Javary Lets Get Ready To Rumble において、7世代の拡張血統図を制作するこ

1世代 2世代 3世代 4世代 5世代 6世代 7世代
Ch Just Lonestar Outlaw   
Ch Just Lonestar Outlaw
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse   
Ch Cherokee Legend Crazy Horse
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Hetherbull Millcoat Pippin   Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Ch Walnut Row's Lucky Moe   
Ch Walnut Row's Lucky Moe
Ch Dagor Pie's Sequel Of Pie   
Ch Dagor Pie's Sequel Of Pie
Millcoats Forever Floppsy  
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
Ch Dagor's Maximum Effort   
Ch Dagor's Maximum Effort
Todd´s Sister Hazel  
Millcoats Thelma   Ch Millcoats Wb's Obadiah   
Ch Millcoats Wb's Obadiah
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball   
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball
Ch Millcoats Wb's Image Of Pie   
Good's Prissy Jillion   Sandy Ridge Barkley  
Ellis' Oneina Jillion  
Brown Ridge's Sweetie Pie   Hetherbull Arrogant Fat Man   Ch Hetherbull Bounty's Frigate   
Ch Hetherbull Bounty's Frigate
Ch Fredlynns Be Ay   
Ch Fredlynns Be Ay
Bounty's Compass Rose  
Bounty's Compass Rose
Hetherbull Major Hooligan   Jaylous Major Major  
Hetherbull Arrogant Lucy  
Kambi Mae Disco   Daniel S Disco Man T   Sandy Ridge Scorpio  
David Lady Cloftin  
Newport´s Ella Mae   not available
not available
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Ch Walnut Row's Lucky Moe   
Ch Walnut Row's Lucky Moe
Ch Dub Dell's Mighty Moe   
Snuffy´s Diamond Kelly  
Ch Dagor Pie's Sequel Of Pie   
Ch Dagor Pie's Sequel Of Pie
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball   
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball
Ch Dagor's Pie In The Sky O´goober   
Ch Dagor's Pie In The Sky O´goober
Millcoats Forever Floppsy  
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
Ch Dagor's Maximum Effort   
Ch Dagor's Maximum Effort
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball   
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball
Ch Dagor's Pie In The Sky O´goober   
Ch Dagor's Pie In The Sky O´goober
Todd´s Sister Hazel   CH Rich Bony Fingers   
Terrys Brown Eye Sugar  
Cherokee Falon   Ch Cherokee Famous Amos   
Ch Cherokee Famous Amos
Ch Fredlynns Be Ay   
Ch Fredlynns Be Ay
Quintic Ambrose  
Quintic Ambrose
Quintic Camilla Of Fredlynns  
Cherokee Snow Princess   Ch Cherokee Yancey   
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Cherokee Irma  
Cherokee Hannah   Ch Hetherbull Bounty's Frigate   
Ch Hetherbull Bounty's Frigate
Ch Fredlynns Be Ay   
Ch Fredlynns Be Ay
Bounty's Compass Rose  
Bounty's Compass Rose
Cherokee Little Lodestone   Ch Cherokee Yancey   
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Cherokee Turkey  
Ch Cherokee Just Delicious   
Ch Cherokee Just Delicious
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Hetherbull Millcoat Pippin   Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Millcoats Forever Floppsy  
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
Millcoats Thelma   Ch Millcoats Wb's Obadiah   
Ch Millcoats Wb's Obadiah
Good's Prissy Jillion  
Brown Ridge's Sweetie Pie   Hetherbull Arrogant Fat Man   Ch Hetherbull Bounty's Frigate   
Ch Hetherbull Bounty's Frigate
Hetherbull Major Hooligan  
Kambi Mae Disco   Daniel S Disco Man T  
Newport´s Ella Mae  
Ch Cherokee Legend Beatrice    Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation   
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Millcoats Forever Floppsy  
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
Ch Hailey's Comment   
Ch Hailey's Comment
Lord Maximus Of Birkshire  
Emeralds Duchess Of Kent  
Ch Cherokee Legend Dallas   
Ch Cherokee Legend Dallas
Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick   
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick
Ch Jo Bobs Duchess Of Prestwick   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Cherokee Falon  
Cherokee Heavensent Starlet  
Cherokee Heavensent Starlet
Ch Legacy's Only Calvin Klein   
Ch Legacy's Only Calvin Klein
Ch Only Ralph Lauren   
Ch Only Ralph Lauren
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill   
Ch Cherokee Legend Mouser Bill
Ch Cherokee Dakota Robert   
Ch Cherokee Dakota Robert
Ch Cherokee Legend Flower   
Ch Cherokee Legend Flower
Ch Edward's Hollyhock   
Ch Edward's Hollyhock
Edward's Chunk Of Nugget  
Edward's Amaryllis  
Hurricane Legacy Irish Red   Ch Glendars Radar Ii   
Ch Glendars Radar Ii
Ch Beauties Fuzz Buster   
C-c Sundance Dynasty  
Ch Edward's Elegant Rose   
Ch Edward's Elegant Rose
Edward's Chunk Of Nugget  
Edward's Amaryllis  
Cherokee Capeway Callista   Ch Cherokee Dakota Robert   
Ch Cherokee Dakota Robert
Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick   
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick
Ch Jo Bobs Duchess Of Prestwick   
Ch Dakota Arrogant Harriet   
Ch Dakota Arrogant Harriet
Ch Hetherbull Bounty's Frigate   
Ch Hetherbull Bounty's Frigate
Hetherbull Arrogant Megan  
Ch Cherokee Kalon   
Ch Cherokee Kalon
Ch Cherokee Mardel Rudy Vallee   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Rudy Vallee
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Cherokee Falon  
Ch Cherokee Beatrice    Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Cherokee Happy  
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Javary Pizza Planet   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Javary Pizza Planet
Ch Dk's Mini Cooper   
Ch Dk's Mini Cooper
Ch Dk's Mini Me   
Ch Dk's Mini Me
Ch Hobtop Picalo   
Ch Hobtop Picalo
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe   
Ch Medbull Gold Dust Over Kelloe
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust   
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust
Lynmans Living Legend  
Lynmans Living Legend
Kelloe Allum Chine  
Bullycraft Ike´s Girl At Medbull  
Bullycraft Ike´s Girl At Medbull
Eng. Ch Petworth Harvey At Nobozz   
Eng. Ch Petworth Harvey At Nobozz
Tuffntrusty Golden Girl At Bullycraft  
Tuffntrusty Golden Girl At Bullycraft
Eliza Dolittle Of Hobtop  
Eliza Dolittle Of Hobtop
Hobtop Sentinel  
Hobtop Sentinel
Ch Ocobo Skipper   
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Ch Chappark Little Madam   
Ch Chappark Little Madam
Wilward Red Queen   Donnellas Bugsy Malone  
Gold Dust Of Wilward  
Dk's Maggie Mae  
Dk's Maggie Mae
Ch Dk's Cool Dude   
Ch Dk's Cool Dude
Smashercal Commish Of Beda  
Smashercal Commish Of Beda
Smashercal Pride O Breckley  
Smashercal Preeminent Miss  
Dk's Fancy Pants   Smashercal Jbrare Bigmacatac  
Smashercal Ms Roxie  
Phantom Of The Oprie   Breckley's Little Candy Gram  
Breckley's Little Candy Gram
Hug-o-bull Seabright Smasher  
Hug-o-bull Seabright Smasher
Smashercal Pretty Woman  
Dk's I Want It Now  
Dk's I Want It Now
Smashercal Commish Of Beda  
Smashercal Commish Of Beda
Dk's Diamond Lil  
Dk's Diamond Lil
Mountainview`s Mimi   Ch Dk's Cool Dude   
Ch Dk's Cool Dude
Smashercal Commish Of Beda  
Smashercal Commish Of Beda
Smashercal Pride O Breckley   Hug-o-bull Seabright Smasher  
Hug-o-bull Seabright Smasher
Smashercal Pretty Woman  
Smashercal Preeminent Miss   Smasher Al Capp  
Smasher Al Capp
Smasher Tinc-her-belle  
Dk's Fancy Pants   Smashercal Jbrare Bigmacatac   Jowtrix Barney Rubble  
Jowtrix Barney Rubble
Smashercal J B Rare  
Smashercal Ms Roxie   Smashercal Beau Jangles  
Smashercal Ms Rumbo  
Sam Nguyen   La-nan-dor's Pretty Boy Floyd   USA CH Arthurian`s Duke Of La-nan-dor`s   
USA CH Arthurian`s Duke Of La-nan-dor`s
USA Ch Kleeman´s Paco De Chaparra   
La-nan-dor's Jackpot Of Gold  
La-nan-dor's Achybreakyheart   Smashercal Beau Jangles  
La-nan-dor's Masked Lady  
Savage Rapids Nguyen   Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Millcoats Forever Floppsy  
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
Del`s Drucilla Drews   not available
not available
Double H Chiara  
Double H Chiara
Macm Rush  
Macm Rush
Cherokee Elvin  
Cherokee Elvin
Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick   
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick
Ch Ful Ton The Bandit   
Ch Cherokee Harvest   
Ch Cherokee Harvest
Ch Jo Bobs Duchess Of Prestwick    Ch Cherokee Yancey   
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Ch Sarah's Sophisticated Lady   
Ch Sarah's Sophisticated Lady
Supple's Lady Gertrude   Edward's Lord Beverly   Edward's Sir Nigel  
Am Ch Edward's Sun Bonnet Sue   
Mugsy's Anne   Edward's Aramis  
Arm's Agatha Anne  
Br CH Macm Happy Ovation   
Br CH Macm Happy Ovation
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation   
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Millcoats Forever Floppsy  
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
Ch Hailey's Comment   
Ch Hailey's Comment
Lord Maximus Of Birkshire  
Emeralds Duchess Of Kent  
Macm T-town Tara`s Peanut  
Macm T-town Tara`s Peanut
Ch, Int Ch T-town Farmer Roy   
Ch, Int Ch T-town Farmer Roy
Lebo Horsefeathers  
Lebo Horsefeathers
Post Hoc Edna Louise  
Elliotts Beau´s Belle   T-town Mr. Jazzman  
Elliots Do-be Goot Glaysys  
Macm Ivy  
Macm Ivy
Br CH Macm Allure   
Br CH Macm Allure
Ch Sandstone Simply Bradley   
Ch Sandstone Simply Bradley
Ch Showtime Simply Fabulous   
Ch Showtime Simply Fabulous
Ch Humphrey's Mr Sandman X Melrod   
Ch Showtime Ms Imperious   
Ch Showtime Ms Imperious
Sandstone Awesome Girl  
Sandstone Awesome Girl
Platinum's Armstrong  
Murphy Michelle Morris  
Macm Isabela  
Macm Isabela
Cherokee Elvin  
Cherokee Elvin
Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Supple's Lady Gertrude  
Macm Philsands Nathaly  
Macm Philsands Nathaly
Ch Philsands Blazing Star   
Ch Philsands Blazing Star
Princess Penelope Xviii  
Macm Sunflower   Macm Highland Ovation  
Macm Highland Ovation
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation   
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Hailey's Comment   
Ch Hailey's Comment
Macm T-town Tara`s Peanut  
Macm T-town Tara`s Peanut
Ch, Int Ch T-town Farmer Roy   
Ch, Int Ch T-town Farmer Roy
Elliotts Beau´s Belle  
Newcomb's Alison Victory   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available