Leodride Ace

Pedigree inverso generato da bulldogpedigree.com

Figli Nipoti
Leodride Ace  
Leodride Admiral x Woolgreens Topsy Turvy
Aldebaran Melody of Byewaters  
Leodride Ace x Aldebaran Spotlight
Antigone of Byewaters  
Ch Shinfield Barnaby x Aldebaran Melody Of Byewaters
Ch Shinfield Barnaby x Aldebaran Melody Of Byewaters
Bachaus of Byewaters  
Bachaus of Byewaters
Eng CH Outdoors Boozer x Aldebaran Melody Of Byewaters
Eng CH Outdoors Boozer x Aldebaran Melody Of Byewaters
Merrie Down Louise  
Eng. Ch Outdoors Kippand x Aldebaran Melody Of Byewaters
Eng. Ch Outdoors Kippand x Aldebaran Melody Of Byewaters
Merry Down Louise  
Eng. Ch Outdoors Kippand x Aldebaran Melody Of Byewaters
Eng. Ch Outdoors Kippand x Aldebaran Melody Of Byewaters
Aldebavan The Count  
Leodride Ace x Aldebaran Spotlight
Captain Courageous of Renshi  
Aldebavan The Count x Minotaur Fortune Teller
Aldebavan The Count x Minotaur Fortune Teller
Dendre Mermaid of Renshi  
Aldebavan The Count x Minotaur Fortune Teller
Aldebavan The Count x Minotaur Fortune Teller
Renshi Denmore Mermaid  
Aldebavan The Count x Minotaur Fortune Teller
Aldebavan The Count x Minotaur Fortune Teller
Benny Suemad  
Leodride Ace x Leodride Bella Beauty
Buston Armstrong  
Leodride Ace x Buston Bows
Buston Babur  
Leodride Ace x Buston Bows
Buston White Boy  
Tredgold Gaius Caligula x Buston Babur
Tredgold Gaius Caligula x Buston Babur
Deuces Wild  
Leodride Ace x Beauty Of Wells
Englemere Miss Muffet  
Leodride Ace x Stanvale Pandetta
Englemere Fashion Plate  
Ch Shinfield Barnaby x Englemere Miss Muffet
Ch Shinfield Barnaby x Englemere Miss Muffet
Hawkshope Lucky Charm  
Leodride Ace x Ch Lucky Cinderella
Ameslyne Hawkshope Golden Charm  
Georgian Jonīs Goldie x Hawkshope Lucky Charm
Georgian Jonīs Goldie x Hawkshope Lucky Charm
Hawkshope Laura  
Stalwart Commodore x Hawkshope Lucky Charm
Stalwart Commodore x Hawkshope Lucky Charm
Hawkshope Wendy  
Stalwart Commodore x Hawkshope Lucky Charm
Stalwart Commodore x Hawkshope Lucky Charm
Hawkshope Prunella  
Leodride Ace x Ch Lucky Cinderella
Hawkshope Harriet  
Georgian Jonīs Goldie x Hawkshope Prunella
Georgian Jonīs Goldie x Hawkshope Prunella
Hawkshope Henrietta  
Hawkshope Henrietta
Georgian Jonīs Goldie x Hawkshope Prunella
Georgian Jonīs Goldie x Hawkshope Prunella
Juli of Suttonwood  
Leodride Ace x Jane Of Suttonwood
Eastergirl of Suttonwood  
Ch Hefty Tristram Of Evanstan x Juli Of Suttonwood
Ch Hefty Tristram Of Evanstan x Juli Of Suttonwood
Knutsford Gem  
Leodride Ace x Chuteforest Bonnie Girl
Leodride Golden Gleam  
Fairtrough Detford Nelsonīs Delight x Knutsford Gem
Fairtrough Detford Nelsonīs Delight x Knutsford Gem
Leodride Benita  
Leodride Ace x Leodride Bella Beauty
Ch Baytor Bosun   
Ch Baytor Bosun
Tredgold Gaius Caligula x Leodride Benita
Tredgold Gaius Caligula x Leodride Benita
Leodride Pippa  
Tredgold Gaius Caligula x Leodride Benita
Tredgold Gaius Caligula x Leodride Benita
Ch Leodride Poppet   
Leodride Ace x Leodride Bella Beauty
Little Rhino of Eliber  
Leodride Ace x Mandy Princess
Little Hippo of Eliber  
Maythorpe Mariner x Little Rhino Of Eliber
Maythorpe Mariner x Little Rhino Of Eliber
Little Rino of Ellber  
Leodride Ace x Mandy Princess
Maythorpe Ceres  
Leodride Ace x Ashtonville Nice Girl
Maythorpe Mariner  
Maythorpe Mariner
Leodride Ace x Leodride Bella Beauty
Cliftonview Contender  
Maythorpe Mariner x Trinagor Cassandra
Maythorpe Mariner x Trinagor Cassandra
Little Hippo of Eliber  
Maythorpe Mariner x Little Rhino Of Eliber
Maythorpe Mariner x Little Rhino Of Eliber
Maythorpe Marcasite  
Maythorpe Mariner x Bagborough Golden Diane
Maythorpe Mariner x Bagborough Golden Diane
Maythorpe Meadowsweet  
Maythorpe Mariner x Bagborough Golden Diane
Maythorpe Mariner x Bagborough Golden Diane
Maythorpe Ship Mate  
Maythorpe Mariner x Rucklewood Fawn Lady
Maythorpe Mariner x Rucklewood Fawn Lady
Maythorpe Ships Belle  
Maythorpe Mariner x Fawn Lady (uk)
Maythorpe Mariner x Fawn Lady (uk)
Sailors Boy's Beauty  
Maythorpe Mariner x Dorroys Revelation
Maythorpe Mariner x Dorroys Revelation
Eng. Ch Sailors Choice   
Eng. Ch Sailors Choice
Maythorpe Mariner x Dorroys Revelation
Maythorpe Mariner x Dorroys Revelation
Vanessa Princess of Eliber  
Maythorpe Mariner x Mandy Princess
Maythorpe Mariner x Mandy Princess
Wallis Prince of Eliber  
Maythorpe Mariner x Mandy Princess
Maythorpe Mariner x Mandy Princess
Overfen Buston Gladness  
Leodride Ace x Buston Bows
Ameslyne Overfen Horace  
Ch Cannertons Rougie x Overfen Buston Gladness
Ch Cannertons Rougie x Overfen Buston Gladness
Amesyne Overfen Horace  
Ch Cannertons Rougie x Overfen Buston Gladness
Ch Cannertons Rougie x Overfen Buston Gladness
Outdoors Overfen Caroline  
Ketnor Outdoors Candy x Overfen Buston Gladness
Ketnor Outdoors Candy x Overfen Buston Gladness
Overfen Clara  
Ketnor Outdoors Candy x Overfen Buston Gladness
Ketnor Outdoors Candy x Overfen Buston Gladness
Ch Overfen Helen   
Ch Overfen Helen
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Buston Gladness
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Buston Gladness
Overfen Hilda  
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Buston Gladness
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Buston Gladness
Overfen Laura  
Ch Cannertons Rougie x Overfen Buston Gladness
Ch Cannertons Rougie x Overfen Buston Gladness
Overfen Shamus  
Leodride Ace x Westwood Victoria
Overfen Diana  
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Agnes
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Agnes
Ch Overfen Faith   
Ch Overfen Faith
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Laura
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Laura
Overfen Fergus  
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Laura
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Laura
Overfen Fiona  
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Laura
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Laura
Overfen Flora  
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Laura
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Laura
SuCH Overfen Frederick   
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Laura
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Laura
Ch Overfen Helen   
Ch Overfen Helen
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Buston Gladness
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Buston Gladness
Overfen Hilda  
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Buston Gladness
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Buston Gladness
Overfen Marcus  
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Clara
Overfen Shamus x Overfen Clara
Rucklewood Lady Caroline  
Leodride Ace x Rucklewood Lady Martha
Shinfield Penelope Ann  
Leodride Ace x Shinfield Pokerface
Ch Shinfield Barnaby   
Ch Shinfield Barnaby
Leodride Golden Gleam x Shinfield Penelope Ann
Leodride Golden Gleam x Shinfield Penelope Ann
Tredgold Rosebud  
Leodride Ace x Judys Susan
Tredgold Crusader  
Broadford Jake The Rake x Tredgold Rosebud
Broadford Jake The Rake x Tredgold Rosebud
Tredgold Gaius Caligula  
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Broadford Happy Wanderer x Tredgold Rosebud
Broadford Happy Wanderer x Tredgold Rosebud
Walvra Happy Fella  
Leodride Ace x Blockbuster Fanan
Kavimic Red Ruth  
Walvra Happy Fella x Walvra Flagstone Minkie
Walvra Happy Fella x Walvra Flagstone Minkie
Legorsewheal Lady Gertrude  
Walvra Happy Fella x Queen Of Franroseline
Walvra Happy Fella x Queen Of Franroseline
Eng CH Walvra Sans Souci   
Eng CH Walvra Sans Souci
Leodride Ace x Blockbuster Fanan