Ch Chenoweth Afair N Time Square

Pedigree inverso generato da

Figli Nipoti
Ch Chenoweth Afair N Time Square   
Ch Chenoweth Afair N Time Square
Ch Sandy Ridge Too Right Mate x Ch Sandy Ridge Gd Goly Ms Moly
Ch Chenoweth Milwaukee Iron   
Ch Chenoweth Milwaukee Iron
Ch Silver Creeks Hot Stuff x Ch Chenoweth Afair N Time Square
Ch Benchmarks Murphy Brown Of Chenoweth   
Ch Benchmarks Murphy Brown Of Chenoweth
Ch Chenoweth Milwaukee Iron x Benchmark Bulldogs Karlee Jo
Ch Chenoweth Milwaukee Iron x Benchmark Bulldogs Karlee Jo
Ch Cash's Something To Talk About   
Ch Cash's Something To Talk About
Ch Chenoweth Milwaukee Iron x Cash's Original Mnm Diva
Ch Chenoweth Milwaukee Iron x Cash's Original Mnm Diva
Cash's To Hard To Handle  
Ch Chenoweth Milwaukee Iron x Cash's Original Mnm Diva
Ch Chenoweth Milwaukee Iron x Cash's Original Mnm Diva
Cash's Whatever It Takes  
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Ch Chenoweth Milwaukee Iron x Cash's Original Mnm Diva
Ch Kosmic's First Lunar Landing   
Ch Kosmic's First Lunar Landing
Ch Chenoweth Milwaukee Iron x Ch Kosmic's Patience
Ch Chenoweth Milwaukee Iron x Ch Kosmic's Patience
Kosmic's Gridiron First Kiss  
Ch Chenoweth Milwaukee Iron x Kosmic's Rings Of Saturn
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Ch Chenoweth Natural Mystic   
Ch Chenoweth Natural Mystic
Ch Silver Creeks Hot Stuff x Ch Chenoweth Afair N Time Square
Neverland's Reason To Believe  
Ch Chenoweth Black Tie Optional x Ch Chenoweth Natural Mystic
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Neverlands Halo Of Dreams  
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Ch Chenoweth Black Tie Optional x Ch Chenoweth Natural Mystic