Thorvald Mustang

Reverse pedigree generated by

Sons Grand-sons
Thorvald Mustang  
Imaluv Red Warrior x Elroston Elle O Elle
Beizerbuli Fashion  
Thorvald Mustang x Imaluv Mystic Star
Beizerbuli Sherman  
Beizerbuli Sherman
Llemmegs Whisky Chaser x Beizerbuli Fashion
Llemmegs Whisky Chaser x Beizerbuli Fashion
Tytori Diesel Too  
Thorvald Mustang x Sinco Lil Brie
Janayin Sweet Pea Holly  
Tytori Diesel Too x Ch Hallaby Goin All The Way
Tytori Diesel Too x Ch Hallaby Goin All The Way
Lyndhaze Nonchalence  
Tytori Diesel Too x Lyndhaze Miss Muffet
Tytori Diesel Too x Lyndhaze Miss Muffet
Tytori Hot N Spicey  
Thorvald Mustang x Sinco Lil Brie
Hamondbul Small Packages  
Ch Bratrice Hot Shot x Tytori Hot N Spicey
Ch Bratrice Hot Shot x Tytori Hot N Spicey
Tytori Twisted  
Thorvald Mustang x Sinco Lil Brie
Imaluv Sally  
Imaluv Spartagus x Tytori Twisted
Imaluv Spartagus x Tytori Twisted