Eroxana において、7世代の拡張血統図を制作するこ
Ch Telemac Hulk
Ch, Int Ch Denbrough Maeander
Ch, Int Ch Denbrough Maeander
Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough
Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough
Ch Denbrough Leander
Ch Denbrough Leander
Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer
Ch Castizo Canford Trailblazer
Castizo Albermar Blazeaway
Protector Of Copperfield
Wicked Lady
Canford Rebecca
Chieftain Of Drivedale
Overfen Anne
Castizo Manuela
Castizo Carlos
Castizo Carlos
Ch. Int. Eastgate Stalwart Bosun
Ch. Int. Eastgate Stalwart Bosun
Castizo Carmen
Castizo Consuelo
Eng. Ch Baron Of Blythome
Eng. Ch Baron Of Blythome
Castizo Carlotta
Beechlyn Carmen Of Barabull
Brutus Of Barabull
Mellea Hesagenie
Mellea Hesagenie
Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain
Frisky´s Trouble
Cleopatra Of Barabull
Worthy Nero Of Barabull
Dorjac Darling
The Witch Of Barabull
The Witch Of Barabull
Highfield Toreador
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Denver Lass
Cleopatra Of Barabull
Worthy Nero Of Barabull
Dorjac Darling
Denbrough Corrina
Atomstone Ailian
Atomstone Avenger
Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Little Secret
Atomstone Aquarius
Intl.Ch Qualco Marksman
Intl.Ch Qualco Marksman
Mariati Bridget
Belnan Ribble Rebble
Red Victor
Worthy Nero Of Barabull
Dorjac Darling
Belnan New Dawn
Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain
Belnan Nan
Denbrough Cincinatti
Denbrough Diomed
Kippax Pippin
Kippax George
Kippax George
Trixie Belle Of Triangle
Eastgate Cluny
Sherbutt Danny Boy
Buston Clio
Ch Denbrough Murtons Notrum
Ch Denbrough Murtons Notrum
Eng. Ch Kippax Doublenought
Eng. Ch Kippax Doublenought
Ch. Int. Kippax Dreadnought
Ch. Int. Kippax Dreadnought
Avros Topsy
Fair Lady Of Chadderton
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Bo-bo Of Chadderton
Clevehouse Bowman
Eng Ch Manderfield Mastermind
Eng Ch Manderfield Mastermind
Int.Ch Toby Jug Of Wyngrove
Int.Ch Toby Jug Of Wyngrove
Ch. Int. Eastgate Stalwart Bosun
Ch. Int. Eastgate Stalwart Bosun
Lord Lancaster
Stalwart Miss Mandy
Eng Ch Eastgate Carousel
Eng Ch Eastgate Carousel
Eng Ch Eastgate Crusader
Roberta´s Lady Sarah
Manderfield Melanie
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Broadford Happy Wanderer
Tredgold Rosebud
Manderfield Moulin Rouge
Jonathan Lea
Jonathan Lea
Belle Susan
Blaze Of Ashley
Tuffnuts White Rock
Eng Ch Qualco Weavervale Brandy
Eng Ch Qualco Weavervale Brandy
Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain
Weavervale Rowena
Milkmaid Of Strathbraan
Int.Ch Toby Jug Of Wyngrove
Int.Ch Toby Jug Of Wyngrove
Tina Of Strathbraan
Ayesha Of Ashley
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Lady Louise (loi)
Qualco Tugman
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Sherry Of Byewaters
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Balu (it)
Guidobaldo Dei Gi
Guidobaldo Dei Gi
Student Prince Of Baytor
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Ch Pepita Dei Gi
Poltava Red Ben
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Cleopatra Dei Gi
Ch, Int Ch Denbrough Maeander
Ch, Int Ch Denbrough Maeander
Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough
Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough
Ch Denbrough Leander
Ch Denbrough Leander
Beechlyn Carmen Of Barabull
Denbrough Corrina
Atomstone Ailian
Denbrough Cincinatti
Ballerina Dei Gi
Ballerina Dei Gi
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Matros Diana
Thydeal Thats My Boy
Thydeal Thats My Boy
Holeyn Hell Of A Fella Of Baytor
Holeyn Hell Of A Fella Of Baytor
Ch Baytor Zircon Solo
Ch Baytor Zircon Solo
Mellea Hesagenie
Mellea Hesagenie
Eng Ch Belnan Chieftain
Frisky´s Trouble
Belinda Bella
Newbottle Wudstan Boy
Dorroys Temptress
Holeyn Countess
Holeyn Countess
Baytor Plough Boy
Dewrie Welsh Guardsman
Stella Storm Of Veritor
Holeyn Duchess
Holeyn Duchess
Intl.Ch Qualco Marksman
Intl.Ch Qualco Marksman
Holeyn Princess
Thydeal Goldstar
Fredlyns Marcus
Fredlyns Marcus
Ch. Eng Thydeal Dad's Lad
Ch. Eng Thydeal Dad's Lad
Am CH Int Ch Thydeal Relentless
Am CH Int Ch Thydeal Relentless
Thydeal Victoria
Thydeal Victoria
Fredlyns May-zee Wonder
Int.Ch Toby Jug Of Wyngrove
Int.Ch Toby Jug Of Wyngrove
Fredlyns Golden Wonder
Thydeal Jubilation
Thydeal True Grit
Thydeal True Grit
Thydeal Gwyn
Thydeal Gwyn
Thydeal Hatchmead Reginella
Thydeal Jentamie
Thydeal Gwyn
Thydeal Gwyn
Thydeal Little Truefit
Thydeal Little Truefit
Cherrie Of Outdoors
Outdoors Morning Star
Outdoors Morning Star
Thatchway Conquest Of Outdoors
Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece
Vardona Frosty's Masterpiece
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman
Ch Vardona Frosty Snowman
Am CH Vardona Ideal Bewitching
Thatchway Bubbles
Cilgwyn Kite
Cilgwyn Kite
Thatchway Zipcon Lulu
Outdoors Mitzi Of Stychens
Eng Ch Outdoors Duke
Eng Ch Outdoors Duke
Clearbrook Our George
Clearbrook Rustic
Dilkusha Gipsy Moth
Ch Walvra Red Ensign
Ch Walvra Red Ensign
Cassavra Golden Charm
Capps Sea Shanty
Dilkusha Nelsons Victory
Sagebrush Lord Nelson Of Chadderton
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Ever Loving Adelaide
Cassavra Golden Charm
Progsbody Agincourt
Cassavra Cherie
Clapgates Denab
Eng. Ch Sailors Choice
Eng. Ch Sailors Choice
Maythorpe Mariner
Maythorpe Mariner
Dorroys Revelation
Sopwith Camelia
Blockbuster Nobush
Merrie Down Louise