
Pedigree inverso generato da

Figli Nipoti
Jellicoe Son x Leister Kashy
Chumleigh Clansman  
Chumleigh x Lady Chumleigh
Chumleigh Girl  
Chumleigh x Lady Chumleigh
Chumleigh Terry  
Chumleigh Bellringer x Chumleigh Girl
Chumleigh Bellringer x Chumleigh Girl
Free Lance Of Chumleigh  
Chumleigh x Lady Chumleigh
Glory Of Chumleigh  
Chumleigh x Lady Chumleigh
Lady Biddy Of Chumleigh  
Chumleigh x Lady Chumleigh
Marquis Of Chumleigh  
Chumleigh x Chumleigh Queen
Moss Stone Bonnie  
Chumleigh x Moss Stone Ruby
Buster Bags  
Gasbag (uk-can) x Moss Stone Bonnie
Gasbag (uk-can) x Moss Stone Bonnie
Moss Stone Buddy Bags  
Gasbag (uk-can) x Moss Stone Bonnie
Gasbag (uk-can) x Moss Stone Bonnie
Moss Stone White Orry  
Highfield White Orry (uk-can) x Moss Stone Bonnie
Highfield White Orry (uk-can) x Moss Stone Bonnie
Moss Stone Brownie  
Chumleigh x Moss Stone Ruby
Viscount Chumleigh  
Chumleigh x Chumleigh Queen