Ch, GCh Empires Empress Isabella

Reverse pedigree generated by

Fils et filles Petits fils et petites filles
Ch, GCh Empires Empress Isabella   
Ch, GCh Empires Empress Isabella
Ch, GCh Empires Prince Marcus x Empires Empress Domino
Ch Empires Empress Trinity   
Ch Empires Empress Trinity
Ch Empires Not Your Average Joe x Ch, GCh Empires Empress Isabella
Ch, GCh Empires Empress Bella   
Ch, GCh Empires Empress Bella
Ch Barcenas Block Party x Ch Empires Empress Trinity
Ch Barcenas Block Party x Ch Empires Empress Trinity
Empires Lover Boy  
Empires Lover Boy
Ch Barcenas Block Party x Ch Empires Empress Trinity
Ch Barcenas Block Party x Ch Empires Empress Trinity
Kim's Princess Lilo  
Ch, GCh Pop-a-top Chimera Deal Me In x Ch Empires Empress Trinity
Ch, GCh Pop-a-top Chimera Deal Me In x Ch Empires Empress Trinity
Masterpiece Ella Grace  
Masterpiece Ella Grace
Ch, GCh Pop-a-top Chimera Deal Me In x Ch Empires Empress Trinity
Ch, GCh Pop-a-top Chimera Deal Me In x Ch Empires Empress Trinity
Masterpiece Michelangelo  
Masterpiece Michelangelo
Ch Barcenas Block Party x Ch Empires Empress Trinity
Ch Barcenas Block Party x Ch Empires Empress Trinity
Masterpiece Xxx  
Ch, GCh Empires Prince Marcus x Ch Empires Empress Trinity
Ch, GCh Empires Prince Marcus x Ch Empires Empress Trinity
Empires Jopo  
Empires Jopo
Ch Empires Sir Yogi x Ch, GCh Empires Empress Isabella
Isi ( Secchi )  
Isi ( Secchi )
Empires Jopo x Cuka ( Cardenas )
Empires Jopo x Cuka ( Cardenas )
Runa ( Yañez )  
Runa ( Yañez )
Empires Jopo x Althea Pretty Lies ( Piña )
Empires Jopo x Althea Pretty Lies ( Piña )
Ch Zelda Little Princess ( Yañez )   
Ch Zelda Little Princess ( Yañez )
Empires Jopo x Althea Pretty Lies ( Piña )
Empires Jopo x Althea Pretty Lies ( Piña )
Empires King Of The North John Snow  
Empires King Of The North John Snow
Ch Empires Sir Wally x Ch, GCh Empires Empress Isabella
Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet   
Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ch Empires Sir Yogi x Ch, GCh Empires Empress Isabella
Ripsnortin Chipster  
Ripsnortin Chipster
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ripsnortin Chloe  
Ripsnortin Chloe
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ripsnortin Luigi  
Ripsnortin Luigi
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ripsnortin Mario  
Ripsnortin Mario
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ripsnortin Melody  
Ripsnortin Melody
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ripsnortin Moonshine  
Ripsnortin Moonshine
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ripsnortin Sassafras  
Ripsnortin Sassafras
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ripsnortin Spot On  
Ripsnortin Spot On
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ripsnortin Stellar Stella  
Ripsnortin Stellar Stella
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Ch, GCh Ripsnortin Avalons Adam x Ch Empires Ripsnortin Scarlet Starlet
Empires Show Stopper Star Lily  
Empires Show Stopper Star Lily
Ch Empires Sir Wally x Ch, GCh Empires Empress Isabella
Ch Empires Unforgettable Jill   
Ch Empires Unforgettable Jill
Ch Empires Not Your Average Joe x Ch, GCh Empires Empress Isabella
Brienne Of Tarth San Quintin  
Brienne Of Tarth San Quintin
Ch Lil' Boy's Old Time Religion x Ch Empires Unforgettable Jill
Ch Lil' Boy's Old Time Religion x Ch Empires Unforgettable Jill
San Quintin Alphel  
Ch, GCh Empires Prince Marcus x Ch Empires Unforgettable Jill
Ch, GCh Empires Prince Marcus x Ch Empires Unforgettable Jill
Empires You Don't Know Jack  
Ch Empires Not Your Average Joe x Ch, GCh Empires Empress Isabella
Empires Zar Bulldogs Winter Dreams  
Empires Zar Bulldogs Winter Dreams
Ch Empires Sir Wally x Ch, GCh Empires Empress Isabella