1世代 |
2世代 |
3世代 |
4世代 |
5世代 |
6世代 |
7世代 |
Ch Ugo-otto Des Rolfy's Bulls
Ch. Int.Ch. Round Battling Joe Des Rolfy's Bulls Ch. Int.Ch. Round Battling Joe Des Rolfy's Bulls |
Ch, Int Ch Eros Van Het Slaghek Ch, Int Ch Eros Van Het Slaghek |
Multi Ch Sacramento Van Het Slaghek Multi Ch Sacramento Van Het Slaghek |
Ch Ocobo British Passion Ch Ocobo British Passion |
Ch Ocobo Skipper Ch Ocobo Skipper |
Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian |
Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo |
Axters Plum Pudding Axters Plum Pudding |
Bowcrest Patton Bowcrest Patton |
Firmgrip Fidget |
Beefeater Bulls Happy Irish |
Elroston Colonial Boy Elroston Colonial Boy |
Ch Elroston Jungle Boy Ch Elroston Jungle Boy |
Nonparell Miss Emmy Lou Nonparell Miss Emmy Lou |
Annys Song De La Parure |
Hol Ch Beefeater Bulls Evenmore Irish Hol Ch Beefeater Bulls Evenmore Irish |
Beefeater Bulls Green Isle Lady |
Juliette De L´amabilite |
Ch Oliver Ch Oliver |
Blackshot Bruce |
Ch, Int Ch Greatshot Buckmaster Ch, Int Ch Greatshot Buckmaster |
Sigourney V.d. Bleijenhoek |
Scruffy Van Love Of Pays |
Clyde Van Love Of Pays |
Snow White Of The Woodhillroad |
Allyanes De L' Amabilite |
Nl Ch Wybong Kinderdijk Kid Nl Ch Wybong Kinderdijk Kid |
Ch Kanturk Kount Kassius |
Soraya Bright Blaze |
Quinta De L´amabilite |
not available |
not available |
Ch. Ono Maa Topee Des Rolfy's Bulls Ch. Ono Maa Topee Des Rolfy's Bulls |
Ch Kelloe Classic Ch Kelloe Classic |
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe |
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust |
Lynmans Living Legend Lynmans Living Legend |
Kelloe Allum Chine |
Bullycraft Ike´s Girl At Medbull Bullycraft Ike´s Girl At Medbull |
Eng. Ch Petworth Harvey At Nobozz Eng. Ch Petworth Harvey At Nobozz |
Tuffntrusty Golden Girl At Bullycraft Tuffntrusty Golden Girl At Bullycraft |
Bafrano Miss Red Sox For Kelloe |
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe |
Tugga Revenge Tugga Revenge |
Delanjoy Broadway Becky Of Tugga |
Mercon Classic Lady |
Ch, BOY Willsmere Solid Silver Ch, BOY Willsmere Solid Silver |
Mercon Call Me Madam |
Make A Way With You Des Rolfy's Bulls Make A Way With You Des Rolfy's Bulls |
In The Mood Des Royal Fuves In The Mood Des Royal Fuves |
Ch Bonifacio Fernando Of Sandean Ch Bonifacio Fernando Of Sandean |
Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell |
Capps L´etoile De Bonifacio Capps L´etoile De Bonifacio |
Datcha Des Royal Fuves |
Ch Sandean Dead Lucky Ch Sandean Dead Lucky |
Bonnie Du Quarrylane Cottage |
Ch Good Luck Darling Du Quarrylane Cottage Ch Good Luck Darling Du Quarrylane Cottage |
Ch Bonifacio Fernando Of Sandean Ch Bonifacio Fernando Of Sandean |
Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell |
Capps L´etoile De Bonifacio Capps L´etoile De Bonifacio |
Eliza Doolittle Du Quarrylane Cottage |
Ch Sandean Dead Lucky Ch Sandean Dead Lucky |
Archibulls Belcanto Archibulls Belcanto |
Rock'n'roll Koba Des Rolfy's Bulls Rock'n'roll Koba Des Rolfy's Bulls |
Ch Kelloe Classic Ch Kelloe Classic |
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe |
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust |
Lynmans Living Legend Lynmans Living Legend |
Lynmans Lamplighter |
Lynmans Madam Cyn Lynmans Madam Cyn |
Kelloe Allum Chine |
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe |
Kelloe Hello |
Bullycraft Ike´s Girl At Medbull Bullycraft Ike´s Girl At Medbull |
Eng. Ch Petworth Harvey At Nobozz Eng. Ch Petworth Harvey At Nobozz |
Eng. Ch Carsvale Tuffin Muffin Of Ottenley Eng. Ch Carsvale Tuffin Muffin Of Ottenley |
Petworth Regal Pride |
Tuffntrusty Golden Girl At Bullycraft Tuffntrusty Golden Girl At Bullycraft |
Packapunch Barney Packapunch Barney |
Coco Calypso |
Bafrano Miss Red Sox For Kelloe |
Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe Tugga Tough Decision For Kelloe |
Tugga Revenge Tugga Revenge |
Ch Quintic Amos Of Ocobo Ch Quintic Amos Of Ocobo |
Kaluki Sugarpuss Of Tugga |
Delanjoy Broadway Becky Of Tugga |
Merriveen Passing Cloud |
Ocobo Snow White |
Mercon Classic Lady |
Ch, BOY Willsmere Solid Silver Ch, BOY Willsmere Solid Silver |
Ch Aldridge Avanti Ch Aldridge Avanti |
Willesmere Naughty But Nice |
Mercon Call Me Madam |
Eng Ch Tretun Mr Bumble Eng Ch Tretun Mr Bumble |
Ch Eng Little Miss Dynamite Ch Eng Little Miss Dynamite |
Miss Marple Des Rolfy´s Bulls Miss Marple Des Rolfy´s Bulls |
In The Mood Des Royal Fuves In The Mood Des Royal Fuves |
Ch Bonifacio Fernando Of Sandean Ch Bonifacio Fernando Of Sandean |
Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell |
Brandywell Rockafellow |
Aldridge Ardent Arlene |
Capps L´etoile De Bonifacio Capps L´etoile De Bonifacio |
Sandean Sweet William Sandean Sweet William |
Capps Mary Rose |
Datcha Des Royal Fuves |
Ch Sandean Dead Lucky Ch Sandean Dead Lucky |
Sandean Sweet William Sandean Sweet William |
Outdoors Daddies Girl At Sandean |
Bonnie Du Quarrylane Cottage |
Ch Ocobo British Passion Ch Ocobo British Passion |
Ch Jaylous Melodie Ch Jaylous Melodie |
Honey Moon Des Rolfy's Bulls Honey Moon Des Rolfy's Bulls |
Ch Jaylous Brutus Maximus Ch Jaylous Brutus Maximus |
Jaylous Major Attraction |
Jaylous Major Major |
Ch Barron's Lacey Jay |
Jaylous Ginger Bread Girl |
Jaylous Cedric |
Branham's Daisey Mae |
Ch Good Luck Darling Du Quarrylane Cottage Ch Good Luck Darling Du Quarrylane Cottage |
Ch Bonifacio Fernando Of Sandean Ch Bonifacio Fernando Of Sandean |
Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell |
Capps L´etoile De Bonifacio Capps L´etoile De Bonifacio |
Eliza Doolittle Du Quarrylane Cottage |
Ch Sandean Dead Lucky Ch Sandean Dead Lucky |
Archibulls Belcanto Archibulls Belcanto |
Ice-princess V.d. Ueligass Ice-princess V.d. Ueligass |
Goldengrove Cartwright Goldengrove Cartwright |
Ch, Int Ch Goodbody Blue Bayou Ch, Int Ch Goodbody Blue Bayou |
Ch Pickwick Quasimodo Ch Pickwick Quasimodo |
Ch, Int Ch Pickwick Idefix Ch, Int Ch Pickwick Idefix |
Ch Ocobo Royal Flame Ch Ocobo Royal Flame |
Ocobo Truly Royal Ocobo Truly Royal |
Daisy Of Ocobo |
Pickwick Ivy |
Ch Portfield Masterpiece |
Pickwick Booboo |
Ch Pickwick Lady Chatterly |
Ch Merriveen Mac Manus Ch Merriveen Mac Manus |
Merriveen Snowy Daze Merriveen Snowy Daze |
Merriveen Donata |
Pickwick Yesta |
Pickwick Leander Pickwick Leander |
Ch, Int Ch Pickwick Unique Ch, Int Ch Pickwick Unique |
Ch, Int Ch Goldengrove Savannah Ch, Int Ch Goldengrove Savannah |
Ch Goldengrove Xanthus Xenon |
Ch Ocobo Skipper Ch Ocobo Skipper |
Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian |
Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo |
Kenour Pollyanna Of Bonifacio |
Ch Outdoors Jubilant Ch Outdoors Jubilant |
Keyworths Anabella |
Goldengrove Jansons Lady |
Ch Merriveen Mac Manus Ch Merriveen Mac Manus |
Merriveen Snowy Daze Merriveen Snowy Daze |
Merriveen Donata |
Ch Goldengrove Lady Leandra |
Pickwick Leander Pickwick Leander |
Goldengrove Jessica |
Goodbody Arielle |
Ch Goldengrove Xanthus Xenon |
Ch Ocobo Skipper Ch Ocobo Skipper |
Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian |
Merriveen Son Of Satan Merriveen Son Of Satan |
Kingrock My Nora Tee Kingrock My Nora Tee |
Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo |
Golden Hind Of Five Bells Of Edtotsa |
Little Lady Of Rabmoga |
Kenour Pollyanna Of Bonifacio |
Ch Outdoors Jubilant Ch Outdoors Jubilant |
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold |
Outdoors Sunshine Outdoors Sunshine |
Keyworths Anabella |
Gwenstan Dats My Boy |
Sabrina Of Heartoak |
Ch, Int Ch Goldengrove Lucky Liberty Ch, Int Ch Goldengrove Lucky Liberty |
Bonifacio Hurricane |
Ch Ocobo Skipper Ch Ocobo Skipper |
Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian |
Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo |
Kenour Pollyanna Of Bonifacio |
Ch Outdoors Jubilant Ch Outdoors Jubilant |
Keyworths Anabella |
Ch, Int Ch Goldengrove West Point |
Ch Merriveen Mac Manus Ch Merriveen Mac Manus |
Merriveen Snowy Daze Merriveen Snowy Daze |
Merriveen Donata |
Ch Goldengrove Lady Leandra |
Pickwick Leander Pickwick Leander |
Goldengrove Jessica |
Rudogja V.d. Ueligass |
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