Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid

Reverse pedigree generated by

Fils et filles Petits fils et petites filles
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid   
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid
Ch K's Note-a-bul Arizona x Ch K's Note-a-bul Cecelia
Ch Ab&jo Perignon Withe Star   
Ch Ab&jo Perignon Withe Star
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Arroyo's India's Little Empire
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework   
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ace N Glendar Black Eyed Susan
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Playboy   
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x No Bulls Honey Badger
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x No Bulls Honey Badger
Ace N Glendars Kenjos Perfect Storm  
Ace N Glendars Kenjos Perfect Storm
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Kenjo's Matilda
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Kenjo's Matilda
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars Saving For A Rainy Day   
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars Saving For A Rainy Day
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ace N Fist Face's You Are My Sunshine
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ace N Fist Face's You Are My Sunshine
Ch Ace N Slaterpryce's Zoey For Hall's   
Ch Ace N Slaterpryce's Zoey For Hall's
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch, GCh Mousers Blazing Star
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch, GCh Mousers Blazing Star
Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Slaterpryce Amy   
Ch, GCh Cherokee Legend Slaterpryce Amy
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch Cherokee Legend Abigail
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch Cherokee Legend Abigail
Cherokee Legend Slaterpryce Gaynor  
Cherokee Legend Slaterpryce Gaynor
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch Cherokee Legend Abigail
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch Cherokee Legend Abigail
Cherokee Legend Slaterpryce Gillian  
Cherokee Legend Slaterpryce Gillian
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch Cherokee Legend Abigail
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch Cherokee Legend Abigail
Ch Cherokee Legend Slaterpryce Gwen   
Ch Cherokee Legend Slaterpryce Gwen
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch Cherokee Legend Abigail
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch Cherokee Legend Abigail
Ch Glendars N Aces Kenjo Summer Breeze   
Ch Glendars N Aces Kenjo Summer Breeze
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Kenjo's Matilda
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Kenjo's Matilda
Glendars Royal Flush  
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch Tumbleweeds Love Is In The Air
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch Tumbleweeds Love Is In The Air
Mohegan Blue FireFly  
Mohegan Blue FireFly
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Capricho Luxury Line Diamond
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Capricho Luxury Line Diamond
Mohegan Capricho Fireball  
Mohegan Capricho Fireball
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Capricho Luxury Line Diamond
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Capricho Luxury Line Diamond
Mohegan Ice Cube  
Mohegan Ice Cube
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Capricho Luxury Line Diamond
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Capricho Luxury Line Diamond
Ch, Jr Ch Sable Little Townbullīs Villa Gloria   
Ch, Jr Ch Sable Little Townbullīs Villa Gloria
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x unknown
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x desconocida
Ch Slaterpryce N Ace's Christian Louboutin   
Ch Slaterpryce N Ace's Christian Louboutin
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch, GCh Mousers Blazing Star
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch, GCh Mousers Blazing Star
Slaterpryce's Bailey Getting By  
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x No Bulls Honey Badger
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x No Bulls Honey Badger
Ch Slaterpryce's Cat Scratch Fever   
Ch Slaterpryce's Cat Scratch Fever
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Slaterpryce's Supple's Right To Remain Silent
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Slaterpryce's Supple's Right To Remain Silent
Slaterpryce's Grace Kelly  
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x No Bulls Honey Badger
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x No Bulls Honey Badger
Slaterpryce's Turn On The Radio  
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x No Bulls Honey Badger
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x No Bulls Honey Badger
Slaterpryce's Vintage Almond Joy  
Slaterpryce's Vintage Almond Joy
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch Slaterpryce's Vintage Jiffy
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch Slaterpryce's Vintage Jiffy
Slaterpryce's Waking Up In Vegas With Aces  
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Slaterpryce's Supple's Right To Remain Silent
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Slaterpryce's Supple's Right To Remain Silent
Ch Topbrass All Jacked Up   
Ch Topbrass All Jacked Up
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch Topbrass Bobbie's Maggie
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch Topbrass Bobbie's Maggie
Ch Topbrass Playing With The Queen Of Hearts   
Ch Topbrass Playing With The Queen Of Hearts
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x No Bulls Honey Badger
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x No Bulls Honey Badger
Ch Vaughan's Conquistador Cortes   
Ch Vaughan's Conquistador Cortes
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch, GCh Vaughan's Gypsy Girl Of Vodou Bayou
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch, GCh Vaughan's Gypsy Girl Of Vodou Bayou
Ch Vigilante Sindel " That Was Fun! "   
Ch Vigilante Sindel " That Was Fun! "
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Natural Woman
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Natural Woman
Ch, GCh Aces Rockets Red Glare   
Ch, GCh Aces Rockets Red Glare
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ace N Glendar Black Eyed Susan
Glendars Every Breath You Take  
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch, GCh Aces Rockets Red Glare
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch, GCh Aces Rockets Red Glare
Ch, GCh Glendars I'm On Fire   
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch, GCh Aces Rockets Red Glare
Ch Glendars Dylan x Ch, GCh Aces Rockets Red Glare
Austin's Miss Candance  
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Brower's Rosey Marie
Kenacy Grand Chi Chi  
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Vernon The Victors x Austin's Miss Candance
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Vernon The Victors x Austin's Miss Candance
Ch Cinemabullz Chamber Of Secrets   
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Cinemabullz Order Of The Pheniox
K's Note-a-bul Brindie Girl  
Ch Cinemabullz Chamber Of Secrets x Ch K's Note-a-bul Darlin' Clementine
Ch Cinemabullz Chamber Of Secrets x Ch K's Note-a-bul Darlin' Clementine
Cinemabullz Flight Of The Pheniox  
Cinemabullz Flight Of The Pheniox
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Cinemabullz Order Of The Pheniox
Cinemabullz Isabelle Dances Into The Spotlight  
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch, GCh Rosbrgh's Copper Spur N' Cowgirl
Dī Toledo " I Am Greta "  
Dī Toledo " I Am Greta "
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Dī Toledo Pink Diamond
Dī Toledo " I Am Vincent "  
Dī Toledo " I Am Vincent "
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Dī Toledo Pink Diamond
S&d Bulls Dī Toledo Evolett  
S&d Bulls Dī Toledo Evolett
Dī Toledo " I Am Vincent " x Rsdalibull Hazelnut
Dī Toledo " I Am Vincent " x Rsdalibull Hazelnut
S&d Bulls Viny  
S&d Bulls Viny
Dī Toledo " I Am Vincent " x Rsdalibull Hazelnut
Dī Toledo " I Am Vincent " x Rsdalibull Hazelnut
Dī Toledo " The Black Window "  
Dī Toledo " The Black Window "
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Dī Toledo Pink Diamond
Ch Empires Empress Trix   
Ch Empires Empress Trix
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch Empires Legend Spice Girl
Arroyo's India's Little Empire  
Arroyo's India's Little Empire
Ch Empires Sir Yogi x Ch Empires Empress Trix
Ch Empires Sir Yogi x Ch Empires Empress Trix
Isabelle Dances Into The Spotlight  
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch, GCh Rosbrgh's Copper Spur N' Cowgirl
Ch K's Note-a-bul Darlin' Clementine   
Ch K's Note-a-bul Darlin' Clementine
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch K's Note-a-bul Just My Style
K's Note-a-bul Brindie Girl  
Ch Cinemabullz Chamber Of Secrets x Ch K's Note-a-bul Darlin' Clementine
Ch Cinemabullz Chamber Of Secrets x Ch K's Note-a-bul Darlin' Clementine
Ch K's Note-a-bul Edge Of Glory   
Ch K's Note-a-bul Edge Of Glory
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch, GCh Rosbrgh's Copper Spur N' Cowgirl
K's Note-a-bul Knight N White Satin  
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch K's Note-a-bul Just My Style
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Natural Woman   
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Natural Woman
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch K's Note-a-bul Just My Style
Int Ch, GCh Mvp Vigilante " I Don't Know How To Lose "   
Int Ch, GCh Mvp Vigilante " I Don't Know How To Lose "
Ch, GCh Nc-style's Dītoledo Cinco De Mayo By Floriobull x Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Natural Woman
Ch, GCh Nc-style's Dītoledo Cinco De Mayo By Floriobull x Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Natural Woman
Ch, GCh Mvp Vigilante Billie Jean King   
Ch, GCh Mvp Vigilante Billie Jean King
Ch, GCh Nc-style's Dītoledo Cinco De Mayo By Floriobull x Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Natural Woman
Ch, GCh Nc-style's Dītoledo Cinco De Mayo By Floriobull x Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Natural Woman
Mvp Vigilante By Dī Toledo " Earnie Banks "  
Mvp Vigilante By Dī Toledo " Earnie Banks "
Ch Dī Toledo " I Stand Alone " Ferdinand x Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Natural Woman
Ch Dī Toledo " I Stand Alone " Ferdinand x Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Natural Woman
Mvp Vigilante Seabiscuit  
Mvp Vigilante Seabiscuit
Ch, GCh Nc-style's Dītoledo Cinco De Mayo By Floriobull x Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Natural Woman
Ch, GCh Nc-style's Dītoledo Cinco De Mayo By Floriobull x Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Natural Woman
Ch Mvp Vigilante Vip Major Mickey Mantle   
Ch Mvp Vigilante Vip Major Mickey Mantle
Ch Dī Toledo " I Stand Alone " Ferdinand x Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Natural Woman
Ch Dī Toledo " I Stand Alone " Ferdinand x Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Natural Woman
Ch Vigilante Sindel " That Was Fun! "   
Ch Vigilante Sindel " That Was Fun! "
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Natural Woman
Ch, GCh Ace N Glendars I'm A Firework x Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Natural Woman
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul New Kid In Town   
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul New Kid In Town
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch K's Note-a-bul Just My Style
Cinemabullz Baby Rose  
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul New Kid In Town x Cinemabullz Lucy Lou
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul New Kid In Town x Cinemabullz Lucy Lou
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Vernon The Victors   
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Vernon The Victors
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul New Kid In Town x Ch K's Note-a-bul Sentimental Baby
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul New Kid In Town x Ch K's Note-a-bul Sentimental Baby
K's Note-a-bul One Direction  
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x K's Note-a-bul Shimmee Coco Bop
Topbrass Sunny With A Chance  
K's Note-a-bul One Direction x Daffodil Mae Kester
K's Note-a-bul One Direction x Daffodil Mae Kester
K's Note-a-bul Penny From Heaven  
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch K's Note-a-bul Just My Style
Ch K's Note-a-bul Red Rover   
Ch K's Note-a-bul Red Rover
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch K's Note-a-bul Me And Bobby Mcgee
Ch K's Note-a-bul Sentimental Baby   
Ch K's Note-a-bul Sentimental Baby
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Jack-pott Vegas Baby Vegas
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Vernon The Victors   
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Vernon The Victors
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul New Kid In Town x Ch K's Note-a-bul Sentimental Baby
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul New Kid In Town x Ch K's Note-a-bul Sentimental Baby
Ch K's Note-a-bul The Thunder Rolls   
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch, GCh Rosbrgh's Copper Spur N' Cowgirl
K's Note-a-bul There's A New Girl In Town  
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch K's Note-a-bul Just My Style
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Whiter Shade Of Pale   
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Whiter Shade Of Pale
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch K's Note-a-bul Me And Bobby Mcgee
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Blizzard   
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Blizzard
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch Kenacy Grand Going Back To Cali
Boo's White Asa Ghost At Pelee  
Boo's White Asa Ghost At Pelee
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Blizzard x Pelee's Jolie Fil Rouge Of Boo
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Blizzard x Pelee's Jolie Fil Rouge Of Boo
Dī Toledo Pink Diamond  
Dī Toledo Pink Diamond
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Blizzard x Dī Toledo My Little Yellow Cow Coralyne
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Blizzard x Dī Toledo My Little Yellow Cow Coralyne
Ch Exact Classic Mosaic Thunder   
Ch Exact Classic Mosaic Thunder
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Blizzard x Ch Exact Classic Mosaic Diamond
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Blizzard x Ch Exact Classic Mosaic Diamond
Ch Kenacy Grand Doris   
Ch Kenacy Grand Doris
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Blizzard x Kenacy Grand Royal Flush Going All In
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Blizzard x Kenacy Grand Royal Flush Going All In
Ch Longshots Princess   
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Blizzard x Longshots Gertrude
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Blizzard x Longshots Gertrude
Longshots San Antonio Rose  
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Blizzard x Longshots Gertrude
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Blizzard x Longshots Gertrude
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Sable   
Ch, GCh Kenacy Grand Sable
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch Kenacy Grand Going Back To Cali
Majestic Agape Hey Cecilia  
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Majestic Good Girl Gladys
Ch, GCh Agape's Belle Of The Ball   
Ch, GCh Agape's Belle Of The Ball
Ch, GCh Majestic Agape Guinness Extra Stout x Majestic Agape Hey Cecilia
Ch, GCh Majestic Agape Guinness Extra Stout x Majestic Agape Hey Cecilia
Agape's Gotta Have Faith  
Agape's Gotta Have Faith
Ch, GCh Majestic Agape Guinness Extra Stout x Majestic Agape Hey Cecilia
Ch, GCh Majestic Agape Guinness Extra Stout x Majestic Agape Hey Cecilia
Agape's Send Me An Angel  
Agape's Send Me An Angel
Ch, GCh Majestic Agape Guinness Extra Stout x Majestic Agape Hey Cecilia
Ch, GCh Majestic Agape Guinness Extra Stout x Majestic Agape Hey Cecilia
Ch Note-a-bul Knight N White Satin   
Ch Note-a-bul Knight N White Satin
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch K's Note-a-bul Just My Style
Rojas's Dash  
Rojas's Dash
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, GCh Rojas's Mona Lisa
Chelsea Mondragon  
Rojas's Dash x Mamba Lara
Rojas's Dash x Mamba Lara
Luka ( Zavala )  
Luka ( Zavala )
Rojas's Dash x Ch Selena ( Hernandez / Hernandez )
Rojas's Dash x Ch Selena ( Hernandez / Hernandez )
Slash Mondragon  
Slash Mondragon
Rojas's Dash x Mamba Lara
Rojas's Dash x Mamba Lara
Talvin swing  
Rojas's Dash x Mamba Lara
Rojas's Dash x Mamba Lara
Rojas's The Phantom  
Rojas's The Phantom
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, GCh Rojas's Mona Lisa
Rosbrgh's Country Girl Carli  
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch, GCh Rosbrgh's Copper Spur N' Cowgirl
Rosbrgh's Prospector Bill  
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch, GCh Rosbrgh's Copper Spur N' Cowgirl
Ch Scott's Bunchs Buddy   
Ch Scott's Bunchs Buddy
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Scott's Louis Josie
Dī Toledo Nothing Else Matters  
Dī Toledo Nothing Else Matters
Ch Scott's Bunchs Buddy x Dī Toledo Paint The Game
Ch Scott's Bunchs Buddy x Dī Toledo Paint The Game
Ch, GCh Dī Toledo Queen Of The Night   
Ch, GCh Dī Toledo Queen Of The Night
Ch Scott's Bunchs Buddy x Dī Toledo Paint The Game
Ch Scott's Bunchs Buddy x Dī Toledo Paint The Game
Southlands Duke Of Valadezsons  
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Sally Of Valadezsons
Fanny Valadez  
Fanny Valadez
Southlands Duke Of Valadezsons x Southlands Super Girl Of Valadezsons
Southlands Duke Of Valadezsons x Southlands Super Girl Of Valadezsons
Two Cross Ayn Rand  
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Two Cross Valli Of Titus
Two Cross Gunner  
Two Cross Gunner
Ch Kaba's Kosmic Arachnophobia x Two Cross Ayn Rand
Ch Kaba's Kosmic Arachnophobia x Two Cross Ayn Rand
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston   
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch Valiant Monarch Madison En Vogue
Primo Bulldogs Ay Que "bella"  
Primo Bulldogs Ay Que "bella"
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston x Lilly Of The Valley Get Rid Of Pam - Gina
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston x Lilly Of The Valley Get Rid Of Pam - Gina
Primo Bulldogs Hattori - Hanzo  
Primo Bulldogs Hattori - Hanzo
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston x Jacibs N Primo Misdemeanor - Missy
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston x Jacibs N Primo Misdemeanor - Missy
Primo Bulldogs Jesse Quick "flash"  
Primo Bulldogs Jesse Quick "flash"
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston x Lilly Of The Valley Get Rid Of Pam - Gina
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston x Lilly Of The Valley Get Rid Of Pam - Gina
Primo Bulldogs Louise  
Primo Bulldogs Louise
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston x Bel & Rebel Primo Yvonne La Matrone
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston x Bel & Rebel Primo Yvonne La Matrone
Primo Bulldogs Running From Crazy "margot" Hemingway  
Primo Bulldogs Running From Crazy "margot" Hemingway
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston x Lilly Of The Valley Get Rid Of Pam - Gina
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston x Lilly Of The Valley Get Rid Of Pam - Gina
Primo Bulldogs Stella  
Primo Bulldogs Stella
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston x Primo Bulldogs Matante Rita
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston x Primo Bulldogs Matante Rita
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston x Timtam
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston x Timtam
Wrinkles & Drool Primo - Boo  
Wrinkles & Drool Primo - Boo
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston x unknown
Ch Valiant Primo Phantom Of The Opera - Gaston x desconocida
Vigilante " We Are Venom "  
Vigilante " We Are Venom "
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch Vigilante Captain Marvel
Vigilante Ultimate Spider-man  
Vigilante Ultimate Spider-man
Ch, GCh K's Note-a-bul Cisco Kid x Ch Vigilante Captain Marvel