Beclever Van Het Slaghek

Pedigree inverso generato da

Figli Nipoti
Beclever Van Het Slaghek  
Multi Ch Slaghek Night And Day x Fleur Van Het Slaghek
J Ch, Ch Seabright Silver Sandy   
J Ch, Ch Seabright Silver Sandy
Multi Ch Wyecaple Karaoke x Beclever Van Het Slaghek
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction   
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Wyecaple Good To Go x Beclever Van Het Slaghek
Be Clever von der Alten Veste  
Be Clever von der Alten Veste
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Wallenstein Nancy
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Wallenstein Nancy
Cicéron De Winooka  
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Vinnie De Winooka
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Vinnie De Winooka
Int Ch Cubitus De Winooka   
Int Ch Cubitus De Winooka
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Vinnie De Winooka
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Vinnie De Winooka
NV-07 N UCH Dangerous Phantom   
NV-07 N UCH Dangerous Phantom
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Maneskjold´s Catharina
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Maneskjold´s Catharina
Ch Dangerous Royal   
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Ch Dangerous Rock The World
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Ch Dangerous Rock The World
Dangerous Spirit  
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Maneskjold´s Catharina
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Maneskjold´s Catharina
Int Ch, Multi Ch Dangerous Victory   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Dangerous Victory
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x INT & NORD CH JWW-03 WW-08 NW-07 Dangerous Witch Raiser From Hell
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x INT & NORD CH JWW-03 WW-08 NW-07 Dangerous Witch Raiser From Hell
Ch Darjoce Stellabration   
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Darjoce I Like It I Love It
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Darjoce I Like It I Love It
Int Ch, Multi Ch Earl   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Earl
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Desire From Bulls Happiness
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Desire From Bulls Happiness
Eddybul Khe Sanh  
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Ch Robocky Princess Millie
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Ch Robocky Princess Millie
Ch, Jr Ch Elvy   
Ch, Jr Ch Elvy
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Desire From Bulls Happiness
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Desire From Bulls Happiness
From the Nasty Bulls Biby  
From the Nasty Bulls Biby
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Tumbling Bull Of Joy Babe
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Tumbling Bull Of Joy Babe
Luba Our Divine from Saint Pio Home  
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Rusty From Saint Pio Home
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Rusty From Saint Pio Home
Paint it black F' silver black mint  
Paint it black F' silver black mint
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Paint It Black Chelsy
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Paint It Black Chelsy
Ch Rubin Von Teufelhohle   
Ch Rubin Von Teufelhohle
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Indyra Von Teufelhohle
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Indyra Von Teufelhohle
Seabright From The Past For Jurasic Bulls  
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Ch Cardasha Jurasic Bulls
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Ch Cardasha Jurasic Bulls
Seabright Silver She  
Seabright Silver She
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Seabright Silver Solo
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Seabright Silver Solo
Seabright Silver Sisu  
Seabright Silver Sisu
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Seabright Silver Solo
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Seabright Silver Solo
Seabright Silver Smile  
Seabright Silver Smile
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Vegelin Van Claerbergen Doris-day
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Vegelin Van Claerbergen Doris-day
Seabright Silver Star  
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Seabright Silver Solo
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Seabright Silver Solo
Seabright Silver Strike  
Seabright Silver Strike
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Seabright Silver Sculpture
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Seabright Silver Sculpture
Seabright silver stud  
Seabright silver stud
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Mellowmood Tickle My Fancy
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Mellowmood Tickle My Fancy
Seabright Silver Sunshine  
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Seabright Silver Solo
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Seabright Silver Solo
Spiveys Snow Queen  
Spiveys Snow Queen
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Ch Spiveys Wicked Witch
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Ch Spiveys Wicked Witch
Stellabration (ai)  
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Darjoce I Like It I Love It
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Darjoce I Like It I Love It
Untouch -A-Bull Enjoy  
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x La Boes Houseboat Bulls
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x La Boes Houseboat Bulls
Untouch A Bull Appeal  
Untouch A Bull Appeal
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x La Boes Houseboat Bulls
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x La Boes Houseboat Bulls
Untouch-a-Bull Assiduity  
Untouch-a-Bull Assiduity
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x La Boes Houseboat Bulls
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x La Boes Houseboat Bulls
Untouch-a-bull big surprise  
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x La Boes Houseboat Bulls
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x La Boes Houseboat Bulls
Untouch-a-Bull Lady Love  
Untouch-a-Bull Lady Love
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Easy Choice Dogg's Family
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Easy Choice Dogg's Family
Untouch-a-bull Miss Blanche  
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Lady In Red Dog Familly
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Lady In Red Dog Familly
Untouch-a-bull Reckless  
Untouch-a-bull Reckless
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Channel
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Channel
Untouch-a-Bull Sagacity  
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Seabright Silver Sculpture
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Seabright Silver Sculpture
Untouch-A-Bull Satisfaction  
Untouch-A-Bull Satisfaction
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Rebel From The Raising Bulldogs
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Rebel From The Raising Bulldogs
Untouch-a-bull Special Girl  
Untouch-a-bull Special Girl
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x La Boes Houseboat Bulls
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x La Boes Houseboat Bulls
Untouch-a-bull Star  
Untouch-a-bull Star
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Rebel From The Raising Bulldogs
Ch Seabright Silver Satisfaction x Rebel From The Raising Bulldogs
Seabright Silver Shadow  
Seabright Silver Shadow
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Wyecaple Good To Go x Beclever Van Het Slaghek
Future V.D. Flying Bulldog  
Int.Ch. Bomberland Edition Limited x Seabright Silver Shadow
Int.Ch. Bomberland Edition Limited x Seabright Silver Shadow
Rebel From The Raising Bulldogs  
Rebel From The Raising Bulldogs
Multi Ch Wyecaple Karaoke x Seabright Silver Shadow
Multi Ch Wyecaple Karaoke x Seabright Silver Shadow
Ch Rinus from the Raising Bulldog   
Ch Rinus from the Raising Bulldog
Multi Ch Wyecaple Karaoke x Seabright Silver Shadow
Multi Ch Wyecaple Karaoke x Seabright Silver Shadow
Seabright Silver Silence  
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Wyecaple Good To Go x Beclever Van Het Slaghek
Star Night From Bulls Heaven  
Star Night From Bulls Heaven
Seabright Silver Silence x Jiruka´s Lovely Girl Zoe
Seabright Silver Silence x Jiruka´s Lovely Girl Zoe
Seabright Silver Stuart  
Seabright Silver Stuart
Multi Ch Wyecaple Karaoke x Beclever Van Het Slaghek
Darya E-Nour Du Terroir Du Gautereau  
Darya E-Nour Du Terroir Du Gautereau
Seabright Silver Stuart x Ti-a Du Terroir De Gautereau
Seabright Silver Stuart x Ti-a Du Terroir De Gautereau
Eureka Du Terroir Du Gautereau  
Seabright Silver Stuart x Ti-a Du Terroir De Gautereau
Seabright Silver Stuart x Ti-a Du Terroir De Gautereau
Gabie Du Clos Sara  
Seabright Silver Stuart x Early-edition Des Bull's Des Roches Noires
Seabright Silver Stuart x Early-edition Des Bull's Des Roches Noires
Indochine De La Cour Des Molosses  
Indochine De La Cour Des Molosses
Seabright Silver Stuart x Yukon Parti Harcos Urania
Seabright Silver Stuart x Yukon Parti Harcos Urania
Seabright Silver Sunray  
Seabright Silver Sunray
Multi Ch Wyecaple Karaoke x Beclever Van Het Slaghek
Ch, Multi Ch Dolce E Gabbana Del Caliborso   
Ch, Multi Ch Dolce E Gabbana Del Caliborso
Iceglint I´m Fed x Seabright Silver Sunray
Iceglint I´m Fed x Seabright Silver Sunray
International - SLO. - HR. - BIH & A. CH Seabright Silver Sunrise   
International - SLO. - HR. - BIH & A. CH Seabright Silver Sunrise
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Wyecaple Good To Go x Beclever Van Het Slaghek
Young CH Slo Green Mubev Suzi Amelie Quatro   
Young CH Slo Green Mubev Suzi Amelie Quatro
International - SLO. - HR. - BIH & A. CH Seabright Silver Sunrise x Big Bull's Campari On Ice
International - SLO. - HR. - BIH & A. CH Seabright Silver Sunrise x Big Bull's Campari On Ice
Seabright Silver Symphony  
Seabright Silver Symphony
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Wyecaple Good To Go x Beclever Van Het Slaghek
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Galanthos Van Het Peerkesbos   
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch Galanthos Van Het Peerkesbos
Ch Seabright Silver Special x Seabright Silver Symphony
Ch Seabright Silver Special x Seabright Silver Symphony