragon   
Ch B-loved Bookman Of Bulldog U x Show-me Legacy One And Only
Alma Lord Mamich´s  
Ch Show-me Aragon x Rasil's Troya
Ch Show-me Aragon x Rasil's Troya
Lord Mamich´s Lola  
Lord Mamich´s Lola
Ch Show-me Aragon x Rasil's Troya
Ch Show-me Aragon x Rasil's Troya
Show-me Desirabull All Booked Up  
Ch B-loved Bookman Of Bulldog U x Show-me Legacy One And Only
Maximus (Malta)  
Ch Top Bully T - Bone x Show-me Desirabull All Booked Up
Ch Top Bully T - Bone x Show-me Desirabull All Booked Up
Ch Show-me My Dad The Rock Star   
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock x Show-me Legacy One And Only
Slickchick Missy  
Ch Show-me My Dad The Rock Star x Langager´s Angel Puff
Ch Show-me My Dad The Rock Star x Langager´s Angel Puff
Ch Show-me Rock-n-roll Gangster   
Ch Show-me Rock-n-roll Gangster
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock x Show-me Legacy One And Only
Ch Show-me The Bling Bling   
Ch Show-me The Bling Bling
Ch Show-me Jimi Hendrix Experience x Show-me Legacy One And Only