Fils et filles | Petits fils et petites filles | |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Pinebulls All My Life INT & FI & SE CH Wencar River Of Gold x Ch Jewbull's Celine Dion |
Ch, World Ch Pinebulls John Bull Int Ch, Multi Ch Hales Angels Beware Of Sonny x Int Ch, Multi Ch Pinebulls All My Life |
Frostyfellow Ch, World Ch Pinebulls John Bull x Black Hope Sunshine Sally Ch, World Ch Pinebulls John Bull x Black Hope Sunshine Sally |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Mowens On And On Ch, World Ch Pinebulls John Bull x Ch, Int Ch Mowens Kismet Ch, World Ch Pinebulls John Bull x Ch, Int Ch Mowens Kismet |
Ch Mowens Original Ch, World Ch Pinebulls John Bull x Ch, Int Ch Mowens Kismet Ch, World Ch Pinebulls John Bull x Ch, Int Ch Mowens Kismet |
Ch Mowens Rock Ch, World Ch Pinebulls John Bull x Ch Mowens Joy Ch, World Ch Pinebulls John Bull x Ch Mowens Joy |
Ch, Int Ch Mowens Rose Ch, World Ch Pinebulls John Bull x Ch Mowens Joy Ch, World Ch Pinebulls John Bull x Ch Mowens Joy |
Mowens Royal Ch, World Ch Pinebulls John Bull x Ch Mowens Joy Ch, World Ch Pinebulls John Bull x Ch Mowens Joy |
Ch, Int Ch Mowens Royal Ch, World Ch Pinebulls John Bull x Ch Mowens Joy Ch, World Ch Pinebulls John Bull x Ch Mowens Joy |