Ch Sunbarry

Reverse pedigree generated by

Sons Grand-sons
Ch Sunbarry   
Ch Sunbarry
Eng Ch Roseville Barrystar x Silent Judy
Backgammon Of Sunbarry  
Ch Sunbarry x Miss Impudence (1930)
Bernardette Rita  
Ch Sunbarry x Bernardette Beauty
Falstone Silent Duchess  
Ch Novo Nero x Bernardette Rita
Ch Novo Nero x Bernardette Rita
Cloverley Beeta Of Wayston (uk-usa)  
Ch Sunbarry x Cloverley Bessina
Ch Sunbarry x Roseville Bucella
Conquistador x Clarissima
Conquistador x Clarissima
Conquistador x Tango Of Highstanding
Conquistador x Tango Of Highstanding
Lass of the Dukes  
Conquistador x Finlandia
Conquistador x Finlandia
Cottagefield Electra  
Ch Sunbarry x Eureka Again
Ch Crewe So Fantome (uk-usa)   
Ch Sunbarry x Lass O' Sunshine
Crewe So Silver Moon  
Ch Sunbarry x Crewe So Velsheda
Crossbank Cadet  
Ch Sunbarry x Crossbank Caprice
Crossbank Canute  
Crossbank Cadet x Crossbank Crusty
Crossbank Cadet x Crossbank Crusty
Deptford Duplicate  
Ch Sunbarry x Lass O' Sunshine
Dream A Day Jill  
Ch Sunbarry x Bonny Nancy
Son O' Legacy  
Cinders Legacy x Dream A Day Jill
Cinders Legacy x Dream A Day Jill
Foxey Major  
Ch Sunbarry x Crompton Peggy
Ch Sunbarry x Dinkabelle
Glendene Ya Sun  
Ch Sunbarry x Lass O' Sunshine
Beau Bondene  
Glendene Ya Sun x Glendene Molly
Glendene Ya Sun x Glendene Molly
Cloverley Bondsman  
Glendene Ya Sun x Pixie Belle
Glendene Ya Sun x Pixie Belle
Glendene The Haymaker  
Glendene Ya Sun x Pixie Belle
Glendene Ya Sun x Pixie Belle
Tweedmount Phyllis  
Glendene Ya Sun x Lady Buttercup
Glendene Ya Sun x Lady Buttercup
Yorkist Crown Jewel (late Basford Jewel)  
Glendene Ya Sun x Pixie Belle
Glendene Ya Sun x Pixie Belle
Hollycroft Smug  
Ch Sunbarry x Hollycroft Silence
Noways Barnaby  
Hollycroft Smug x Hollycroft Cinders
Hollycroft Smug x Hollycroft Cinders
King Sol  
Ch Sunbarry x Lass O' Sunshine
Leodride Barette  
Ch Sunbarry x Leodride Sprite
Ch Leodride Ladye Fayre   
Ch Allithorne Rival x Leodride Barette
Ch Allithorne Rival x Leodride Barette
Ch Morovian Mainland (uk-usa)   
Ch Sunbarry x Roseville Bobetty
Morovian Mainsail (uk-usa)  
Ch Sunbarry x Morovian Mulberry
Morovian Masthead  
Ch Sunbarry x Miss Impudence (1930)
Ambitious Betty  
Morovian Masthead x Crompton Peggy
Morovian Masthead x Crompton Peggy
Buster Storm  
Morovian Masthead x Lowespark Duchess
Morovian Masthead x Lowespark Duchess
Ch Gunside Royalist   
Morovian Masthead x Ranglett Red Rose
Morovian Masthead x Ranglett Red Rose
Mrs. Grundy  
Morovian Masthead x Thelnor Connie
Morovian Masthead x Thelnor Connie
Morovian Masthead x Wise Judy
Morovian Masthead x Wise Judy
Newington Red Major  
Ch Sunbarry x Gipsy (1932)
Ch Obstinate Artist   
Ch Sunbarry x Lass O' Sunshine
Ch Obstinate Artist x Havro Betty
Ch Obstinate Artist x Havro Betty
Bosworth Artist  
Ch Obstinate Artist x Madam Mahmoud
Ch Obstinate Artist x Madam Mahmoud
Ch Obstinate Artist x Sharowna
Ch Obstinate Artist x Sharowna
Crewe So Phanton  
Ch Obstinate Artist x Yorkist Anne (late Crewe So Arandora)
Ch Obstinate Artist x Yorkist Anne (late Crewe So Arandora)
Ch Obstinate Artist x Moss Rose (uk 1932)
Ch Obstinate Artist x Moss Rose (uk 1932)
Hewlett Defiance  
Ch Obstinate Artist x Detford Dancer
Ch Obstinate Artist x Detford Dancer
Obstinate Countess  
Ch Obstinate Artist x Eng Ch White Countess
Ch Obstinate Artist x Eng Ch White Countess
Pal O' Misrys  
Ch Obstinate Artist x Coquette
Ch Obstinate Artist x Coquette
Ch Roseville Barryflash   
Ch Obstinate Artist x Roseville Bobetty
Ch Obstinate Artist x Roseville Bobetty
Ch Obstinate Artist x Lone Maid
Ch Obstinate Artist x Lone Maid
St Keyna Aristocrat  
Ch Obstinate Artist x Coquette
Ch Obstinate Artist x Coquette
Top Hat  
Ch Obstinate Artist x Eng Ch White Countess
Ch Obstinate Artist x Eng Ch White Countess
Tyn y Coed Lucky Start  
Ch Obstinate Artist x Golden Dutchey
Ch Obstinate Artist x Golden Dutchey
Parkholme Barrister  
Ch Sunbarry x Tantrums
Parkholme Challenger  
Ch Sunbarry x Nicollette
Ch Parkholme Primula (uk-usa)   
Ch Parkholme Primula (uk-usa)
Ch Sunbarry x Tantrums
Parkholme Watchman (uk-usa)  
Ch Sunbarry x Tantrums
Ch Vardona Watchman   
Parkholme Watchman (uk-usa) x Vardona Daughter O' Dan (can-usa)
Parkholme Watchman (uk-usa) x Vardona Daughter O' Dan (can-usa)
Roseville Barrycan  
Ch Sunbarry x Roseville Bucella
Barrybell of Auburncrest  
Roseville Barrycan x Sally Of Shepland
Roseville Barrycan x Sally Of Shepland
Judy of Kendale   
Roseville Barrycan x Susan Centaur
Roseville Barrycan x Susan Centaur
Pandy Barradene  
Roseville Barrycan x Little Pandy
Roseville Barrycan x Little Pandy
Sue Of Ours  
Roseville Barrycan x Courageous Lady
Roseville Barrycan x Courageous Lady
Son O' Smut (uk-can)  
Ch Sunbarry x Crosspatch
Hulme Barrilass  
Son O' Smut (uk-can) x Maecliffe Electra
Son O' Smut (uk-can) x Maecliffe Electra
Silent Judy (can)  
Son O' Smut (uk-can) x Maecliffe Electra
Son O' Smut (uk-can) x Maecliffe Electra
Vardona Dream Cloud  
Son O' Smut (uk-can) x Lorne White Cloud
Son O' Smut (uk-can) x Lorne White Cloud
Stolid John  
Ch Sunbarry x Flame
Stramarth Of Nashonal  
Ch Sunbarry x Spinnette Of Nashonal
Cefnmabley Mair Yan  
Stramarth Of Nashonal x Surety Of Nashonal
Stramarth Of Nashonal x Surety Of Nashonal
Ch Sunny Sue Of Barnards Green   
Ch Sunny Sue Of Barnards Green
Ch Sunbarry x Lass O' Sunshine
Sunnyhurst Duchess  
Ch Sunbarry x Crewe So White Queen
Sunya´s Sister  
Ch Sunbarry x Crompton Elizabeth
Cinders Legacy  
Eng. Ch Son O' Jill x Sunya´s Sister
Eng. Ch Son O' Jill x Sunya´s Sister
Ch Laundress Laddie   
Bere Regis Monarch x Sunya´s Sister
Bere Regis Monarch x Sunya´s Sister
Taringa Peggy  
Ch Sunbarry x Miss Peggoty
Taringa Solo  
Vindex Valerian x Taringa Peggy
Vindex Valerian x Taringa Peggy
Taringa Son O Rival  
Ch Allithorne Rival x Taringa Peggy
Ch Allithorne Rival x Taringa Peggy
Uncle Tom Cobley  
Ch Sunbarry x Rodbourne Princess
Aloysius of Haytor  
Uncle Tom Cobley x Baba Of Haytor
Uncle Tom Cobley x Baba Of Haytor
Ask Me  
Uncle Tom Cobley x Baba Of Haytor
Uncle Tom Cobley x Baba Of Haytor
Sunbarry Girl  
Uncle Tom Cobley x Baba Of Haytor
Uncle Tom Cobley x Baba Of Haytor
Vindex Virtuoso  
Uncle Tom Cobley x Saucy Cis
Uncle Tom Cobley x Saucy Cis
Ch Vindex Valerie   
Ch Vindex Valerie
Ch Sunbarry x Vindex Voltaire
Yorkist Anne (late Crewe So Arandora)  
Ch Sunbarry x Crewe So Velsheda
Crewe So Phanton  
Ch Obstinate Artist x Yorkist Anne (late Crewe So Arandora)
Ch Obstinate Artist x Yorkist Anne (late Crewe So Arandora)
Montclare Lad  
Yorkist Man At Arms x Yorkist Anne (late Crewe So Arandora)
Yorkist Man At Arms x Yorkist Anne (late Crewe So Arandora)