Amburgey Sally Goodin

Reverse pedigree generated by

Fils et filles Petits fils et petites filles
Amburgey Sally Goodin  
Lord Oliver Of Parkway x Amburgey Du-car Cindy
Firm's Tootie Roll  
Amburgey Dakata x Amburgey Sally Goodin
Firm's Honeysuckle Rose  
Firm's Storm Cloud x Firm's Tootie Roll
Firm's Storm Cloud x Firm's Tootie Roll
Leuger's Lucky Jubilee  
Rich Lucky Tiger x Firm's Tootie Roll
Rich Lucky Tiger x Firm's Tootie Roll
Shack-n-lo Fortune S Promise  
Shack-n-lo Fortune S Promise
Rich Lucky Tiger x Firm's Tootie Roll
Rich Lucky Tiger x Firm's Tootie Roll
Tootwallas Tugs the Heart  
Firm's Storm Cloud x Firm's Tootie Roll
Firm's Storm Cloud x Firm's Tootie Roll