Ritestok Ronny

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Дети Внуки
Ritestok Ronny  
Taringa Draftsman x Vindex Variety Star
Falstone Sunlight  
Ritestok Ronny x Vain Peggy
Falstone Dutch  
Falstone Beautiful x Falstone Sunlight
Falstone Beautiful x Falstone Sunlight
Falstone Ronny  
Falstone Bountiful x Falstone Sunlight
Falstone Bountiful x Falstone Sunlight
Falstone Son o' Jill  
Falstone Son o' Jill
Falstone Beautiful x Falstone Sunlight
Falstone Beautiful x Falstone Sunlight
Falstone Starlight  
Falstone Bountiful x Falstone Sunlight
Falstone Bountiful x Falstone Sunlight
Ritestok Rockette  
Ritestok Ronny x Madrina Of Essar
Ritestok Ripple  
Another Draftsman x Ritestok Rockette
Another Draftsman x Ritestok Rockette
Ritestok Roddy  
Ritestok Ronny x Ritestok Rosetta
Edna's Big Sud  
Ritestok Roddy x Dutchey Of The Bay
Ritestok Roddy x Dutchey Of The Bay