Generación 1 |
Generación 2 |
Generación 3 |
Generación 4 |
Generación 5 |
Generación 6 |
Generación 7 |
Rakaro's Sir Walter
Peres Distinguished Gentleman  Peres Distinguished Gentleman  |
Ch Peres Bring It On Home  Ch Peres Bring It On Home  |
Ch, GCh B-loved Nothing But Net  Ch, GCh B-loved Nothing But Net  |
Ch, GCh Cash's Bringin' Sexy Back  Ch, GCh Cash's Bringin' Sexy Back  |
Ch Trimbull Zito  Ch Trimbull Zito  |
Ch Legend Sumo Of Ful Ton  Ch Legend Sumo Of Ful Ton  |
USA Ch Collins Little Honey Bear  USA Ch Collins Little Honey Bear  |
Fantastik Dog Mafia Magia  |
Uuno  |
Zaira Z Lebedova Dvora  Zaira Z Lebedova Dvora  |
Ch B-loved Talk Is Cheap  Ch B-loved Talk Is Cheap  |
Ch Beefeaters Muscle Man Of Imok  Ch Beefeaters Muscle Man Of Imok  |
Ch Beefeaters Line Backer  Ch Beefeaters Line Backer  |
Phenix's Shooting Star 4 Tara  Phenix's Shooting Star 4 Tara  |
B-loved First Edition  B-loved First Edition  |
Ch B-loved Bookman Of Bulldog U  Ch B-loved Bookman Of Bulldog U  |
Dulcinea's Bahama Breeze  Dulcinea's Bahama Breeze  |
Ch Peres Wings Of A Dream  Ch Peres Wings Of A Dream  |
The Devil Looks Like Rocco  The Devil Looks Like Rocco  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Ocobo Freddy Mystyle  Int Ch, Multi Ch Ocobo Freddy Mystyle  |
Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle  Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle  |
Dandant Cologne Ocobo  Dandant Cologne Ocobo  |
Lemonvom Fresa Frambuesa  |
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle  Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle  |
Ch Lemonvom Gracias Gloria  Ch Lemonvom Gracias Gloria  |
Peres Sweet Georgia On My Mind  |
The Devil Looks Like Knight Of The Night  The Devil Looks Like Knight Of The Night  |
Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor  Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor  |
Lemonvom Brenda  Lemonvom Brenda  |
Quidnunc's Turtle Dove  Quidnunc's Turtle Dove  |
Mystyle Union Jack  Mystyle Union Jack  |
Red Dark Girl V.d. Kasan Bulls  Red Dark Girl V.d. Kasan Bulls  |
Peres Too Hot To Handle  Peres Too Hot To Handle  |
Ch Banta's Royal Creed At Peres  Ch Banta's Royal Creed At Peres  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Ocobo Freddy Mystyle  Int Ch, Multi Ch Ocobo Freddy Mystyle  |
Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle  Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle  |
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  |
Ocobo Rosemarie  |
Dandant Cologne Ocobo  Dandant Cologne Ocobo  |
Maddalo Robot Magic Of Ocobo  Maddalo Robot Magic Of Ocobo  |
Ocobo Pride  |
Ch Admireabull Cherry Blossom  Ch Admireabull Cherry Blossom  |
Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Leighbeck Last Tango With Ocobo  |
Admireabull Sweet Pea  Admireabull Sweet Pea  |
Wyebuleigh Third Domain From Ivabully  Wyebuleigh Third Domain From Ivabully  |
Ivabully Tinsel Diva At Admireabull  Ivabully Tinsel Diva At Admireabull  |
Fortune City Summer Light  Fortune City Summer Light  |
Br. Ch Mr. Lucky Saintgeorges  Br. Ch Mr. Lucky Saintgeorges  |
Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Leighbeck Last Tango With Ocobo  |
Ocobo Good Time Girl  |
Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle  Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle  |
Dandant Killer Queen  |
Hiising Hii Ball  |
Ch, BOY Saintgeorges Shakermaker Mystyle  Ch, BOY Saintgeorges Shakermaker Mystyle  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Saintgeorges Stand Proud  Saintgeorges Stand Proud  |
Hiising Slightly Tipsy  |
Ch Nobozz Drunk And Disorderly  Ch Nobozz Drunk And Disorderly  |
Medbull Ms Dynamite  |
GCh Fraserbulls Uptown Girl  GCh Fraserbulls Uptown Girl  |
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Mcgregors Polar Ice  Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Mcgregors Polar Ice  |
Ch Onchus Readh For The Top  Ch Onchus Readh For The Top  |
Ch Macm Emur (usa)  |
Am Ch, Ch GrCh Bras, Ch Pan Cherokee Legend Redcloud  Am Ch, Ch GrCh Bras, Ch Pan Cherokee Legend Redcloud  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy  Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Donna  Ch Cherokee Legend Donna  |
Multi Ch Macm Camellia  |
Br CH Macm Allure  Br CH Macm Allure  |
Macm You And Me  |
Irocs Delilah Of The Onchu  |
Ch Little Ponds Rebel  Ch Little Ponds Rebel  |
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence  Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence  |
Little Ponds Big Run Candy  |
Ch Irocs Mia Girl Of Barkhouse  |
not available |
not available |
Mcgregors Sunshine Over Malibu  |
Ch Beefeaters Mojo Maloney  Ch Beefeaters Mojo Maloney  |
Ch Beefeaters Wham Bam  |
Beefeaters Sumo  |
Ch Beefeaters Butter Bean  |
Linebacker's Cheerleader  |
Ch Beefeaters Line Backer  Ch Beefeaters Line Backer  |
Bowlegged Beauties Tigerlily  |
Hello Dolly V I I  Hello Dolly V I I  |
Satch Moe  |
Ch Kjos Wild Card Man  Ch Kjos Wild Card Man  |
Alex's Dixie Bubbles  |
Angel Dust  |
Imogene's Mo Betta Luke  |
Kiwi Kozmo Chamberlin  |
Ch Frbulldogs I Love Lucy  Ch Frbulldogs I Love Lucy  |
Ch Rretreat's Maximum Carnage  Ch Rretreat's Maximum Carnage  |
Sir Pirate Pete  Sir Pirate Pete  |
Ch Beefeaters Mojo Maloney  Ch Beefeaters Mojo Maloney  |
Ch Beefeaters Wham Bam  |
Linebacker's Cheerleader  |
Miss Golden Oreo  |
not available |
not available |
Lcs Lola Copacapana  |
Big Daddy Jake  |
not available |
not available |
Solamias Think You Can Take Me  |
not available |
not available |
Goldenponds Periwinkel  Goldenponds Periwinkel  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
Peres Miss Behavin At Rakaro  Peres Miss Behavin At Rakaro  |
Peres Millennium Falcon  |
Peres King Of Diamonds  Peres King Of Diamonds  |
The Devil Looks Like Rocco  The Devil Looks Like Rocco  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Ocobo Freddy Mystyle  Int Ch, Multi Ch Ocobo Freddy Mystyle  |
Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle  Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle  |
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  |
Ocobo Rosemarie  |
Dandant Cologne Ocobo  Dandant Cologne Ocobo  |
Maddalo Robot Magic Of Ocobo  Maddalo Robot Magic Of Ocobo  |
Ocobo Pride  |
Lemonvom Fresa Frambuesa  |
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle  Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle  |
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  |
Shalad My Girl Lollipop  |
Ch Lemonvom Gracias Gloria  Ch Lemonvom Gracias Gloria  |
Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor  Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor  |
Jin - Szui Inci  Jin - Szui Inci  |
Fortune City Summer Light  Fortune City Summer Light  |
Br. Ch Mr. Lucky Saintgeorges  Br. Ch Mr. Lucky Saintgeorges  |
Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Leighbeck Last Tango With Ocobo  |
Ocobo Good Time Girl  |
Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle  Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle  |
Dandant Killer Queen  |
Hiising Hii Ball  |
Ch, BOY Saintgeorges Shakermaker Mystyle  Ch, BOY Saintgeorges Shakermaker Mystyle  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Saintgeorges Stand Proud  Saintgeorges Stand Proud  |
Hiising Slightly Tipsy  |
Ch Nobozz Drunk And Disorderly  Ch Nobozz Drunk And Disorderly  |
Medbull Ms Dynamite  |
Ch Peres In The Mood  Ch Peres In The Mood  |
Ch Banta's Royal Creed At Peres  Ch Banta's Royal Creed At Peres  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Ocobo Freddy Mystyle  Int Ch, Multi Ch Ocobo Freddy Mystyle  |
Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle  Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle  |
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  |
Ocobo Rosemarie  |
Dandant Cologne Ocobo  Dandant Cologne Ocobo  |
Maddalo Robot Magic Of Ocobo  Maddalo Robot Magic Of Ocobo  |
Ocobo Pride  |
Ch Admireabull Cherry Blossom  Ch Admireabull Cherry Blossom  |
Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  Ocobo Flag Ship Mystyle  |
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  |
Leighbeck Last Tango With Ocobo  |
Admireabull Sweet Pea  Admireabull Sweet Pea  |
Wyebuleigh Third Domain From Ivabully  Wyebuleigh Third Domain From Ivabully  |
Ivabully Tinsel Diva At Admireabull  Ivabully Tinsel Diva At Admireabull  |
Ch Peres Strawberry Fields  Ch Peres Strawberry Fields  |
Quidnunc's Golden Boy Mugsy  Quidnunc's Golden Boy Mugsy  |
Ayrton Senna San Simon Bulls  Ayrton Senna San Simon Bulls  |
Ch Nobozz Del Boy  Ch Nobozz Del Boy  |
Mervander Turkish Delight  Mervander Turkish Delight  |
Quidnunc's Turtle Dove  Quidnunc's Turtle Dove  |
Mystyle Union Jack  Mystyle Union Jack  |
Red Dark Girl V.d. Kasan Bulls  Red Dark Girl V.d. Kasan Bulls  |
Quidnunc's Lucy In The Sky  Quidnunc's Lucy In The Sky  |
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Quidnunc's Diesel 590 Sm  Ch, Int Ch, GCh Quidnunc's Diesel 590 Sm  |
Mystyle Union Jack  Mystyle Union Jack  |
Quidnunc's Qim Possible  |
Boogie's Bootylicious  |
Ch Hobtop Picalo  Ch Hobtop Picalo  |
Ch Heathdan Tillymint  |
Peres Rave On  |
Ch, GCh B-loved Nothing But Net  Ch, GCh B-loved Nothing But Net  |
Ch, GCh Cash's Bringin' Sexy Back  Ch, GCh Cash's Bringin' Sexy Back  |
Ch Trimbull Zito  Ch Trimbull Zito  |
Ch Legend Sumo Of Ful Ton  Ch Legend Sumo Of Ful Ton  |
Ch Prestwick Gawain  Ch Prestwick Gawain  |
Spoiled Rotten Lil´ Rosabelle  |
USA Ch Collins Little Honey Bear  USA Ch Collins Little Honey Bear  |
Ful Ton Zephyr  Ful Ton Zephyr  |
Farley's Go Far Gin  Farley's Go Far Gin  |
Fantastik Dog Mafia Magia  |
Uuno  |
Ch Karambol Lajscale  |
Nensi  |
Zaira Z Lebedova Dvora  Zaira Z Lebedova Dvora  |
Boatswain Easyrider  Boatswain Easyrider  |
Fay Z Lebedova Dvora  |
Ch B-loved Talk Is Cheap  Ch B-loved Talk Is Cheap  |
Ch Beefeaters Muscle Man Of Imok  Ch Beefeaters Muscle Man Of Imok  |
Ch Beefeaters Line Backer  Ch Beefeaters Line Backer  |
Ch Beefeaters Hitman Humphrey  |
Beefeaters Lady Bug  |
Phenix's Shooting Star 4 Tara  Phenix's Shooting Star 4 Tara  |
Ch Dunebrae Prime Time  Ch Dunebrae Prime Time  |
Phenix's Sashay Outta My Way  |
B-loved First Edition  B-loved First Edition  |
Ch B-loved Bookman Of Bulldog U  Ch B-loved Bookman Of Bulldog U  |
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill  Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill  |
Ch Tenured's Barat St. Of Bulldog Univ  |
Dulcinea's Bahama Breeze  Dulcinea's Bahama Breeze  |
Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence  Ch Helfyre's Warmvalley Sixspence  |
Dulcinea's Cross The Rubicon  |
Ch Peres Wings Of A Dream  Ch Peres Wings Of A Dream  |
The Devil Looks Like Rocco  The Devil Looks Like Rocco  |
Int Ch, Multi Ch Ocobo Freddy Mystyle  Int Ch, Multi Ch Ocobo Freddy Mystyle  |
Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle  Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle  |
Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  Ch, World Ch Mystyle Golden Wonder  |
Ocobo Rosemarie  |
Dandant Cologne Ocobo  Dandant Cologne Ocobo  |
Maddalo Robot Magic Of Ocobo  Maddalo Robot Magic Of Ocobo  |
Ocobo Pride  |
Lemonvom Fresa Frambuesa  |
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle  Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle  |
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  |
Shalad My Girl Lollipop  |
Ch Lemonvom Gracias Gloria  Ch Lemonvom Gracias Gloria  |
Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor  Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor  |
Jin - Szui Inci  Jin - Szui Inci  |
Peres Sweet Georgia On My Mind  |
The Devil Looks Like Knight Of The Night  The Devil Looks Like Knight Of The Night  |
Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor  Ch, Jr Ch Golucan Cole Belthazor  |
Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure  Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure  |
Alice Baby De Golucan  Alice Baby De Golucan  |
Lemonvom Brenda  Lemonvom Brenda  |
Lee Breedoch Pako  Lee Breedoch Pako  |
Lemonvom Greta  Lemonvom Greta  |
Quidnunc's Turtle Dove  Quidnunc's Turtle Dove  |
Mystyle Union Jack  Mystyle Union Jack  |
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day  |
Hyten Hope N Desire For Mystyle  Hyten Hope N Desire For Mystyle  |
Red Dark Girl V.d. Kasan Bulls  Red Dark Girl V.d. Kasan Bulls  |
Ch Mervander Thundering Home  Ch Mervander Thundering Home  |
Me And My Pal Britney  |