Ch. Sotakal Alexandros

Pedigree inverso generato da

Figli Nipoti
Ch. Sotakal Alexandros   
Ch. Sotakal Alexandros
Ch Sotakal Kimi x HCH. Sotakal Renne
Black-Braum Bor Chanel  
Black-Braum Bor Chanel
Ch. Sotakal Alexandros x Platinum-bull Gida Evelin
Lion Bulldog Deployed To Be The Best  
Lion Bulldog Deployed To Be The Best
Ch. Sotakal Alexandros x Sotakal Faith
Chayhuac Lion Junior  
Lion Bulldog Deployed To Be The Best x Bubulls Sunshine
Lion Bulldog Deployed To Be The Best x Bubulls Sunshine
Chayhuac Sandy  
Lion Bulldog Deployed To Be The Best x Bubulls Sunshine
Lion Bulldog Deployed To Be The Best x Bubulls Sunshine
Lion Bulldogs Deployed To Be The Best  
Lion Bulldogs Deployed To Be The Best
Ch. Sotakal Alexandros x Sotakal Faith
Lion Bulldogs Destroyer  
Ch. Sotakal Alexandros x Sotakal Faith
Il Castello My Pride  
Il Castello My Pride
Lion Bulldogs Destroyer x Golden Star Bull Zulejka
Lion Bulldogs Destroyer x Golden Star Bull Zulejka
Lion Bulldogs Diamond Of The Ring  
Lion Bulldogs Diamond Of The Ring
Ch. Sotakal Alexandros x Sotakal Faith
Jr Ch Lion Bulldogs Dynamo   
Jr Ch Lion Bulldogs Dynamo
Ch. Sotakal Alexandros x Sotakal Faith
Lion Bulldogs xxx  
Jr Ch Lion Bulldogs Dynamo x Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Felisa
Jr Ch Lion Bulldogs Dynamo x Ch, Jr Ch Sotakal Felisa
Jr Ch Persey Bulldog Von Rauscher   
Jr Ch Persey Bulldog Von Rauscher
Jr Ch Lion Bulldogs Dynamo x Rembombory Copita
Jr Ch Lion Bulldogs Dynamo x Rembombory Copita
Yannick Red Shaxaree  
Yannick Red Shaxaree
Jr Ch Lion Bulldogs Dynamo x Chloe Bulldog Von Rauscher
Jr Ch Lion Bulldogs Dynamo x Chloe Bulldog Von Rauscher