Sandstone Abbagale Jigs

Pedigree inverso generato da

Figli Nipoti
Sandstone Abbagale Jigs  
Sandstone Aeromax x Lady Chatterly Of Stonebridge
Sandstone Tuff Stuff  
Ch Tiffany's Lady Luck Special x Sandstone Abbagale Jigs
Showtime Ambassador  
Showtime Ambassador
Sandstone Tuff Stuff x Showtime Diabolique
Sandstone Tuff Stuff x Showtime Diabolique
Sandstone Vegas Connection  
Ch Tiffany's Lady Luck Special x Sandstone Abbagale Jigs
Indian Creek´s Pawnee Lady  
Sandstone Vegas Connection x Sandstone Fancy Pants Ii
Sandstone Vegas Connection x Sandstone Fancy Pants Ii
Lyerly's Heaven Sent Of Sandstone  
Lyerly's Heaven Sent Of Sandstone
Sandstone Vegas Connection x Ch Sandstone Fancy Pants
Sandstone Vegas Connection x Ch Sandstone Fancy Pants