Belfast Tip (can-usa)

Reverse pedigree generated by

Sons Grand-sons
Belfast Tip (can-usa)  
Rolling Stone x Tremail Free Stone
Belfast Babina  
Belfast Tip (can-usa) x Belfast Mary Jane
Belfast Belle  
Belfast Tip (can-usa) x Belfast Mary Jane
Belfast Sass Box  
Belfast Sass Box
Billy The Verger (uk-usa) x Belfast Belle
Billy The Verger (uk-usa) x Belfast Belle
Belfast Betty  
Belfast Tip (can-usa) x Belfast Beauty
Buck Goldstone  
Billy The Verger (uk-usa) x Belfast Betty
Billy The Verger (uk-usa) x Belfast Betty
Countess Of Goldstone  
Billy The Verger (uk-usa) x Belfast Betty
Billy The Verger (uk-usa) x Belfast Betty
Dick Goldstone  
Dick Goldstone
Billy The Verger (uk-usa) x Belfast Betty
Billy The Verger (uk-usa) x Belfast Betty
Goldstone Jumbo  
Chineham Saintonage (uk-usa) x Belfast Betty
Chineham Saintonage (uk-usa) x Belfast Betty
Billy The Verger (uk-usa) x Belfast Betty
Billy The Verger (uk-usa) x Belfast Betty
Belfast Bob  
Belfast Tip (can-usa) x Belfast Beauty
Belfast Budd  
Belfast Tip (can-usa) x Belfast Mary Jane
Belfast Phila  
Belfast Tip (can-usa) x Belfast Mary Jane
Hobo (usa)  
Belfast Tip (can-usa) x Klein Beauty
Honey Of Goldstone  
Belfast Tip (can-usa) x Belfast Mary Jane
Meadowcroft Maidstone  
Dick Goldstone x Honey Of Goldstone
Dick Goldstone x Honey Of Goldstone
Mary Jane I I  
Belfast Tip (can-usa) x Klein Beauty
High Cliff Khartoum  
Ch Khartoum (late Penfold London)uk-usa x Mary Jane I I
Ch Khartoum (late Penfold London)uk-usa x Mary Jane I I
Ch Khartoum (late Penfold London)uk-usa x Mary Jane I I
Ch Khartoum (late Penfold London)uk-usa x Mary Jane I I