UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa

Pedigree inverso generato da

Figli Nipoti
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa   
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa
Bildaw Leon Meljane Mystyle x Ch Mystyle Eye Candy Ocobo
Ch Angelical Glamour Taslicali   
Ch Angelical Glamour Taslicali
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Ch. Angelical Glamour Grace
Ch Angelical Glamour Extravagance   
Ch Angelical Glamour Extravagance
Ch Angelical Glamour Taslicali x Multum´s Valentine Surpise
Ch Angelical Glamour Taslicali x Multum´s Valentine Surpise
Angelical Glamour Florissita  
Angelical Glamour Florissita
Ch Angelical Glamour Taslicali x Ch, Jr Ch Angelical Glamour Fragola
Ch Angelical Glamour Taslicali x Ch, Jr Ch Angelical Glamour Fragola
Angelical Glamour Hortenzia  
Angelical Glamour Hortenzia
Ch Angelical Glamour Taslicali x Jr Ch Angelical Glamour Nefertitti
Ch Angelical Glamour Taslicali x Jr Ch Angelical Glamour Nefertitti
Ch Angelical Glamour Sputnik   
Ch Angelical Glamour Sputnik
Ch Angelical Glamour Taslicali x Angelical Glamour Lady Babybell
Ch Angelical Glamour Taslicali x Angelical Glamour Lady Babybell
Angelical glamour Ticiana  
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Ch. Angelical Glamour Grace
Ch Britanic Missbehavin Mystyle   
Ch Britanic Missbehavin Mystyle
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Mystyle Spice Girl Ocobo
Once in a Blue Moon Exclusive Bull  
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicion Ocobo x Ch Britanic Missbehavin Mystyle
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicion Ocobo x Ch Britanic Missbehavin Mystyle
One in a Billion exclusive bull  
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicion Ocobo x Ch Britanic Missbehavin Mystyle
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicion Ocobo x Ch Britanic Missbehavin Mystyle
One in a Million Exclusive Bulls  
One in a Million Exclusive Bulls
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicion Ocobo x Ch Britanic Missbehavin Mystyle
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicion Ocobo x Ch Britanic Missbehavin Mystyle
Britanic Touch Of Gold  
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Mystyle Spice Girl Ocobo
Mystyle So Scumptious  
Ch Pheorm No Surrender x Britanic Touch Of Gold
Ch Pheorm No Surrender x Britanic Touch Of Gold
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon   
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Ch, Int Ch Bulldog Feeling Grizzly Bear
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon At Lucky Lukee's   
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon At Lucky Lukee's
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Ch, Int Ch Bulldog Feeling Grizzly Bear
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon At Lucky Lukee's x Takayoshi Esdeka
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon At Lucky Lukee's x Takayoshi Esdeka
Lucky Lukee Jack&jim's Jackie Kennedy  
Lucky Lukee Jack&jim's Jackie Kennedy
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon At Lucky Lukee's x Jr Ch Minnie Maza At Lucky Lukee's
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon At Lucky Lukee's x Jr Ch Minnie Maza At Lucky Lukee's
Lucky Lukee's Jennifer B  
Lucky Lukee's Jennifer B
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon At Lucky Lukee's x Jr Ch Minnie Maza At Lucky Lukee's
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon At Lucky Lukee's x Jr Ch Minnie Maza At Lucky Lukee's
Lucky Lukee's White Boy Bomber  
Lucky Lukee's White Boy Bomber
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon At Lucky Lukee's x Ch, Jr Ch Rita Hejvort At Voycons Bulldogs
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon At Lucky Lukee's x Ch, Jr Ch Rita Hejvort At Voycons Bulldogs
Lucky Lukee's White Grizlly Bear  
Lucky Lukee's White Grizlly Bear
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon At Lucky Lukee's x Ch, Jr Ch Rita Hejvort At Voycons Bulldogs
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon At Lucky Lukee's x Ch, Jr Ch Rita Hejvort At Voycons Bulldogs
Mia Fidefortis Bulldog  
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon At Lucky Lukee's x Monna
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon At Lucky Lukee's x Monna
Starry Night Fantasy Aikaterine Fiana  
Starry Night Fantasy Aikaterine Fiana
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon At Lucky Lukee's x Jr Ch Lucky Lukee's Canon Starry Night
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Bulldog Feeling Aragon At Lucky Lukee's x Jr Ch Lucky Lukee's Canon Starry Night
Ch Bulldog Feeling Bring-out-the-beast   
Ch Bulldog Feeling Bring-out-the-beast
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Ch Bulldog Feeling Halle Berry
Origin Squad Reese´s Peanut Butter Cup  
Origin Squad Reese´s Peanut Butter Cup
French Dog Art Du Clos Stefanel x Ch Bulldog Feeling Bring-out-the-beast
French Dog Art Du Clos Stefanel x Ch Bulldog Feeling Bring-out-the-beast
Origin Squad Sharuk Jodra  
Origin Squad Sharuk Jodra
Ch, Int Ch Knucklehead x Ch Bulldog Feeling Bring-out-the-beast
Ch, Int Ch Knucklehead x Ch Bulldog Feeling Bring-out-the-beast
Origin Squad Unleash The Beast  
Origin Squad Unleash The Beast
Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Fat Puppy's Regal x Ch Bulldog Feeling Bring-out-the-beast
Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Fat Puppy's Regal x Ch Bulldog Feeling Bring-out-the-beast
Origin Squad Us Million Dollar Baby  
Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Fat Puppy's Regal x Ch Bulldog Feeling Bring-out-the-beast
Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Fat Puppy's Regal x Ch Bulldog Feeling Bring-out-the-beast
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Bulldog Feeling Thor   
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Bulldog Feeling Thor
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Ch Bulldog Feeling Halle Berry
Lely Murman Gold Iz Ligi Chempionov  
Lely Murman Gold Iz Ligi Chempionov
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Bulldog Feeling Thor x Ch, Jr Ch Brilliantovaya Moya Iz Ligi Chempionov
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Bulldog Feeling Thor x Ch, Jr Ch Brilliantovaya Moya Iz Ligi Chempionov
Ch, Jr Ch Murman Gold Jasmin Noir   
Ch, Jr Ch Murman Gold Jasmin Noir
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Bulldog Feeling Thor x Murman Gold Carskaya Doch
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Bulldog Feeling Thor x Murman Gold Carskaya Doch
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Murman Gold Katrin   
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Murman Gold Katrin
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Bulldog Feeling Thor x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Mavlas Mar'ss Roskoshnaya Varvara
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Bulldog Feeling Thor x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Mavlas Mar'ss Roskoshnaya Varvara
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Murman Gold Rodislav   
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Murman Gold Rodislav
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Bulldog Feeling Thor x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Mavlas Mar'ss Roskoshnaya Varvara
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Bulldog Feeling Thor x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Mavlas Mar'ss Roskoshnaya Varvara
Murman Gold Zhemchuzhina  
Murman Gold Zhemchuzhina
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Bulldog Feeling Thor x Murman Gold Carskaya Doch
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Bulldog Feeling Thor x Murman Gold Carskaya Doch
Murman Gold Zhetem  
Murman Gold Zhetem
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Bulldog Feeling Thor x Murman Gold Carskaya Doch
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Bulldog Feeling Thor x Murman Gold Carskaya Doch
Bulldog Feeling Volvo  
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Ch Bulldog Feeling Hayley
Black-treasure Dogs Raisa  
Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Black-treasure Dogs Uma
Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Black-treasure Dogs Uma
Black-treasure Raisa  
Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Black-treasure Dogs Uma
Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Black-treasure Dogs Uma
Pandora At Crystal Face  
Pandora At Crystal Face
Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Ch Jch Crystal Face Love Chocollino
Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Ch Jch Crystal Face Love Chocollino
Renee Black-treasure Dogs  
Renee Black-treasure Dogs
Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Black-treasure Dogs Uma
Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Black-treasure Dogs Uma
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo   
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Ch Bulldog Feeling Hayley
Ebri Bulldog Nostro Mundo  
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Jamaica Sherlokck Bulldog Knight
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Jamaica Sherlokck Bulldog Knight
Erin Rose Bulldog Nostro Mundo  
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Jamaica Sherlokck Bulldog Knight
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Jamaica Sherlokck Bulldog Knight
Jack&jim Fanny  
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Jr Ch Jack&jim Little Heroine
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Jr Ch Jack&jim Little Heroine
Jack&jim Fiona  
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Jr Ch Jack&jim Little Heroine
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Jr Ch Jack&jim Little Heroine
Jack&jim Frida  
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Jr Ch Jack&jim Little Heroine
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Jr Ch Jack&jim Little Heroine
Jack&jim's Miss Bella  
Jack&jim's Miss Bella
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Ch, Jr Ch Angelina Daisy Kvitko Z Certova
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Ch, Jr Ch Angelina Daisy Kvitko Z Certova
Jack&jim's Mr. Bentley  
Jack&jim's Mr. Bentley
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Ch, Jr Ch Angelina Daisy Kvitko Z Certova
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Ch, Jr Ch Angelina Daisy Kvitko Z Certova
Jack&jim's Mr. Bond  
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Ch, Jr Ch Angelina Daisy Kvitko Z Certova
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Ch, Jr Ch Angelina Daisy Kvitko Z Certova
Jr Ch Lauko Bulls Debbie   
Jr Ch Lauko Bulls Debbie
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Golden Bull Unique
Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Volvo x Golden Bull Unique
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous   
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Ch Bulldog Feeling Hayley
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Jack & Jim Prince Watson   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Jack & Jim Prince Watson
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Dayka
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Dayka
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Jack&jim Miss Rosie   
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Jack&jim Miss Rosie
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Lucky Lukee's Molly
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Lucky Lukee's Molly
Jack&jim's Abba  
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim's Miss Jenny
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim's Miss Jenny
Jack&jim's Amor  
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim's Miss Jenny
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim's Miss Jenny
Jack&jim's Amy  
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim's Miss Jenny
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim's Miss Jenny
Jack&jim's Angie  
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim's Miss Jenny
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim's Miss Jenny
Jack&jim's Armagedon  
Jack&jim's Armagedon
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim's Miss Jenny
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim's Miss Jenny
Jack&jim's Lav  
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim Miss Holly Ruby
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim Miss Holly Ruby
Jack&jim's Max  
Jack&jim's Max
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim Miss Holly Ruby
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim Miss Holly Ruby
Jack&jim's Miss Heidi  
Jack&jim's Miss Heidi
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim Miss Holly Ruby
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim Miss Holly Ruby
Jack&jim's Miss Mary Poppins  
Jack&jim's Miss Mary Poppins
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Lucky Lukee's Molly
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Lucky Lukee's Molly
Jack&jim's Miss Peggy Sue  
Jack&jim's Miss Peggy Sue
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Lucky Lukee's Molly
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Lucky Lukee's Molly
Jack&jim's Miss Wilma  
Jack&jim's Miss Wilma
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim Miss Holly Ruby
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim Miss Holly Ruby
Jack&jim's Mr. Charlie  
Jack&jim's Mr. Charlie
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim Miss Holly Ruby
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim Miss Holly Ruby
Jack&jim's Mr. Hulk  
Jack&jim's Mr. Hulk
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Lucky Lukee's Molly
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Lucky Lukee's Molly
Jack&jim's Mr. Jim  
Jack&jim's Mr. Jim
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Lucky Lukee's Molly
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Lucky Lukee's Molly
Jack&jim's Mr. Pablo  
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim Miss Holly Ruby
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim Miss Holly Ruby
Jack&jim's Princ Watson  
Jack&jim's Princ Watson
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Dayka
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Dayka
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Jack&jim's Princ William   
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Jack&jim's Princ William
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Dayka
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Dayka
Jack&jim's Princess Wilma  
Jack&jim's Princess Wilma
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Dayka
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Dayka
Jack&jim's Willma  
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim Miss Holly Ruby
Ch, Jr Ch Bulldog Feeling Zoulous x Jack&jim Miss Holly Ruby
Does The Trick Of Dream Never Ends  
Does The Trick Of Dream Never Ends
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Ch Approved By Rainbow Of Dream Never Ends
Fat Puppy's Mr Gatsby Angelbulls  
Fat Puppy's Mr Gatsby Angelbulls
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Best Bulldogirona Grease At Fat Puppys
Fat Puppy's Sunshine  
Fat Puppy's Sunshine
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Best Bulldogirona Grease At Fat Puppys
Fat Puppy's Pekin  
Fat Puppy's Pekin
Sotakal Virgil x Fat Puppy's Sunshine
Sotakal Virgil x Fat Puppy's Sunshine
Fat Puppy's Saiko  
Fat Puppy's Saiko
Iceglint I´m Ivan x Fat Puppy's Sunshine
Iceglint I´m Ivan x Fat Puppy's Sunshine
Fat Puppy's Starbucks  
Fat Puppy's Starbucks
Iceglint I´m Ivan x Fat Puppy's Sunshine
Iceglint I´m Ivan x Fat Puppy's Sunshine
Fat Puppys Flashback  
Fat Puppys Flashback
Fat Puppy's Zac x Fat Puppy's Sunshine
Fat Puppy's Zac x Fat Puppy's Sunshine
Fat Puppys Poker  
Fat Puppys Poker
Sotakal Virgil x Fat Puppy's Sunshine
Sotakal Virgil x Fat Puppy's Sunshine
Fat Puppys Show Must Go On  
Fat Puppys Show Must Go On
Iceglint I´m Ivan x Fat Puppy's Sunshine
Iceglint I´m Ivan x Fat Puppy's Sunshine
Fat Puppys Sidra  
Iceglint I´m Ivan x Fat Puppy's Sunshine
Iceglint I´m Ivan x Fat Puppy's Sunshine
Golden Star Bull Rafaello  
Golden Star Bull Rafaello
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Golden Star Bull Kelly
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Domain Queen Gellia   
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Domain Queen Gellia
Golden Star Bull Rafaello x Uiling Protekt Of Houm Aleksa
Golden Star Bull Rafaello x Uiling Protekt Of Houm Aleksa
Domain Queen German  
Domain Queen German
Golden Star Bull Rafaello x Uiling Protekt Of Houm Aleksa
Golden Star Bull Rafaello x Uiling Protekt Of Houm Aleksa
Domain Queen Gretta  
Domain Queen Gretta
Golden Star Bull Rafaello x Uiling Protekt Of Houm Aleksa
Golden Star Bull Rafaello x Uiling Protekt Of Houm Aleksa
Ginger Power Pako Rabane  
Ginger Power Pako Rabane
Golden Star Bull Rafaello x Ch, Jr Ch Javanaise Tan'rei Bulls
Golden Star Bull Rafaello x Ch, Jr Ch Javanaise Tan'rei Bulls
Impressive Bull Lillian  
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Impressive Bull Itsamy
Mystyle Duffy  
Ras El Belat Karmelo x Impressive Bull Lillian
Ras El Belat Karmelo x Impressive Bull Lillian
Mystyle Rhianna  
Ras El Belat Karmelo x Impressive Bull Lillian
Ras El Belat Karmelo x Impressive Bull Lillian
Kaire Giorgia at Urbani Bulldog  
Kaire Giorgia at Urbani Bulldog
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Cassandra
Ch Laurencia Von Csuf- Marky Of Fastlane Bulldogs   
Ch Laurencia Von Csuf- Marky Of Fastlane Bulldogs
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Mystic Bull Ice Cristals
Fastlane Bulldogs Daisy  
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Lead The Way Tresor Aka "diego" Of Fastlane Bulldogs Kennels x Ch Laurencia Von Csuf- Marky Of Fastlane Bulldogs
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Lead The Way Tresor Aka "diego" Of Fastlane Bulldogs Kennels x Ch Laurencia Von Csuf- Marky Of Fastlane Bulldogs
Fastlane Bulldogs Daisy  
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Lead The Way Tresor Aka "diego" Of Fastlane Bulldogs Kennels x Ch Laurencia Von Csuf- Marky Of Fastlane Bulldogs
Ch, Jr Ch, GCh Lead The Way Tresor Aka "diego" Of Fastlane Bulldogs Kennels x Ch Laurencia Von Csuf- Marky Of Fastlane Bulldogs
Leopold Von Csuf Marky  
Leopold Von Csuf Marky
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Mystic Bull Ice Cristals
Ch, Jr Ch Lilyanna Von Csuf- Marky Of Fastlane Bulldogs   
Ch, Jr Ch Lilyanna Von Csuf- Marky Of Fastlane Bulldogs
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Mystic Bull Ice Cristals
Ch Fastlane Bulldogs Empress   
Ch Fastlane Bulldogs Empress
Ch Lion's Heart Bulldog Royal Mojito Aka "major" Of Fastlane Bulldogs Kennels x Ch, Jr Ch Lilyanna Von Csuf- Marky Of Fastlane Bulldogs
Ch Lion's Heart Bulldog Royal Mojito Aka "major" Of Fastlane Bulldogs Kennels x Ch, Jr Ch Lilyanna Von Csuf- Marky Of Fastlane Bulldogs
Fastlane Bulldogs Ethan  
Ch Lion's Heart Bulldog Royal Mojito Aka "major" Of Fastlane Bulldogs Kennels x Ch, Jr Ch Lilyanna Von Csuf- Marky Of Fastlane Bulldogs
Ch Lion's Heart Bulldog Royal Mojito Aka "major" Of Fastlane Bulldogs Kennels x Ch, Jr Ch Lilyanna Von Csuf- Marky Of Fastlane Bulldogs
Lisandro Von Csuf Marky  
Lisandro Von Csuf Marky
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Mystic Bull Ice Cristals
Ch, Jr Ch Deedee Von Csúf-márky   
Ch, Jr Ch Deedee Von Csúf-márky
Ilerda Bulls Ztar John Snow x Lisandro Von Csuf Marky
Ilerda Bulls Ztar John Snow x Lisandro Von Csuf Marky
Immanuelbull Vesta  
Immanuelbull Vesta
Reserva Do Rei Dirty Harry x Lisandro Von Csuf Marky
Reserva Do Rei Dirty Harry x Lisandro Von Csuf Marky
Maumi Maserati Birdcage  
Maumi Maserati Birdcage
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Jr Ch Maumi Hope
Ch Mirage Von Teufelhohle   
Ch Mirage Von Teufelhohle
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Sealaville Shes Pepsi
Calvin Von Teufelhohle  
Calvin Von Teufelhohle
Ch Tmar's Golden Tubs x Ch Mirage Von Teufelhohle
Ch Tmar's Golden Tubs x Ch Mirage Von Teufelhohle
Int Ch, Multi Ch Multum's Glory Days   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Multum's Glory Days
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Ch Inspired Kiss For Mystyle
Multums Candy's Boy  
Multums Candy's Boy
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Ch Inspired Kiss For Mystyle
Mystyle Flaming Star  
Mystyle Flaming Star
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Impressive Bull Hello Kitty
Mystyle Flaming Star x Del Papiol Misstress Barbara
Mystyle Flaming Star x Del Papiol Misstress Barbara
Del Papiol Flaming Star Over Valby  
Del Papiol Flaming Star Over Valby
Mystyle Flaming Star x Meljane Bulldogs English Rose
Mystyle Flaming Star x Meljane Bulldogs English Rose
Del Papiol My Girl Lollipop  
Del Papiol My Girl Lollipop
Mystyle Flaming Star x Meljane Bulldogs English Rose
Mystyle Flaming Star x Meljane Bulldogs English Rose
Ch Del Papiol This Is Ska   
Ch Del Papiol This Is Ska
Mystyle Flaming Star x Meljane Bulldogs English Rose
Mystyle Flaming Star x Meljane Bulldogs English Rose
Del Papiol Walking in the sunshine at ilerda bulls Ztar  
Del Papiol Walking in the sunshine at ilerda bulls Ztar
Mystyle Flaming Star x Meljane Bulldogs English Rose
Mystyle Flaming Star x Meljane Bulldogs English Rose
Mystyle Queen Victoria  
Mystyle Queen Victoria
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x GB Ch. Hilbull Sheeza Sunbeam Mystyle
Mystyle Snow White  
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Impressive Bull Hello Kitty
MyStyle Teddy Boy  
MyStyle Teddy Boy
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Impressive Bull Hello Kitty
Arniespride boss a nova baby  
Mystyle Teddy Boy x Mystyle Spit It Out At Arniespride
Mystyle Teddy Boy x Mystyle Spit It Out At Arniespride
Arniespride ready teddy  
Mystyle Teddy Boy x Mystyle Spit It Out At Arniespride
Mystyle Teddy Boy x Mystyle Spit It Out At Arniespride
Arniespride rock a hula baby  
Mystyle Teddy Boy x Mystyle Spit It Out At Arniespride
Mystyle Teddy Boy x Mystyle Spit It Out At Arniespride
Arniespride teddy girl  
Mystyle Teddy Boy x Mystyle Spit It Out At Arniespride
Mystyle Teddy Boy x Mystyle Spit It Out At Arniespride
Jr Ch Mystyle Truely Scrumptious   
Jr Ch Mystyle Truely Scrumptious
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Impressive Bull Hello Kitty
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Mystyle Truly Scrumptious   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Mystyle Truly Scrumptious
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Impressive Bull Hello Kitty
Like A Boy Bulls Save The Queen  
Like A Boy Bulls Save The Queen
Ch Ocobo Candyman Can x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Mystyle Truly Scrumptious
Ch Ocobo Candyman Can x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Mystyle Truly Scrumptious
Like Boy Bulls Save The Queen  
Like Boy Bulls Save The Queen
Ch Ocobo Candyman Can x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Mystyle Truly Scrumptious
Ch Ocobo Candyman Can x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Mystyle Truly Scrumptious
Ocobo Gobsmacked of Arniespride  
Ocobo Gobsmacked of Arniespride
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Mystyle Alice In Wonderland Ocobo
Arniespride gobful of candy  
Ch Ocobo Candyman Can x Ocobo Gobsmacked Of Arniespride
Ch Ocobo Candyman Can x Ocobo Gobsmacked Of Arniespride
Ch Ocobo Heartbreaker at Shipshape   
Ch Ocobo Heartbreaker at Shipshape
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Mystyle Alice In Wonderland Ocobo
Ch Shipshape J Adore   
Ch Happy And Glorious Hennessy x Ch Ocobo Heartbreaker At Shipshape
Ch Happy And Glorious Hennessy x Ch Ocobo Heartbreaker At Shipshape
Shipshape Sent From Heaven  
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicion Ocobo x Ch Ocobo Heartbreaker At Shipshape
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicion Ocobo x Ch Ocobo Heartbreaker At Shipshape
Shipshape Shooting Star  
Shipshape Shooting Star
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicion Ocobo x Ch Ocobo Heartbreaker At Shipshape
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Shipshape Beyond Suspicion Ocobo x Ch Ocobo Heartbreaker At Shipshape
Ocobo Jaw Droppa of SarDav  
Ocobo Jaw Droppa of SarDav
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Mystyle Alice In Wonderland Ocobo
Baalzebul Kerry Gem  
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Baalzebul Theia The Titan
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Baalzebul Theia The Titan
Baalzebul Rawks  
Baalzebul Rawks
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Baalzebul Theia The Titan
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Baalzebul Theia The Titan
Bullimeepride Cersei  
Bullimeepride Cersei
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Irish Fire Rose
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Irish Fire Rose
Jr Ch Daenarys Nabreena At Starbornbullies   
Jr Ch Daenarys Nabreena At Starbornbullies
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Calessi Charm
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Calessi Charm
Excelabulls One Of A Kind  
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Infallibulls Red Ruby
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Infallibulls Red Ruby
Roulettebulls One Of A Kind  
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Infallibulls Red Ruby
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Infallibulls Red Ruby
SarDav Numero Uno  
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Cherishabull Touch Of Class
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Cherishabull Touch Of Class
Sardavbullies Start Of An Era  
Sardavbullies Start Of An Era
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Drumquhar Lady Gaga
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Drumquhar Lady Gaga
Testwood Trinity At Dempsey  
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Ch Kesupa Like A Lady At Testwood
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Ch Kesupa Like A Lady At Testwood
Vienna Waltz Honourabull  
Vienna Waltz Honourabull
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Little Red Rose At Honourabull
Ocobo Jaw Droppa Of Sardav x Little Red Rose At Honourabull
Ocobo Show Stoppa  
Ocobo Show Stoppa
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Mystyle Alice In Wonderland Ocobo
Vlm Gitana Utopia  
Vlm Gitana Utopia
Ocobo Show Stoppa x Vlm Ole Guapa
Ocobo Show Stoppa x Vlm Ole Guapa
Pancake Di Villa Eden  
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Mandorla Di Villa Eden
Pocahontas Esdeka  
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Chelsea Esdeka
Pokoyhof Esdeka  
Pokoyhof Esdeka
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Chelsea Esdeka
Punisher Esdeka  
Punisher Esdeka
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Chelsea Esdeka
Sambasador Hamdan  
Sambasador Hamdan
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Jr Ch Home Pilar Sambasadora Te Quiero Mucho
Sambasador Hamdann  
Sambasador Hamdann
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Jr Ch Home Pilar Sambasadora Te Quiero Mucho
Sambasador Maximus  
Sambasador Maximus
Sambasador Hamdann x Sambasador Thalia
Sambasador Hamdann x Sambasador Thalia
Sambasador Harmony  
Sambasador Harmony
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Jr Ch Home Pilar Sambasadora Te Quiero Mucho
Sambasador Honey  
Sambasador Honey
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Jr Ch Home Pilar Sambasadora Te Quiero Mucho
Soul Guardian Hot N' Nasty  
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Soul Guardian Crack The Sutter
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Ichor   
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Ichor
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Ch Soul Guardian Funky Perfect
Soul Guardian Eurimachos  
Soul Guardian Eurimachos
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Ichor x Soul Guardian Long Heels Red Bottoms
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Ichor x Soul Guardian Long Heels Red Bottoms
Soul Guardian Nectar  
Soul Guardian Nectar
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Ch Soul Guardian Funky Perfect
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire   
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Ch, Jr Ch, BOY, GCh Soul Guardian Fairies Wear Boots
Englorious Alfred  
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Quincy Englorious Of The Tivoli Bulls
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Quincy Englorious Of The Tivoli Bulls
Englorious Archibald  
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Quincy Englorious Of The Tivoli Bulls
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Quincy Englorious Of The Tivoli Bulls
Englorious Candy  
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Bamabador Essence Of Beauty
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Bamabador Essence Of Beauty
Englorious Charisma  
Englorious Charisma
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Bamabador Essence Of Beauty
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Bamabador Essence Of Beauty
Englorious Coconut  
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Bamabador Essence Of Beauty
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Bamabador Essence Of Beauty
Englorious Escada  
Englorious Escada
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Bamabador Beretta Diamond
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Bamabador Beretta Diamond
Englorious Molly  
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Quincy Englorious Of The Tivoli Bulls
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Quincy Englorious Of The Tivoli Bulls
Englorious Sasha  
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Bamabador Essence Of Beauty
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Bamabador Essence Of Beauty
Englorious Snow  
Englorious Snow
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Quincy Englorious Of The Tivoli Bulls
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Ch, Jr Ch Quincy Englorious Of The Tivoli Bulls
Soul Guardian Archon  
Soul Guardian Archon
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Soul Guardian Babylon's Burning
Ch, Jr Ch Soul Guardian Soul Of Fire x Soul Guardian Babylon's Burning
Style Bullet Hanover  
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Style Bullet Jennifer Lopez
Ch, Jr Ch Marsel Yukk Zet 777   
Ch, Jr Ch Marsel Yukk Zet 777
Style Bullet Hanover x Ch Luxury Dog Zet 777
Style Bullet Hanover x Ch Luxury Dog Zet 777
Style Bullet Katy  
Style Bullet Katy
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Sunshine Bulls Miss Hollywood
Style Bullet Nefertity  
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Style Bullet Dayana
Ch Sunshine Bull Buffalo Bill   
Ch Sunshine Bull Buffalo Bill
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Sunshine Bulls Mona Lisa
The Devil Looks Like Nancy  
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x The Devil Looks Like Gingerbread
Jr Ch Sotakál Angel  
Jr Ch Sotakál Angel
Jr Ch Perfect Scream Parkerito x The Devil Looks Like Nancy
Jr Ch Perfect Scream Parkerito x The Devil Looks Like Nancy
Jr Ch Sotakal Angel   
Jr Ch Sotakal Angel
Jr Ch Perfect Scream Parkerito x The Devil Looks Like Nancy
Jr Ch Perfect Scream Parkerito x The Devil Looks Like Nancy
Sotakal Virgil  
Sotakal Virgil
Jr Ch Sotakal Rocco x The Devil Looks Like Nancy
Jr Ch Sotakal Rocco x The Devil Looks Like Nancy
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson   
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x The Devil Looks Like Gingerbread
Ch Don Matteo Spolka Z Krzywego Kola   
Ch Don Matteo Spolka Z Krzywego Kola
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Peppermint Wspomnienie Darmy
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Peppermint Wspomnienie Darmy
Jr Ch Donna Clara Spolka Z Krzywego Kola   
Jr Ch Donna Clara Spolka Z Krzywego Kola
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Peppermint Wspomnienie Darmy
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Peppermint Wspomnienie Darmy
Funny Spolka Z Krzywego Kola  
Funny Spolka Z Krzywego Kola
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson x Bahiya Spolka Z Krzywego Kola
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson x Bahiya Spolka Z Krzywego Kola
Jameson Irish Spólka Z Krzywego Kola  
Jameson Irish Spólka Z Krzywego Kola
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson x Ch, Jr Ch Armida Spólka Z Krzywego Kola
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson x Ch, Jr Ch Armida Spólka Z Krzywego Kola
Pocahontas Spolka Z Krzywego Kola  
Pocahontas Spolka Z Krzywego Kola
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson x Bella Vista Spolka Z Krzywego Kola
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson x Bella Vista Spolka Z Krzywego Kola
Jr Ch Sir Lancelot Spólka Z Krzywego Kola   
Jr Ch Sir Lancelot Spólka Z Krzywego Kola
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson x Bella Vista Spolka Z Krzywego Kola
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson x Bella Vista Spolka Z Krzywego Kola
Ch, Jr Ch Vesta Mambabull   
Ch, Jr Ch Vesta Mambabull
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson x Ch Niniel Dum Spiro
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson x Ch Niniel Dum Spiro
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson x Ch Niniel Dum Spiro
Ch The Devil Looks Like Nelson x Ch Niniel Dum Spiro
The Devil Looks Like O' Hara For Yulia  
The Devil Looks Like O' Hara For Yulia
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x The Devil Looks Like Zee Zee
The Devil Looks Like Odin  
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x The Devil Looks Like Zee Zee
Ch, Jr Ch Zorica Petrovic   
UK CH Ocobo Gob Stoppa x Ch, Int Ch Bulldog Feeling Grizzly Bear