Reserva Do Rei Cartuxa

Перевернутая родословная сгенерированна

Дети Внуки
Reserva Do Rei Cartuxa  
Reserva Do Rei Cartuxa
Raymondo San Simon Bulls x Ch. Brazil Sophia Do Bulldog Urbano
Chaparro Word Margoth  
Edition Of Luxe Memories x Reserva Do Rei Cartuxa
Chaparro Word Rebeka  
Chaparro Word Rebeka
Edition Of Luxe Memories x Reserva Do Rei Cartuxa
Uberbull City Of Angels  
Uberbull City Of Angels
Lemonvom Carlos Gomez x Chaparro Word Rebeka
Lemonvom Carlos Gomez x Chaparro Word Rebeka
Uberbull The Godfather  
Uberbull The Godfather
Lemonvom Carlos Gomez x Chaparro Word Rebeka
Lemonvom Carlos Gomez x Chaparro Word Rebeka
Chaparro World Margot  
Edition Of Luxe Memories x Reserva Do Rei Cartuxa
Vivendas Sant Bull Allegra  
Vivendas Sant Bull Allegra
Outspoken Von Teufelhohle x Chaparro World Margot
Outspoken Von Teufelhohle x Chaparro World Margot
Reserva do Rei Indonésia  
Reserva do Rei Indonésia
Ch. Brasil La Chata Alcapone x Reserva Do Rei Cartuxa
Reserva do Rei Inverness  
Reserva do Rei Inverness
Ch. Brasil La Chata Alcapone x Reserva Do Rei Cartuxa