Generation 1 |
Generation 2 |
Generation 3 |
Generation 4 |
Generation 5 |
Generation 6 |
Generation 7 |
Ch Portfield Monarch  Ch Portfield Monarch
Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece  Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece  |
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  |
Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince  Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince  |
Ch Red Sparks Of Wiggin  |
Red Marquis Of Wiggin  Red Marquis Of Wiggin  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Winlittle Quennie  |
Tess O´ The Skerries  |
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  |
Skerries  |
Lady Dorothy O'dover  |
Little John Of Winkie  |
Mickey Wooney  Mickey Wooney  |
Georgette Of Winkie  |
Dandy Duchess O'dover  |
Iva's Bunjie Of Bismarck  |
Morovian The Duchess  |
Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey  Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey  |
Nugget Trealor  Nugget Trealor  |
Can Ch Rhydian Roger  |
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  |
Jitterburg Judy  |
Can Ch Nugget Valet´s Lady  |
Ch Nugget My Valet  Ch Nugget My Valet  |
Nugget Priscilla  |
Can USA Ch Nugget Leprachon Of Twin Shot  |
USA Ch Getnug Lord Jeffrey  USA Ch Getnug Lord Jeffrey  |
Nugget Trealor  Nugget Trealor  |
Queen Of Mae Belle  |
Nugget Takalass  |
not available |
not available |
Am CH Vardona Ideal Bewitching  |
Int CH USA Ch Vardona Ideal Snowman  Int CH USA Ch Vardona Ideal Snowman  |
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman  |
Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince  Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince  |
Ch Red Sparks Of Wiggin  |
Lady Dorothy O'dover  |
Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey  Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey  |
Nugget Trealor  Nugget Trealor  |
Can USA Ch Nugget Leprachon Of Twin Shot  |
Webbs Leading Lady  |
Webbs Huffmaster  |
Hefty Upstart O´vardona  |
Webbs Somercharm  |
Vardona Leading Lady  |
Hefty Upstart O´vardona  |
Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey  Ch, Int Ch Twin Shot Limey  |
Vardona Sparkling Sherry  |
USA Ch Vardona Prince Of Pilsdon  |
Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince  Ch, Int Ch Vardona Student Prince  |
Ch Red Sparks Of Wiggin  |
Lady Dorothy O'dover  |
USA Can Ch Man-dur White Comet  |
Ch Morovian Stormer Draftsman  |
Man-dur Stormer Bee  |
USA Ch Vardona Firebell  |
Vardona Fiery Prophet  |
not available |
not available |
Vardona Lady Fearnought  |
Ch Kippax Fearnought  Ch Kippax Fearnought  |
Duchess Of Noways  |
Zircon Red Pixie  |
Moselian Craftsman  |
Moselian Gay Knight  |
Gay Commando  |
Coventrian Commando  |
not available |
not available |
Jubilant Witch  |
not available |
not available |
Little Nell  |
Parkholme Craftsman  Parkholme Craftsman  |
Ch Parkholme Melampus  Ch Parkholme Melampus  |
Parkholme Duchess  |
Sunstorm Surprise  |
not available |
not available |
Venetian Merchandise  |
Ch Merchant Of Venice  Ch Merchant Of Venice  |
Wawensmoor Sugar Bush  |
Ch Prince Of Woodgate  Ch Prince Of Woodgate  |
Lady Annabella  |
Stratfordian Beauty  |
Sedbergh Sensation  |
Coventrian Charib  |
Gay Lady Of Iverley  |
Eng. Ch. Milord Of The Regions  Eng. Ch. Milord Of The Regions  |
Ch Maelor Solarium  Ch Maelor Solarium  |
Wicked Lady Of The Regions  |
Elleff Betsy May  |
Blackheath Winston  |
Altonian Jezebel  |
Belinda Bella  |
Newbottle Wudstan Boy  |
Ch Wintersmoon Janson  Ch Wintersmoon Janson  |
Noways William  |
Ch Prince Of Woodgate  Ch Prince Of Woodgate  |
Bulldene Kandy Girl  |
Wintersmoon Dancing Janice  |
Ch Prince Of Woodgate  Ch Prince Of Woodgate  |
Vaenor Snowdrift  |
Sengaston Brigette  |
Eng. Ch Wintersmoon The Brigand  Eng. Ch Wintersmoon The Brigand  |
Ch Wintersmoon Janson  Ch Wintersmoon Janson  |
Wintersmoon Wildflower  |
Wintersmoon Alberta  |
Noways Albert  |
Wintersmoon Wildflower  |
Dorroys Temptress  |
Eng. Ch Outdoors Kippand  Eng. Ch Outdoors Kippand  |
Eng. Ch Wintersmoon The Brigand  Eng. Ch Wintersmoon The Brigand  |
Ch Wintersmoon Janson  Ch Wintersmoon Janson  |
Wintersmoon Wildflower  |
Whip-it-trix  |
Noways Whipitquick  Noways Whipitquick  |
Woolgreens Trixies Pal  |
Dorroys Penelope  |
Hefty Man-o-war  |
Sungarth Square Deal  Sungarth Square Deal  |
Eng CH Hefty White Countess  |
Ballybrophy Carnation  |
Ch Blockbuster Rawburn Fleance  Ch Blockbuster Rawburn Fleance  |
Jenny Of Billericay  |
Worrego Little Gumnutt  |
Rahma Siegmund Rolf  Rahma Siegmund Rolf  |
Ch Abboville Simon August  |
Ch Gripsy Little Man  |
Ch Fairtrough Jonta  Ch Fairtrough Jonta  |
Ch Detford Skomerisle Son O' Bulla  |
Skomerisle King Bulla (late King Bulla)  |
Opal Queen  |
Ch Fairtrough Penny  Ch Fairtrough Penny  |
Detford Don  |
Fairtrough Joan Of Picture Page  |
Gripsy Angela  |
Ch Gripsy Little Fella  |
Croxley Little Man  |
Gripsy Chimes  |
Gripsy Barbara  |
Ch Gripsy Jonathan  |
Deville Indefiance  |
Abbotsbay Marigold  |
Ch Red Gables Pawnbroker  |
Ch Croxley Kayoe  |
Epsom Impregnable  |
Croxley Lasses Ii  |
Red Gables Midgee  |
Red Gables Crasher  |
Mirmacs Mitzi  |
Buckchase Lady  |
Worrego Battlestep  |
Red Gables Dan Mcgrew  |
Lalirra Laurette  |
Goolwa Blanche  |
Ch Goolwa Chief  Ch Goolwa Chief  |
Ch Goolwa Tweet  |
Ch Rahma Lucky Jedda  |
Ch Wayside Mr Lucky  |
Ch Gripsy Sonojon  |
Ch Gripsy Jonathan  |
Croxley Little Man  |
Ch Croxley Janette  |
Gripsy Chimes  |
Soville Barrystar  |
Ch Croxley Janette  |
Medea Charming Lass  |
Ch Fairtrough Jonta  Ch Fairtrough Jonta  |
Ch Detford Skomerisle Son O' Bulla  |
Ch Fairtrough Penny  Ch Fairtrough Penny  |
Medea Candy Chugi  |
Ch Gripsy Little Fella  |
Kerino Betsy  |
Red Gables Bombay Pat  |
Red Gables Ima Yahoudi  |
Ch Red Gables Pawnbroker  |
Ch Croxley Kayoe  |
Red Gables Midgee  |
Croxley Charlee  |
Ch Croxley Kayoe  |
Croxley Gyp  |
Red Gables Kayene  |
Ch Croxley Kayoe  |
Epsom Impregnable  |
Croxley Lasses Ii  |
Red Gables Midgee  |
Red Gables Crasher  |
Mirmacs Mitzi  |
Ch Worrego Colleen  |
Ch Qualco Caesar Of Barnston  |
Qualco Achievement  |
Eng. Ch Kippax Doublenought  Eng. Ch Kippax Doublenought  |
Ch. Int. Kippax Dreadnought  Ch. Int. Kippax Dreadnought  |
Ch Koper Kernel  Ch Koper Kernel  |
Kippax Anne  |
Avros Topsy  |
Ch Superb Of Wiggin  Ch Superb Of Wiggin  |
Stoneham Daintee  |
Qualco White Rose Of Coates  |
Coates Merry Monarch  |
Boscoe Of Riglea  |
Geisha Girl (1952)  |
Coates Illandale Pride Of Fernville  |
Eng. Ch Kippax Doublenought  Eng. Ch Kippax Doublenought  |
Juneter's Bridge  |
Overfen Diana  |
Overfen Shamus  |
Leodride Ace  |
Leodride Admiral  |
Woolgreens Topsy Turvy  |
Westwood Victoria  |
Ch Wintersmoon Janson  Ch Wintersmoon Janson  |
Whip-it-trix  |
Overfen Agnes  |
Buster Of Auburncrest  |
Noways Flaming Freddie  |
Beryl Of Auburncrest  |
Lady Susan Of Overhill  |
Taurocanis Crypton  |
Trispa Stella  |
Cilldara Kapai Wahine  Cilldara Kapai Wahine  |
Ch Dewrie Welsh Druid  |
Dewrie Welsh Guardsman  |
Cilgwyn Falcon  |
Cilgwyn Kestrel  |
Dowball The Devil  |
Dewrie Trinket  |
Ch Sospan Fawr  Ch Sospan Fawr  |
Sospan Serenade  |
Landhoy Simonetta  |
Tredgold Gaius Caligula  Tredgold Gaius Caligula  |
Broadford Happy Wanderer  |
Tredgold Rosebud  |
Frisky Trixie  |
Threethorne Ringmaster  |
Bowsewell Lady  |
Worrego Princess  |
Ch Soraya Diplomat  Ch Soraya Diplomat  |
Ch Kama Resolution  |
Soville Barrystar  |
Kama Belle Star  |
Ch Cherelyre Blondie  |
Ch Soraya Democrat  Ch Soraya Democrat  |
Ch Bellora Gwendoline  |
Ch Worrego Charm  |
Ch Fairtrough Jonta  Ch Fairtrough Jonta  |
Ch Detford Skomerisle Son O' Bulla  |
Ch Fairtrough Penny  Ch Fairtrough Penny  |
Garcia Teena  |
Ch Croxley Kayoe  |
Goolwa Bess  |