Kippax Jock (uk-can)

Reverse pedigree generated by

Sons Grand-sons
Kippax Jock (uk-can)  
Kippax Jock (uk-can)
Daggers Drawn x Kippax Pride
Algoma Pride  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Lady Dinah Pete
Amos (can)  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Banker Beauty I I I
Ascot Supreme  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Lady Betty V I (can)
Ascot Bill  
Ascot Supreme x Ascot Surprise
Ascot Supreme x Ascot Surprise
Ascot Paddy Boy  
Ascot Supreme x Ascot Lady
Ascot Supreme x Ascot Lady
Ascot Patches  
Ascot Supreme x Ascot Surprise
Ascot Supreme x Ascot Surprise
Happy Mickey  
Ascot Supreme x Bowdlers Lady
Ascot Supreme x Bowdlers Lady
Kippax Ascot Pride  
Ascot Supreme x Ascot Lady
Ascot Supreme x Ascot Lady
Kippax Defender  
Ascot Supreme x Ascot Lady
Ascot Supreme x Ascot Lady
Lady Kippax Of Ascot  
Ascot Supreme x Ascot Lady
Ascot Supreme x Ascot Lady
Larchmount Byng Of Vimy  
Ascot Supreme x Lady Dinah Pete
Ascot Supreme x Lady Dinah Pete
Larchmount Commander  
Ascot Supreme x Lady Dinah Pete
Ascot Supreme x Lady Dinah Pete
Larchmount Duchess  
Ascot Supreme x Larchmount Lady Betty
Ascot Supreme x Larchmount Lady Betty
Larchmount White Duke  
Ascot Supreme x Larchmount Lady Betty
Ascot Supreme x Larchmount Lady Betty
Stratford Peggy  
Ascot Supreme x Mitzi O' Dare
Ascot Supreme x Mitzi O' Dare
Ashland Beauty  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Hefty Limit
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Kamel Tattling Girl
Dark Knight  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Banker Beauty I I I
Hulme Jock  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Hulme Carnation
Hulme Sweet Carnation  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Hulme Carnation
Brindsi Boy  
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Hulme Braw Lass  
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Hulme Buccaneer Pat  
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Hulme Daisy  
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Hulme Gillylower  
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Hulme Iris  
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Hulme Saxon  
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Hulme Superman  
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Hulme Violet  
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Langthorne Buccaneer (uk-can) x Hulme Sweet Carnation
Kippax Mary  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Cookstown Mickey
Kippax Rascal  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Junction Sue
Lass O' Sunshine  
Kippax Rascal x Sunshine Nell
Kippax Rascal x Sunshine Nell
Larchmount Jimmie  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Lady Dinah Pete
Larchmount Jock  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Lady Dinah Pete
Larchmount Lady Betty  
Larchmount Lady Betty
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Lady Dinah Pete
Larchmount Duchess  
Ascot Supreme x Larchmount Lady Betty
Ascot Supreme x Larchmount Lady Betty
Larchmount White Duke  
Ascot Supreme x Larchmount Lady Betty
Ascot Supreme x Larchmount Lady Betty
Mhaller Duke  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Banker Beauty I I I
Ottac Jeremy  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Deborah's Daughter
Piccadilly Anxiety  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Piccadilly Ramona
Piccadilly Doleful  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Piccadilly Ramona
Piccadilly Josie  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Piccadilly Ramona
Piccadilly Relliance  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Piccadilly Ramona
Banker Britton  
Piccadilly Relliance x Banker Biddy I I I
Piccadilly Relliance x Banker Biddy I I I
Bon Joan  
Piccadilly Relliance x Banker Blondy
Piccadilly Relliance x Banker Blondy
Colonel Bogie V  
Piccadilly Relliance x Banker Biddy I I I
Piccadilly Relliance x Banker Biddy I I I
Reliance Jock I I  
Piccadilly Relliance x Banker Blondy
Piccadilly Relliance x Banker Blondy
The Guardsman I I (can)  
Piccadilly Relliance x Banker Blondy
Piccadilly Relliance x Banker Blondy
White Bill  
Piccadilly Relliance x Banker Blondy
Piccadilly Relliance x Banker Blondy
Piccadilly Wally Girl  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Piccadilly Ramona
Pretty Polly I I (can)  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Banker Beauty I I I
Tarzan I I I (can)  
Wrinkles I I (can) x Pretty Polly I I (can)
Wrinkles I I (can) x Pretty Polly I I (can)
Son O' Jock  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Banker Beauty I I I
Dugals Betty  
Son O' Jock x Corsica Judy
Son O' Jock x Corsica Judy
Dugals Dandy  
Son O' Jock x Corsica Judy
Son O' Jock x Corsica Judy
Dugals Monkey  
Son O' Jock x Corsica Judy
Son O' Jock x Corsica Judy
Dugals Sinbad  
Son O' Jock x Corsica Judy
Son O' Jock x Corsica Judy
Jiggs O' White Cap  
Son O' Jock x Sally White Cap
Son O' Jock x Sally White Cap
Pat O' White Cap  
Son O' Jock x Sally White Cap
Son O' Jock x Sally White Cap
Sally Lou  
Son O' Jock x Corsica Judy
Son O' Jock x Corsica Judy
Sweet Cloddy  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Banker Beauty I I I
Corsica Judy  
Bonhomie Prince x Sweet Cloddy
Bonhomie Prince x Sweet Cloddy
Don Lorenzo (can)  
Bonhomie Prince x Sweet Cloddy
Bonhomie Prince x Sweet Cloddy
Dugals Kippax  
Barbican Brigadier x Sweet Cloddy
Barbican Brigadier x Sweet Cloddy
Dugals Peggy  
Barbican Brigadier x Sweet Cloddy
Barbican Brigadier x Sweet Cloddy
Dugals Princely Pal  
Barbican Brigadier x Sweet Cloddy
Barbican Brigadier x Sweet Cloddy
Dugals Smart Lady  
Barbican Brigadier x Sweet Cloddy
Barbican Brigadier x Sweet Cloddy
Sally White Cap  
Bonhomie Prince x Sweet Cloddy
Bonhomie Prince x Sweet Cloddy
Zm Zem  
Bonhomie Prince x Sweet Cloddy
Bonhomie Prince x Sweet Cloddy
Webbwood Bright Boy  
Kippax Jock (uk-can) x Lady Dinah Pete