1世代 |
2世代 |
3世代 |
4世代 |
5世代 |
6世代 |
7世代 |
Kippax George  Kippax George
Reenart Replica  |
Ch Kippax Fearnought  Ch Kippax Fearnought  |
Ch Koper Kernel  Ch Koper Kernel  |
Flixtonian Bomber  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ch Roseville Barryflash  |
Gingerette  |
Bessie O´portmahon  |
Son O' Legacy  |
Lady Mcbeth  |
Golden Ballerina  |
Falstone Sensation  Falstone Sensation  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  |
Miss Matador  |
Parkholme Guardsman  |
Crichton Queen  |
Kippax Anne  |
Ch Superb Of Wiggin  Ch Superb Of Wiggin  |
Ch Maelor Solarium  Ch Maelor Solarium  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Maelor Veronica  |
Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  |
Falstone Sensation  Falstone Sensation  |
Princess Bonny  Princess Bonny  |
King Pin (uk)  |
Kippax Jimmy  |
Ch Maelor Uplifter  Ch Maelor Uplifter  |
Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  |
Proud Madame  |
Kernal Of Droylsden  |
Gwens Choice  |
Drewand Gingerette  |
Flixtonian Bomber  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ch Roseville Barryflash  |
Ch Obstinate Artist  |
Roseville Bobetty  |
Gingerette  |
Ch Obstinate Artist  |
Moss Rose (uk 1932)  |
Bessie O´portmahon  |
Son O' Legacy  |
Cinders Legacy  |
Dream A Day Jill  |
Lady Mcbeth  |
Allithorne Paleface  |
Allithorne Nan  |
Blaze Forth  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
Avros Topsy  |
Ch Superb Of Wiggin  Ch Superb Of Wiggin  |
Ch Maelor Solarium  Ch Maelor Solarium  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Allithorne Rodney  |
Broth Of A Bhoy  |
Nero's Daughter  |
Mount View Susie  |
Tony's Double  |
Owlthorne Limestar  |
Maelor Veronica  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ch Roseville Barryflash  |
Gingerette  |
Maelor Sunflower  |
Am Ch Vardona Individualist  |
Tyn Y Coed Lucky Start  |
Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  |
Falstone Sensation  Falstone Sensation  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ch Roseville Barryflash  |
Gingerette  |
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  |
Ch Basford Golden Nymph  Ch Basford Golden Nymph  |
Bugler Judy  |
Princess Bonny  Princess Bonny  |
Gang-on  Gang-on  |
Berwyn Benny  |
Kitty Gray  |
Bessie O´portmahon  |
Son O' Legacy  |
Lady Mcbeth  |
Stoneham Daintee  |
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ch Roseville Barryflash  |
Ch Obstinate Artist  |
Roseville Bobetty  |
Gingerette  |
Ch Obstinate Artist  |
Moss Rose (uk 1932)  |
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  |
Ch Basford Golden Nymph  Ch Basford Golden Nymph  |
Glendene Bahram  Glendene Bahram  |
Tangerine Grand Slam  |
Bugler Judy  |
Magic Chief  |
Wardleyite  |
Stoneham Damson  |
Roseville Bendix  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ch Roseville Barryflash  |
Gingerette  |
Roseville Baroda  |
Ch Roseville Barryflash  |
Roseville Bubbles  |
Stoneham Duchess  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
Noways Anna  |
Eng CH Noways Man O'war  Eng CH Noways Man O'war  |
Ch Prince Of Woodgate  Ch Prince Of Woodgate  |
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)  Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Allithorne Rodney  |
Broth Of A Bhoy  |
Nero's Daughter  |
Mount View Susie  |
Tony's Double  |
Owlthorne Limestar  |
Silver Ruffles  |
Ch Falstone Dreadnaught  |
Roseville Burke  |
Falstone Vera  |
Pelton Queen  |
Golden Nugget (uk 1935)  |
Madonna Max  |
Wynne Of Woodcote  |
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ch Roseville Barryflash  |
Gingerette  |
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  |
Ch Basford Golden Nymph  Ch Basford Golden Nymph  |
Bugler Judy  |
Calla Lily  |
Buster Storm  |
Morovian Masthead  |
Lowespark Duchess  |
Stonlyn Snowflake  |
Allithorne Rodney  |
Panfro Interlude  |
Beauty Of Bulldene  |
Ch Georgian Jonathan Camden  Ch Georgian Jonathan Camden  |
Georgian Sturdy  |
Roseville Blister  |
Crossbank Canute  |
Roseville Barrystina  |
Convoy  |
Merry Monarch  Merry Monarch  |
Hurlinga  |
Roland Treasure  |
Cross Sword Major  |
Crossbank Canute  |
Gwenfelin  |
Whitewalls Excell  |
Georgian Sunflash  Georgian Sunflash  |
My Beautiful Susan  |
Bulldene Judy  |
Georgian Netherdene Resolute  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Allithorne Rodney  |
Mount View Susie  |
Netherdene Elite  |
The White Knight  |
Jacqueline Of Jame  |
Bidwell Beauty  |
Bonnie Of Auburncrest  |
Ben Bolt Of Auburncrest  |
Barrybell Of Auburncrest  |
Madam De Farge  |
not available |
not available |
Lady Jane Of Grasshill  |
Ch Superb Of Wiggin  Ch Superb Of Wiggin  |
Ch Maelor Solarium  Ch Maelor Solarium  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Allithorne Rodney  |
Broth Of A Bhoy  |
Nero's Daughter  |
Mount View Susie  |
Tony's Double  |
Owlthorne Limestar  |
Maelor Veronica  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ch Roseville Barryflash  |
Gingerette  |
Maelor Sunflower  |
Am Ch Vardona Individualist  |
Tyn Y Coed Lucky Start  |
Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin  |
Falstone Sensation  Falstone Sensation  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ch Roseville Barryflash  |
Gingerette  |
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  |
Ch Basford Golden Nymph  Ch Basford Golden Nymph  |
Bugler Judy  |
Princess Bonny  Princess Bonny  |
Gang-on  Gang-on  |
Berwyn Benny  |
Kitty Gray  |
Bessie O´portmahon  |
Son O' Legacy  |
Lady Mcbeth  |
Amrondine Duchess  |
Ch Maelor Uplifter  Ch Maelor Uplifter  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Allithorne Rodney  |
Broth Of A Bhoy  |
Nero's Daughter  |
Mount View Susie  |
Tony's Double  |
Owlthorne Limestar  |
Maelor Veronica  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ch Roseville Barryflash  |
Gingerette  |
Maelor Sunflower  |
Am Ch Vardona Individualist  |
Tyn Y Coed Lucky Start  |
Amrondine Regina (late Netherdene Regina)  Amrondine Regina (late Netherdene Regina)  |
Falstone Sensation  Falstone Sensation  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ch Roseville Barryflash  |
Gingerette  |
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  |
Ch Basford Golden Nymph  Ch Basford Golden Nymph  |
Bugler Judy  |
Molly O´ Mine (1946)  |
Ben Bolt Of Auburncrest  |
Barley Bill Of Auburncrest  |
Benita Of Auburncrest  |
Lady Mountwise  |
Bosworth Artist  |
Bosworth Bunty  |