Blenheims Majorette Of Major

Reverse pedigree generated by

Fils et filles Petits fils et petites filles
Blenheims Majorette Of Major  
Jaylous Major Major x Ch Blenheims Lady Of Marlboro
Blenheims Ginger Ale  
Jaylous Major Agent x Blenheims Majorette Of Major
Blenheims Gran Majorette  
Ch Jaylous Rubinstein x Blenheims Ginger Ale
Ch Jaylous Rubinstein x Blenheims Ginger Ale
Ch Majorbulls Elton   
Ch Jaylous Rubinstein x Blenheims Ginger Ale
Ch Jaylous Rubinstein x Blenheims Ginger Ale
Majorbulls Essence Of Jaylou  
Ch Jaylous Rubinstein x Blenheims Ginger Ale
Ch Jaylous Rubinstein x Blenheims Ginger Ale
Majorbulls Major Exacta  
Ch Jaylous Storming Normie x Blenheims Ginger Ale
Ch Jaylous Storming Normie x Blenheims Ginger Ale