Am CH Rebel Rowzer

Reverse pedigree generated by

Fils et filles Petits fils et petites filles
Am CH Rebel Rowzer   
Am CH Dennis The Menace Ii x Flaming Mamie
Am CH Alken Duncan Rowser   
Am CH Alken Duncan Rowser
Am CH Rebel Rowzer x Nobb Hillīs Potlatch Lil
Am CH Duncanīs Eleanor Of Aquataine   
Am CH Alken Duncan Rowser x Molly U
Am CH Alken Duncan Rowser x Molly U
McCreerys Tam O'Shay  
Am CH Alken Duncan Rowser x Lady Bird Tate
Am CH Alken Duncan Rowser x Lady Bird Tate
Amhist Abigail Adams  
Am CH Rebel Rowzer x Nobb Hillīs Potlatch Lil
Ch Amhist Nathan Hale   
Ch Amhist Nathan Hale
Nobb Hillīs Honest Abe x Amhist Abigail Adams
Nobb Hillīs Honest Abe x Amhist Abigail Adams
Ch Frijole   
Am CH Rebel Rowzer x Timbel Heidi
Am CH Nobb Hillīs De Chantal   
Am CH Rebel Rowzer x Nobb Hillīs Potlatch Lil
Nobb Hillīs Hobbinoll  
Strutz S Lotta Crusher x Am CH Nobb Hillīs De Chantal
Strutz S Lotta Crusher x Am CH Nobb Hillīs De Chantal
Nobb Hill's Crusherīs Duchess  
Strutz S Lotta Crusher x Am CH Nobb Hillīs De Chantal
Strutz S Lotta Crusher x Am CH Nobb Hillīs De Chantal
Am CH Rowzerīs Choice   
Am CH Rebel Rowzer x Ko-ko Fearnought Superb
Am CH Hydeīs MacDuffendorf   
Am CH Rowzerīs Choice x Alken Bonnie Mabel
Am CH Rowzerīs Choice x Alken Bonnie Mabel