Generation 1 |
Generation 2 |
Generation 3 |
Generation 4 |
Generation 5 |
Generation 6 |
Generation 7 |
Jaylous Cedric
Jaylous Beelzebub  |
Ch. E-lynn´s Big John´s Thunder  |
Ch. E-lynn´s Big John  |
USA Ch Ashford Buttercup Skyrocket  |
Ch Ashford Superb  |
Ch, Int Ch Thel's Pal Of Wiggin  |
Noways Kola Of Ashford  |
Ashford Frosty Lass  |
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  |
Stormers Kenilworth Lass  |
O´dan´s Sheeza Dilly  |
USA Ch Big Sam Aide De Camp  |
USA Ch Colmey´s Sergeant Walte  |
Clonleigh Frosty  |
O´dans Peggy Sue  |
USA Ch Big Sam Aide De Camp  |
Honest Pam  |
Ch. Pitman´s Piccaddilly Pumpkin  |
Am CH E-lynn´s Brigands Whiskey  |
Am CH Parkway Brigand  |
Virgo Vulcan  |
Empress Honeybun  |
E-lynn´s Pepper Sauce  |
USA Ch Ashford Buttercup Skyrocket  |
O´dan´s Sheeza Dilly  |
Bridgette Bulldot  |
Am CH E-lynn´s Brigands Whiskey  |
Am CH Parkway Brigand  |
E-lynn´s Pepper Sauce  |
Lady Puggsly Snubbington  |
not available |
not available |
Amiga De Perfecta Production  |
Brutus Butch  |
Am CH Louita´s Leigh Brummel  |
USA Ch Big Sam Aide De Camp  |
USA Ch Colmey´s Sergeant Walte  |
Clonleigh Frosty  |
Vardona Ideal Beauty  |
Int CH USA Ch Vardona Ideal Snowman  Int CH USA Ch Vardona Ideal Snowman  |
Vardona Sparkling Sherry  |
Welthy´s Ellie  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
Lady Grumpy Of Devonshire  |
Saxe Gothe Barney  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
M´lady´s Ginger  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
Pool's Queen Victoria  |
Bluntline´s Special Edition  |
Ch Golden Carmel Coach  Ch Golden Carmel Coach  |
Am Ch Bayside Red Oak  |
Cilgwyn Golden Prince  |
UK Ch Ellerslie Gingerbread  |
Brixham Treasure  |
USA Can Ch Bayside Ruby  |
USA Ch Bonnie Boy Of Fearnought  |
Bayside Bikini  |
USA Ch Rosebud Brandy  |
UK USA Ch Jackath Silver Rock  UK USA Ch Jackath Silver Rock  |
Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain  |
Brador White Sauce  |
Pandora´s Cotton Taffy  |
USA Ch Randy´s Prince Tiger Jones  |
Ches-bee Kotton Kan-de  |
Ch. Orange Blossom Special  |
Bluntline´s Heracles  |
Ch Cha-ru's Christopher Robin  |
Am Ch Matt´s Sir Alan Michael  |
Ch Cha-ru's Trojan Thea  |
Cha-ru's Helen Of Troy  |
Ch Mim Jim´s Buckie Too Of Cha Ru  Ch Mim Jim´s Buckie Too Of Cha Ru  |
Cha-ru´s Trojan Tempest  |
Bluntline´s Husky Hannah  |
Am Ch Matt´s Sir Alan Michael  |
Ch Ashford Superb  |
Matt S Gold-n-big Red  |
Cha-ru´s Trojan Terry  |
Ch Mim Jim´s Buckie Too Of Cha Ru  Ch Mim Jim´s Buckie Too Of Cha Ru  |
Cha-ru´s Trojan Tempest  |
Bluntline´s Gigi  |
Ch Dagor Pie's Sequel Of Pie  Ch Dagor Pie's Sequel Of Pie  |
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball  Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball  |
Ch Marinebulls All The Way  Ch Marinebulls All The Way  |
Ch Golden Carmel Coach  Ch Golden Carmel Coach  |
Ch Marinebulls Here She Comes  Ch Marinebulls Here She Comes  |
Ch Doc's Lady Bridgette  |
Livingston´s Jaunty Jasper  |
Doc's Tootie Hootie Bootie  |
Ch Dagor's Pie In The Sky O´goober  Ch Dagor's Pie In The Sky O´goober  |
Ch Marinebulls All The Way  Ch Marinebulls All The Way  |
Ch Golden Carmel Coach  Ch Golden Carmel Coach  |
Ch Marinebulls Here She Comes  Ch Marinebulls Here She Comes  |
Ch Phillips Peppermint Pattie  |
Rowan's Brassman  |
Rowan's Diamond Lil  |
Bluntline´s Hello Dolly  |
Am CH Shacklefords Golden Joe  |
USA Ch Shacklefords Sugar And Joe  USA Ch Shacklefords Sugar And Joe  |
Sequels Smasherjoe  |
USA Ch Shacklefords Sugar Plum  USA Ch Shacklefords Sugar Plum  |
Fisher´s Princess Honeybee  |
Cotty´s Fabulous Ka-cee Jr  |
Kistlers Honey Bee  |
Am CH Bluntline´s Bashful Bess  |
Am Ch Matt´s Sir Alan Michael  |
Ch Ashford Superb  |
Matt S Gold-n-big Red  |
Cha-ru´s Trojan Terry  |
Ch Mim Jim´s Buckie Too Of Cha Ru  Ch Mim Jim´s Buckie Too Of Cha Ru  |
Cha-ru´s Trojan Tempest  |
Jaylous Elizabeth Gantt  |
Jaylous Barnaby  |
Jaylous Beelzebub  |
Ch. E-lynn´s Big John´s Thunder  |
Ch. E-lynn´s Big John  |
USA Ch Ashford Buttercup Skyrocket  |
Ch Ashford Superb  |
Ashford Frosty Lass  |
O´dan´s Sheeza Dilly  |
USA Ch Big Sam Aide De Camp  |
O´dans Peggy Sue  |
Ch. Pitman´s Piccaddilly Pumpkin  |
Am CH E-lynn´s Brigands Whiskey  |
Am CH Parkway Brigand  |
E-lynn´s Pepper Sauce  |
Bridgette Bulldot  |
Am CH E-lynn´s Brigands Whiskey  |
Lady Puggsly Snubbington  |
Amiga De Perfecta Production  |
Brutus Butch  |
Am CH Louita´s Leigh Brummel  |
USA Ch Big Sam Aide De Camp  |
Vardona Ideal Beauty  |
Welthy´s Ellie  |
not available |
not available |
Lady Grumpy Of Devonshire  |
Saxe Gothe Barney  |
not available |
not available |
M´lady´s Ginger  |
not available |
not available |
Pool's Queen Victoria  |
Bluntline´s Special Edition  |
Ch Golden Carmel Coach  Ch Golden Carmel Coach  |
Am Ch Bayside Red Oak  |
Cilgwyn Golden Prince  |
USA Can Ch Bayside Ruby  |
USA Ch Rosebud Brandy  |
UK USA Ch Jackath Silver Rock  UK USA Ch Jackath Silver Rock  |
Pandora´s Cotton Taffy  |
Ch. Orange Blossom Special  |
Bluntline´s Heracles  |
Ch Cha-ru's Christopher Robin  |
Cha-ru's Helen Of Troy  |
Bluntline´s Husky Hannah  |
Am Ch Matt´s Sir Alan Michael  |
Cha-ru´s Trojan Terry  |
Bluntline´s Gigi  |
Ch Dagor Pie's Sequel Of Pie  Ch Dagor Pie's Sequel Of Pie  |
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball  Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball  |
Ch Marinebulls All The Way  Ch Marinebulls All The Way  |
Ch Doc's Lady Bridgette  |
Ch Dagor's Pie In The Sky O´goober  Ch Dagor's Pie In The Sky O´goober  |
Ch Marinebulls All The Way  Ch Marinebulls All The Way  |
Ch Phillips Peppermint Pattie  |
Bluntline´s Hello Dolly  |
Am CH Shacklefords Golden Joe  |
USA Ch Shacklefords Sugar And Joe  USA Ch Shacklefords Sugar And Joe  |
Fisher´s Princess Honeybee  |
Am CH Bluntline´s Bashful Bess  |
Am Ch Matt´s Sir Alan Michael  |
Cha-ru´s Trojan Terry  |
Jaylous Gertie  |
Ch. E-lynn´s Big John´s Thunder  |
Ch. E-lynn´s Big John  |
USA Ch Ashford Buttercup Skyrocket  |
Ch Ashford Superb  |
Ch, Int Ch Thel's Pal Of Wiggin  |
Noways Kola Of Ashford  |
Ashford Frosty Lass  |
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  |
Stormers Kenilworth Lass  |
O´dan´s Sheeza Dilly  |
USA Ch Big Sam Aide De Camp  |
USA Ch Colmey´s Sergeant Walte  |
Clonleigh Frosty  |
O´dans Peggy Sue  |
USA Ch Big Sam Aide De Camp  |
Honest Pam  |
Ch. Pitman´s Piccaddilly Pumpkin  |
Am CH E-lynn´s Brigands Whiskey  |
Am CH Parkway Brigand  |
Virgo Vulcan  |
Empress Honeybun  |
E-lynn´s Pepper Sauce  |
USA Ch Ashford Buttercup Skyrocket  |
O´dan´s Sheeza Dilly  |
Bridgette Bulldot  |
Am CH E-lynn´s Brigands Whiskey  |
Am CH Parkway Brigand  |
E-lynn´s Pepper Sauce  |
Lady Puggsly Snubbington  |
not available |
not available |
Snapper's Nuggett  |
Saxe Gothe Barney  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
Jo-mar's Silver Minx Doll  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |