Gera Evra において、7世代の拡張血統図を制作するこ
Hai Set Aston
Ch Hall's Mr Derrek
Ch Hall's Mr Derrek
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick
Ch Ful Ton The Bandit
Dingmans Jack Daniels
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Marinebulls Kaydee Too
Marinebulls Kaydee Too
Ful Ton Lullaby
Billyhops Mr Hercules
Ful Ton Freedom
Ch Cherokee Harvest
Ch Cherokee Harvest
Ch Cherokee Ivanhoe
Ch Cherokee Ivanhoe
Ch Eskaidee Sir Percival Of Poltava
Ch Eskaidee Sir Percival Of Poltava
Ch Lebo Peaches
Ch Lebo Peaches
Ch Cherokee Pride
Ch Cherokee Pride
Ch Eskaidee Sir Percival Of Poltava
Ch Eskaidee Sir Percival Of Poltava
Ch Lebo Peaches
Ch Lebo Peaches
Ch Jo Bobs Duchess Of Prestwick
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Ch Cherokee Ivanhoe
Ch Cherokee Ivanhoe
Ch Eskaidee Sir Percival Of Poltava
Ch Eskaidee Sir Percival Of Poltava
Ch Lebo Peaches
Ch Lebo Peaches
Ch Cherokee Pride
Ch Cherokee Pride
Ch Eskaidee Sir Percival Of Poltava
Ch Eskaidee Sir Percival Of Poltava
Ch Lebo Peaches
Ch Lebo Peaches
Ch Sarah's Sophisticated Lady
Ch Sarah's Sophisticated Lady
Jo Bobs Cricket Of Copiague
Jo Bobs Cricket Of Copiague
Westfield Stone´s Throw
Willow Oaks Cassandra
Stormy´s Serena Zirotchka
Huntington Hope Vishnue
Maxadyna´s Stormy
Hall's Miss Peppermint Twist
Ch Cherokee Otis
Ch Cherokee Otis
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Ch Cherokee Ivanhoe
Ch Cherokee Ivanhoe
Ch Eskaidee Sir Percival Of Poltava
Ch Eskaidee Sir Percival Of Poltava
Ch Lebo Peaches
Ch Lebo Peaches
Ch Cherokee Pride
Ch Cherokee Pride
Ch Eskaidee Sir Percival Of Poltava
Ch Eskaidee Sir Percival Of Poltava
Ch Lebo Peaches
Ch Lebo Peaches
Cherokee Trial
USA Ch Cherokee King Arthur
USA Ch Cherokee King Arthur
Marinebulls Andrew Of Clywd
Ch Cherokee Belle Star
Ch Cherokee Belle Star
Ch Lebo Peaches
Ch Lebo Peaches
Ch Cherokee Angus Of Primeva
Ch Cherokee Angus Of Primeva
Aljean's Princess Morgana
Ch Hall's Miss Cinnomon Twist
Ch Hall's Mr Jahred
Ch Hall's Mr Jahred
USA Ch Cherokee King Arthur
USA Ch Cherokee King Arthur
Marinebulls Andrew Of Clywd
Ch Cherokee Belle Star
Ch Cherokee Belle Star
Hall's Miss Babette
Ch Cherokee Beauregard
Ch Cherokee Beauregard
Hall's Miss Deira Dolly
Sweet Beulah
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Hai Set Queen Ann Torm Lyalya
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Tais Diana Macline
Kid Chak
Kid Chak
Fine Strong Bill
Ch Happy Fine Torry
Ch Happy Fine Torry
Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest
Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest
Wheatpark Rum Punch
Holeyn Hell Of A Fella Of Baytor
Holeyn Hell Of A Fella Of Baytor
Kavimic Coppers Girl Of Wheatpark
Coopell Intreped Lady
Master Crofty Of Clyburrow
Marenacass Dawn
Betfill Piggy
Betfill Piggy
Tabus X Fingal
Betta Z Klonowca
Ch Cypis ( Sobietaka)
Hawkshope Holly
Diana (merivin)
Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest
Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest
Wheatpark Rum Punch
Holeyn Hell Of A Fella Of Baytor
Holeyn Hell Of A Fella Of Baytor
Kavimic Coppers Girl Of Wheatpark
Coopell Intreped Lady
Master Crofty Of Clyburrow
Marenacass Dawn
Merriveen Hollydaze Dolly
Merriveen Hollydaze Dolly
Ch Merriveen Halcyon Daze
Ch Merriveen Halcyon Daze
Merriveen Happy Daze
Merriveen Happy Daze
Ch Merriveen Pepsi Cola
Ch Merriveen Pepsi Cola
Merriveen Maggie
Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions
Ch Brumigum Strollerboy Of The Regions
Merriveen Coca Cola
Fine Stone Klema
Fine Stone Klema
Ch Happy Fine Torry
Ch Happy Fine Torry
Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest
Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest
Wheatpark Rum Punch
Holeyn Hell Of A Fella Of Baytor
Holeyn Hell Of A Fella Of Baytor
Kavimic Coppers Girl Of Wheatpark
Coopell Intreped Lady
Master Crofty Of Clyburrow
Marenacass Dawn
Betfill Piggy
Betfill Piggy
Tabus X Fingal
Betta Z Klonowca
Ch Cypis ( Sobietaka)
Hawkshope Holly
Marka Getera
Caligula Vislava
Caligula Vislava
Churchil Of The Edroywin House
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Monogram
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Monogram
Ch Amber Stone Of Honour
Ch Amber Stone Of Honour
Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood
Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood
Pickwick Union Jack
Diva Vam Yoke-height-wood
Heavy Marta
Richard ( Merivin)
Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest
Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest
Merriveen Hollydaze Dolly
Merriveen Hollydaze Dolly
Happy Yoka
Happy Yoka
Betfill Piggy
Betfill Piggy
Andra Belten
Betgers Martin
Betgers Martin
Tiffany's Captain Peacock
Tiffany's Home Grown
Tiffany's Home Grown
Noelean Lover Boy
Ch Outdoors Jubilant
Ch Outdoors Jubilant
Noelean Kishka Lady
USA Ch Tiffany's Raisin In The Sun
CH USA Tiffany's Godsend
Tiffany's Lil Shock And Jive
Brumar's I'm Rosie Too
Ch Doc's Roscoe P Coltrane
USA Ch Doc's Iron Horse
Doc's Strawberry Shortcake
Brumar's Sweet Li L Serena
Bounty's Hunk Of Gibraltar
Jonathan´s Mossie
Tiffany's Mercey Merci
USA Ch Tiffany's Born To Boogie
USA Ch Tiffany's Born To Boogie
Walnut Row's Awesome Force
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
USA Ch Dagor's Misty's Maximum Patipie
Tiffany's Fair And Square
CH USA Tiffany's Godsend
Tiffany's Amber Of Posada
Tiffany's Penellopy
Noelean Lover Boy
Ch Outdoors Jubilant
Ch Outdoors Jubilant
Noelean Kishka Lady
USA Ch Tiffany's Raisin In The Sun
CH USA Tiffany's Godsend
Tiffany's Lil Shock And Jive
Maggie Chande Lauder
Ch Shanel Z Cerne Cesty
Ch. Int, Cz. White Castle Lincoln
Ch Curly Kail Side's Bonny
Caesar Casa Canis
Curly Kail Side's Angie
White Castle Fifty-fifty
CH Joymuir Ricardo
CH Joymuir Ricardo
White Castle April Love
Ch Baronka Z Cerne Cesty
Conny Vislava
Churchil Of The Edroywin House
Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood
Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood
White Castle Vying Quincy
Ch Ocobo British Passion
Ch Ocobo British Passion
White Castle Emma
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not available