Fils et filles | Petits fils et petites filles | |
Prospects Pride Qualco Achievement x Rosswick Shaiba |
Castizo Hamish Eng CH Castizo Drummond x Prospects Pride |
Ch Amanda Castizo Hamish x Bullocks Binnie Castizo Hamish x Bullocks Binnie |
Bullway Sam's Son Castizo Hamish x Bullway Princess Castizo Hamish x Bullway Princess |
Castizo Transcap Scania Castizo Hamish x Osyth Big Lass Castizo Hamish x Osyth Big Lass |
Sydlaine Sadie Castizo Hamish x Sydlaine Estelle Castizo Hamish x Sydlaine Estelle |
Mdlle Diestal Of White Cloud Eng Ch Manderfield Mastermind x Prospects Pride |
Sydlaine Estelle Threethorne Archie Of The Regions x Mdlle Diestal Of White Cloud Threethorne Archie Of The Regions x Mdlle Diestal Of White Cloud |
Millie Manders Eng Ch Manderfield Mastermind x Prospects Pride |
Anglice Alicia of Byquy Threethorne Archie Of The Regions x Millie Manders Threethorne Archie Of The Regions x Millie Manders |
Anglice Alison Threethorne Archie Of The Regions x Millie Manders Threethorne Archie Of The Regions x Millie Manders |
Anglice Deanna Red Victor x Millie Manders Red Victor x Millie Manders |
Threethorne Honey Flake Threethorne Archie Of The Regions x Prospects Pride |
Bowcrest Georgina Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough x Threethorne Honey Flake Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough x Threethorne Honey Flake |
Wumberlog Tretun Tittle Tattle Eng Ch Manderfield Mastermind x Prospects Pride |
Wumberlog Honey Bundle Clearbrook Gold Reward x Wumberlog Tretun Tittle Tattle Clearbrook Gold Reward x Wumberlog Tretun Tittle Tattle |