Leone Doctor

Pedigree inverso generato da bulldogpedigree.com

Figli Nipoti
Leone Doctor  
Leone Doctor
Ch Woodcote Hermit (uk-usa) x Ch Leone Hazelwyn (uk-usa)
Alimar Baron  
Leone Doctor x Alimar Totsie
Alimar Bess  
Leone Doctor x Black Bess ( Rodney Kennels)
Alimar Vic  
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Alma Moss  
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Fernbrook Sally  
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Ch Gaby Desleys   
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Godlub Darkie  
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Godlub Prince Albert  
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Godlub Queen Of Clubs  
Moston Gladiator Jr x Alimar Bess
Moston Gladiator Jr x Alimar Bess
Judborn Probationer  
Woodcraft Bishop (scot-usa) x Alimar Bess
Woodcraft Bishop (scot-usa) x Alimar Bess
Rodney Squire  
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Rosalie Jones  
Woodcraft Bishop (scot-usa) x Alimar Bess
Woodcraft Bishop (scot-usa) x Alimar Bess
Rossbert Radiance  
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Woodcraft Countess  
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Alimar Bess
Alimar Nell Gwynne  
Leone Doctor x Alimar Totsie
Alimar Nick Gwynne  
Jiggs (usa 1907) x Alimar Nell Gwynne
Jiggs (usa 1907) x Alimar Nell Gwynne
Alimar Prince  
Leone Doctor x Alimar Totsie
Sir Dixon  
Alimar Prince x Ida Stone (usa)
Alimar Prince x Ida Stone (usa)
Alimar Spike  
Leone Doctor x British Belle (usa 1906)
Leone Doctor x Leone Henrietta
Broadford Babe  
Brandford x Broadstone Dewees
Brandford x Broadstone Dewees
Cleopatra ( Leone)  
Leone Doctor x Hermit Daughter
Leone Don  
Leone Doctor x Cleopatra ( Leone)
Leone Doctor x Cleopatra ( Leone)
Oakville Leone Hermit  
Leone Doctor x Cleopatra ( Leone)
Leone Doctor x Cleopatra ( Leone)
Queen Paradox  
Newington Paradox (uk-usa) x Cleopatra ( Leone)
Newington Paradox (uk-usa) x Cleopatra ( Leone)
Doctor Hazelwyn  
Leone Doctor x Hermit Daughter
Fleur De Lys Baroness  
Leone Doctor x Leone Henrietta
Leone Doctor x Leone Henrietta
Dewees Bunk  
Gwyne x Tootsie (127419)
Gwyne x Tootsie (127419)
Gwyne x Tootsie (127419)
Gwyne x Tootsie (127419)
Lady X V I I  
Gwyne x Beulah
Gwyne x Beulah
My Charm  
Gwyne x Magnet Lucky Star
Gwyne x Magnet Lucky Star
Hullford Hazelwyn  
Leone Doctor x Leone Henrietta
Bowery King  
White Hope x Hullford Hazelwyn
White Hope x Hullford Hazelwyn
Paramount Lady  
White Hope x Hullford Hazelwyn
White Hope x Hullford Hazelwyn
Presiding Elder  
White Hope x Hullford Hazelwyn
White Hope x Hullford Hazelwyn
Jeffries I I  
Leone Doctor x Leone Henrietta
Lawrence Lunn  
Jeffries I I x Lunna (usa)
Jeffries I I x Lunna (usa)
Kennerlys Sassie Girl  
Leone Doctor x Leone Henrietta
King I V  
Leone Doctor x Leone Queen
Lady Alimar Renee  
Leone Doctor x British Belle (usa 1906)
Dreamwold Blower  
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Lady Alimar Renee
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Lady Alimar Renee
Dreamwold Breezer  
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Lady Alimar Renee
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Lady Alimar Renee
Queen Of Hearts (usa)  
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Lady Alimar Renee
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Lady Alimar Renee
Lady Audrey  
Leone Doctor x Lelong
Lady Glory  
Good Guide x Lady Audrey
Good Guide x Lady Audrey
Lady Psyche  
Good Guide x Lady Audrey
Good Guide x Lady Audrey
Lady Baltimore  
Leone Doctor x Leone Henrietta
Thornbury Marchioness  
Ch Deodora Monarch (uk-usa) x Lady Baltimore
Ch Deodora Monarch (uk-usa) x Lady Baltimore
Lady Belle I I I (usa)  
Leone Doctor x Leone Queen
Lady Hazelwynne  
Leone Doctor x Leone Henrietta
Deodora Barnaby Rudge  
Deodora Druid (uk-usa) x Lady Hazelwynne
Deodora Druid (uk-usa) x Lady Hazelwynne
Deodora Bobs  
Deodora Druid (uk-usa) x Lady Hazelwynne
Deodora Druid (uk-usa) x Lady Hazelwynne
Hillcote Prince  
Ch Deodora Monarch (uk-usa) x Lady Hazelwynne
Ch Deodora Monarch (uk-usa) x Lady Hazelwynne
Nos Marguerite  
Carrick Magnet (uk-usa) x Lady Hazelwynne
Carrick Magnet (uk-usa) x Lady Hazelwynne
Deodora Dreadnought (uk-usa) x Lady Hazelwynne
Deodora Dreadnought (uk-usa) x Lady Hazelwynne
Thornbury Sweetheart  
Deodora Druid (uk-usa) x Lady Hazelwynne
Deodora Druid (uk-usa) x Lady Hazelwynne
Lady I I I  
Leone Doctor x True Bridget
Lena (usa)  
Lewsercs Caezar x Lady I I I
Lewsercs Caezar x Lady I I I
Rocket (usa)  
Lewsercs Caezar x Lady I I I
Lewsercs Caezar x Lady I I I
Lady Sal  
Leone Doctor x Syndicate Sal
Lady Sensation  
Leone Doctor x Black Bess ( Rodney Kennels)
Moston Princess  
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Lady Sensation
Moston Squire (uk-usa) x Lady Sensation
Leone Bully Boy  
Leone Doctor x Leone Maid
Leone Crib  
Leone Doctor x Hermit Daughter
Crib Rex  
Leone Crib x Lady Magnet (148325)
Leone Crib x Lady Magnet (148325)
Crib Stym  
Leone Crib x Crumpsall Beaut
Leone Crib x Crumpsall Beaut
Don Crib  
Leone Crib x Lady Magnet (148325)
Leone Crib x Lady Magnet (148325)
Duke Of Kent  
Leone Crib x Lady Magnet (148325)
Leone Crib x Lady Magnet (148325)
Floradora Magnet  
Leone Crib x Lady Magnet (148325)
Leone Crib x Lady Magnet (148325)
General Rosalie Jones  
Leone Crib x Crumpsall Beaut
Leone Crib x Crumpsall Beaut
Laddy Leo  
Leone Crib x Lady Magnet (148325)
Leone Crib x Lady Magnet (148325)
Lady Bubbles (usa)  
Leone Crib x Betsy Girl (usa 1910)
Leone Crib x Betsy Girl (usa 1910)
Lady Crib  
Leone Crib x Lady Krell
Leone Crib x Lady Krell
Mike X I I I  
Leone Crib x Lady Krell
Leone Crib x Lady Krell
Nellie B Smith  
Leone Crib x Lady Krell
Leone Crib x Lady Krell
Patsy Frederick  
Leone Crib x Lady Krell
Leone Crib x Lady Krell
Peggy Magnet  
Leone Crib x Lady Magnet (148325)
Leone Crib x Lady Magnet (148325)
Pink Lady I I  
Leone Crib x Lady Krell
Leone Crib x Lady Krell
Snookum H  
Leone Crib x Lady Magnet (148325)
Leone Crib x Lady Magnet (148325)
Stevenstone Belle  
Leone Crib x Betsy Girl (usa 1910)
Leone Crib x Betsy Girl (usa 1910)
Teddy I I I ( Payette)  
Leone Crib x Bell P
Leone Crib x Bell P
Togo A  
Leone Crib x Lady Magnet (148325)
Leone Crib x Lady Magnet (148325)
Tootsie South Shore  
Leone Crib x Crumpsall Beaut
Leone Crib x Crumpsall Beaut
Leone Don  
Leone Doctor x Cleopatra ( Leone)
Leone Evalwyn  
Leone Doctor x Hermit Daughter
Little Mike  
Thornbury Navigator (uk-usa) x Leone Evalwyn
Thornbury Navigator (uk-usa) x Leone Evalwyn
Leone Hazelwyn Duchess  
Leone Doctor x Hermit Daughter
Leone Princess  
Leone Doctor x Leone Dame Portland (uk-usa)
Leone Queen  
Leone Doctor x Leone Dame Portland (uk-usa)
Johanna Athos Queen  
Silver Athos (uk-usa) x Leone Queen
Silver Athos (uk-usa) x Leone Queen
King I V  
Leone Doctor x Leone Queen
Leone Doctor x Leone Queen
Lady Belle I I I (usa)  
Leone Doctor x Leone Queen
Leone Doctor x Leone Queen
Mike I X  
Leone Doctor x Leone Queen
Leone Doctor x Leone Queen
Linda Dial  
Leone Doctor x Hermit Daughter
Beauty Dial  
Hermit Doctor x Linda Dial
Hermit Doctor x Linda Dial
Mike I X  
Leone Doctor x Leone Queen
Miss Impudence I I  
Leone Doctor x Leone Maid
Oakville Leone Hermit  
Leone Doctor x Cleopatra ( Leone)
Scarborough Belle  
Leone Doctor x Syndicate Sal
Slongo Sheboygan  
Leone Doctor x Slongo Swiftrag
Slongo Soame  
Leone Doctor x Slongo Swiftrag
Cinders V  
Thornbury Master (uk-usa) x Slongo Soame
Thornbury Master (uk-usa) x Slongo Soame
Rockhill Mistress  
Thornbury Master (uk-usa) x Slongo Soame
Thornbury Master (uk-usa) x Slongo Soame
Slongo Sombre  
Leone Doctor x Slongo Swiftrag
Leone Doctor x Leone Rietta
Tootsie (127419)  
Leone Doctor x Leone Henrietta
Dewees Bunk  
Gwyne x Tootsie (127419)
Gwyne x Tootsie (127419)
Gwyne x Tootsie (127419)
Gwyne x Tootsie (127419)
Lord Quicksilver  
London Jack x Tootsie (127419)
London Jack x Tootsie (127419)
Melbourne Princess  
Crumpsall Ivel (usa 1903) x Tootsie (127419)
Crumpsall Ivel (usa 1903) x Tootsie (127419)
Nos Faust  
Gotham Lord Beresford (uk-usa) x Tootsie (127419)
Gotham Lord Beresford (uk-usa) x Tootsie (127419)
Nos Gotham  
Gotham Lord Beresford (uk-usa) x Tootsie (127419)
Gotham Lord Beresford (uk-usa) x Tootsie (127419)
Nos Hermis  
Gotham Lord Beresford (uk-usa) x Tootsie (127419)
Gotham Lord Beresford (uk-usa) x Tootsie (127419)
Nos Lady Beresford  
Gotham Lord Beresford (uk-usa) x Tootsie (127419)
Gotham Lord Beresford (uk-usa) x Tootsie (127419)