Shervudskiy Sjurpriz Diesel

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Дети Внуки
Shervudskiy Sjurpriz Diesel  
Shervudskiy Sjurpriz Diesel
Ch Newton Von Teufelhohle x Vivat Ekspressija Twinky-pinky
Chechevica S Tihogo Okeana  
Chechevica S Tihogo Okeana
Shervudskiy Sjurpriz Diesel x Ch, Jr Ch Tsefeya S Tihogo Okeana
Cheremuha S Tihogo Okeana  
Cheremuha S Tihogo Okeana
Shervudskiy Sjurpriz Diesel x Ch, Jr Ch Tsefeya S Tihogo Okeana
Chernika S Tihogo Okeana  
Chernika S Tihogo Okeana
Shervudskiy Sjurpriz Diesel x Ch, Jr Ch Tsefeya S Tihogo Okeana
Velmozha S Tihogo Okeana  
Velmozha S Tihogo Okeana
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Truvor Bulls Federiko Fellini x Chernika S Tihogo Okeana
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Truvor Bulls Federiko Fellini x Chernika S Tihogo Okeana
Ch, Jr Ch Shalfeya S Tihogo Okeana   
Ch, Jr Ch Shalfeya S Tihogo Okeana
Shervudskiy Sjurpriz Diesel x Ch, Multi Ch Tsvetochnaya Tseremonia S Tihogo Okeana
Ch, Jr Ch Baltazar S Tihogo Okeana   
Ch, Jr Ch Baltazar S Tihogo Okeana
Demon (rkf) x Ch, Jr Ch Shalfeya S Tihogo Okeana
Demon (rkf) x Ch, Jr Ch Shalfeya S Tihogo Okeana
Bazilika S Tihogo Okeana  
Demon (rkf) x Ch, Jr Ch Shalfeya S Tihogo Okeana
Demon (rkf) x Ch, Jr Ch Shalfeya S Tihogo Okeana
Ch, Jr Ch Bergamot S Tihogo Okeana   
Ch, Jr Ch Bergamot S Tihogo Okeana
Demon (rkf) x Ch, Jr Ch Shalfeya S Tihogo Okeana
Demon (rkf) x Ch, Jr Ch Shalfeya S Tihogo Okeana
Ch, Jr Ch Biryuza S Tihogo Okeana   
Ch, Jr Ch Biryuza S Tihogo Okeana
Demon (rkf) x Ch, Jr Ch Shalfeya S Tihogo Okeana
Demon (rkf) x Ch, Jr Ch Shalfeya S Tihogo Okeana
Botsman S Tihogo Okeana  
Botsman S Tihogo Okeana
Demon (rkf) x Ch, Jr Ch Shalfeya S Tihogo Okeana
Demon (rkf) x Ch, Jr Ch Shalfeya S Tihogo Okeana
Ch, Int Ch Yashma S Tihogo Okeana   
Ch, Int Ch Yashma S Tihogo Okeana
Shervudskiy Sjurpriz Diesel x Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Only You Of Priority And Majesty
Gracziya S Tihogo Okeana  
Gracziya S Tihogo Okeana
Jr Ch Egoist S Tihogo Okeana x Ch, Int Ch Yashma S Tihogo Okeana
Jr Ch Egoist S Tihogo Okeana x Ch, Int Ch Yashma S Tihogo Okeana
Yuvelir Dik S Tihogo Okeana  
Yuvelir Dik S Tihogo Okeana
Shervudskiy Sjurpriz Diesel x Ch, Jr Ch Tsefeya S Tihogo Okeana
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, GCh Sir Winston Churchill   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, GCh Sir Winston Churchill
Yuvelir Dik S Tihogo Okeana x Kinami Odri White
Yuvelir Dik S Tihogo Okeana x Kinami Odri White