Ch Flaming Boy At Brampton

Pedigree inverso generato da

Figli Nipoti
Ch Flaming Boy At Brampton   
Ch Flaming Boy At Brampton
Brampton Yossa´s Lad x Sunniryl Smooth As Silk At Omego
Ch Loch Lomond Solomon   
Ch Flaming Boy At Brampton x Loch Lomond Jilly Bean
Loch Lomond Bobby Sue Labonte  
Ch Loch Lomond Solomon x Ch Loch Lomond Amber
Ch Loch Lomond Solomon x Ch Loch Lomond Amber
Noughty Thats My Girls Ditto  
Ch Flaming Boy At Brampton x Ch Noughty That's My Girl
Noughty Dittos Carbon Copy  
Noughty Dittos Carbon Copy
Noughty Ready To Rumble x Noughty Thats My Girls Ditto
Noughty Ready To Rumble x Noughty Thats My Girls Ditto