Fortland Bulldogs Utah

Pedigree de 7 generaciones generado por

Generación 1 Generación 2 Generación 3 Generación 4 Generación 5 Generación 6 Generación 7
Cherokee Exact Classic Rommel   Ch Little Ponds Last Stand   
Ch Little Ponds Last Stand
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Hetherbull Millcoat Pippin   Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Millcoats Forever Floppsy  
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
Millcoats Thelma   Ch Millcoats Wb's Obadiah   
Ch Millcoats Wb's Obadiah
Good's Prissy Jillion  
Brown Ridge's Sweetie Pie   Hetherbull Arrogant Fat Man   Ch Hetherbull Bounty's Frigate   
Ch Hetherbull Bounty's Frigate
Hetherbull Major Hooligan  
Kambi Mae Disco   Daniel S Disco Man T  
Newport´s Ella Mae  
Ch Cherokee Legend Beatrice    Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation   
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Millcoats Forever Floppsy  
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
Ch Hailey's Comment   
Ch Hailey's Comment
Lord Maximus Of Birkshire  
Emeralds Duchess Of Kent  
Ch Cherokee Legend Dallas   
Ch Cherokee Legend Dallas
Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick   
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick
Ch Jo Bobs Duchess Of Prestwick   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Cherokee Falon  
Ch Helfyre's Little Ponds Promise   
Ch Helfyre's Little Ponds Promise
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth   
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth
Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick   
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick
Ch Jo Bobs Duchess Of Prestwick   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Cherokee Falon  
Ch Little Ponds Splash   
Ch Little Ponds Splash
Ch T-tow Gustav With Gusto    Ch, Int Ch T-town Farmer Roy   
Ch, Int Ch T-town Farmer Roy
CH Gretchen Godiva Luddington   
Little Ponds Blonde Ambition   Ch Powerbull's Boomer Esiason   
Ch Powerbull's Boomer Esiason
Ch Speers Annabelle Lee   
Ch Helfyre's Lebo' S Grace Poupon   
Ch Helfyre's Lebo' S Grace Poupon
Ch. Shrink A Bull Snow Drift    Lebo Horsefeathers  
Lebo Horsefeathers
Ch Cherokee Ivanhoe   
Ch Cherokee Ivanhoe
Lebo Positively  
Ch. Shrink A Bull Maybelline    USA Ch Relyabull Tank Heavens   
Ch. Shrink A Bull Satuit Voyeur   
Ch. Helfyre's I'll Show You    Ch Kozabull Glyndebourne Zeke   
Ch Kozabull Glyndebourne Zeke
Am CH Hoogh´s Royal Ambassador   
Glyndebourne Kozabull Jill  
Helfyre's Cherokee Lotabull   not available
not available
Ch Cherokee Exact Girl Scout   
Ch Cherokee Exact Girl Scout
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock   
Ch, Multi Ch Cherokee Legend Rock
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse   
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Hetherbull Millcoat Pippin   Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Millcoats Thelma  
Brown Ridge's Sweetie Pie   Hetherbull Arrogant Fat Man  
Kambi Mae Disco  
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Millcoats Forever Floppsy  
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
Cherokee Falon   Ch Cherokee Famous Amos   
Ch Cherokee Famous Amos
Cherokee Hannah  
Ch Empires Cleopatra   
Ch Empires Cleopatra
Ch Flippins Scout   
Ch Flippins Scout
Ch Millcoats Geronimo   
Ch Millcoats Geronimo
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Millcoats Esther   
Ch Millcoats Esther
Flippins My Bonnie  
Flippins My Bonnie
Ch Millcoats Wb's Obadiah   
Ch Millcoats Wb's Obadiah
Rich Whistling Dixie  
Kong's Kat Butler   Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill   
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill
Ch Cherokee Dakota Robert   
Ch Cherokee Dakota Robert
Ch Cherokee Legend Flower   
Ch Cherokee Legend Flower
Kong's Katie Scarlett B   Ch Bullseye's Stormin' Norman   
Kong's Princess Beatrice B  
Cherokee Rona  
Cherokee Rona
Ch Cherokee Heavensent Avalanche   
Ch Cherokee Heavensent Avalanche
Ch Samsted Smirnoff Ice   
Ch Samsted Smirnoff Ice
Heavensent Awesome Andy Of Samsted   Ch Famous Amos Of Samsted   
Lorelu Angelic Rose  
Hardee´s Opaline   Ch Charjo Tobacco Road   
Samsted Awesome Opal  
Ch Cherokee Post Hoc Hannah   
Ch Cherokee Post Hoc Hannah
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth   
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth
Ch Little Ponds Splash   
Ch Little Ponds Splash
Cherokee Lily Lodestar  
Cherokee Lily Lodestar
Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Cherokee Little Lodestone  
Cherokee Autumn Harvest   Ch Legacy's Only Calvin Klein   
Ch Legacy's Only Calvin Klein
Ch Only Ralph Lauren   
Ch Only Ralph Lauren
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill   
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill
Ch Edward's Hollyhock   
Ch Edward's Hollyhock
Hurricane Legacy Irish Red   Ch Glendars Radar Ii   
Ch Glendars Radar Ii
Ch Edward's Elegant Rose   
Ch Edward's Elegant Rose
Ch Cherokee Myra   
Ch Cherokee Myra
Ch Cherokee Levi    Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Cherokee Cook's Irene   
Ch Cherokee Cook's Irene
Cherokee Post Hoc Lodestone   Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Cherokee Lily Lodestar  
Cherokee Lily Lodestar
Fortland Bulldogs Naomi  
Fortland Bulldogs Naomi
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Aurybull Corleone   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Aurybull Corleone
Ch Major League Cy Youngs   
Ch Major League Cy Youngs
Ch Adamant Show And Tell   
Ch Adamant Show And Tell
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Hetherbull Millcoat Pippin  
Brown Ridge's Sweetie Pie  
Ch Cherokee Legend Beatrice    Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation   
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation
Ch Cherokee Legend Dallas   
Ch Cherokee Legend Dallas
Ch Adamant Bullyshine Paige   
Ch Adamant Bullyshine Paige
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting   
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting
Ch Roscoe's Sunshine Specialty   
Annie Fanny Of Bertha Butt  
C And H Princess Kaiulani   Ch Brumar's Move It On Over   
Ch Brumar's Move It On Over
C And H Mauna Loa  
Am Ch Major League Majic Moment   
Am Ch Major League Majic Moment
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth   
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth
Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch Little Ponds Splash   
Ch Little Ponds Splash
Ch T-tow Gustav With Gusto   
Little Ponds Blonde Ambition  
Wilson's Po Boys Lil Darla  
Wilson's Po Boys Lil Darla
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Millcoats Forever Floppsy  
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
USA Ch Kralan's Vincent's Lil Hallie    Ch Melrods Fabolous Freddy   
Ch Melrods Fabolous Freddy
Hetherbull Arrogant Hinny  
Mariobull Muggista Of Showtime   Ch, Int Ch, GCh Millcoats Muggs   
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Millcoats Muggs
Ch Millcoats Solomon   
Ch Millcoats Solomon
Ch Millcoats Wb's Obadiah   
Ch Millcoats Wb's Obadiah
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball   
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball
Ch Millcoats Wb's Image Of Pie   
Ch Millcoats Zoe Anna   
Ch Millcoats Zoe Anna
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Millcoats School Daze  
Ch Millcoats Vivian    Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Millcoats Forever Floppsy  
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
Windmill Acres' Scarlet Sage   Sabo's Johnny Walker Red  
Vincents Calamity Jane Coll  
Showtime Y Two K  
Showtime Y Two K
Ch. Nobozz Wild Willy   
Ch. Nobozz Wild Willy
Ch Nobozz Del Boy   
Ch Nobozz Del Boy
Ch Britishpride The Charmer At Omega   
Ch Britishpride The Charmer At Omega
Nobozz Phoebes Girl  
Nobozz Phoebes Girl
Swalesboy Carnival Fair   Hiising Hot Diggetty  
Little Golden Girl Of Swalesboy  
Showtime Laura Ashley   Ch Sandstone Showtime Ruffus    Ch Philsands Blazing Star   
Ch Philsands Blazing Star
Ch Sandstone Ginger Snaps   
Showtime Rejoice   Am CH Humphrey's Mr Sandman X Melrod   
Ch Showtime Ms Imperious   
Ch Showtime Ms Imperious
Fortland Bulldogs Angel   Ch Big Spender Of Tivoli Bulls   
Ch Big Spender Of Tivoli Bulls
Ch Calibra Kruggerrand   
Ch Calibra Kruggerrand
Brampton Mr Douglas  
Brampton Mr Douglas
Brampton Yossa´s Lad  
Brampton Yossa´s Lad
Ch Heathbull Major Minor   
Ch Heathbull Major Minor
Brampton Sugar Girl  
Hobtop Holly   Donnellas Bugsy Malone  
Hobtop Charisma  
Hobtop Charisma
Calibra Living Doll  
Calibra Living Doll
Lynmans Living Legend  
Lynmans Living Legend
Lynmans Lamplighter  
Lynmans Madam Cyn  
Lynmans Madam Cyn
Calibra Satinn Silk  
Calibra Satinn Silk
Calibra Lifesaver Joey  
Holbain Brindle Lady At Calibra  
Bits And Pieces Of The Tivoli Bulls  
Bits And Pieces Of The Tivoli Bulls
Copthorne Lifesaver   Meniscus Boy In The Crocod   Isgraig Marauder  
Isgraig Marauder
Gravitas Medusa At Meniscus  
Bullycar Red Ruffian   Ch. Int. Kingrock Buster   
Ch. Int. Kingrock Buster
Bullycar Silver Secret  
Miss Britannia Of The Tivoli Bulls   Int.Ch. Multi Ch. Isgraig Bendigo Boy   
Int.Ch. Multi Ch. Isgraig Bendigo Boy
Pembstar Duke  
Pembstar Duke
Carribull Lady In Red At Bronorn  
Makepeace Of The Tivoli Bulls  
Makepeace Of The Tivoli Bulls
Ch Red Boy Van De Bleyenhoek   
Ch Red Boy Van De Bleyenhoek
Bam-bam Of Lucky 's Yard  
Bam-bam Of Lucky 's Yard
Chili Of Franbell   not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available