Classay Jerjes By Cesars において、7世代の拡張血統図を制作するこ

1世代 2世代 3世代 4世代 5世代 6世代 7世代
Ch Classay Mini Dozer Man    Ch Cedar Lane Major League's Rbi   
Ch Cedar Lane Major League's Rbi
Ch Newcomb's Valiant Jerry   
Ch Newcomb's Valiant Jerry
Ch Vincents Zullo's Just Jake   
Ch Vincents Zullo's Just Jake
Ch Vincents Bo Didley   
Ch Vincents Bo Didley
Ch Melrods Fabolous Freddy   
Ch Melrods Fabolous Freddy
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Ch Bucks Lit´l Iodine Of Melrod   
Ch Bucks Lit´l Iodine Of Melrod
Vincents Country Sunshine  
Vincents Country Sunshine
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
USA Ch Kralan's Vincent's Lil Hallie   
Riley S Little Pot O Honey   USA Ch Melrods Bold Venture Of Tomel   
USA Ch Melrods Bold Venture Of Tomel
Kyleken Sandman O´nugget  
Kyleken Sandman O´nugget
Tomel's New Venture  
Tomel's New Venture
Little O´gal   Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Knob Hills Choctaw Princess  
K-sand´s Red Hot Salsa   Cobb's Happy Cavalier   Cobb's Showboat Andy   Ch Melrods Fabolous Freddy   
Ch Melrods Fabolous Freddy
Oj´s Okie Brandy  
Cobb's Mccoy Katy   Ch Vincents Real Mccoy   
Ch Vincents Real Mccoy
Ch B And B's Katy Scarlett   
Shady Sadie She's A Lady   Sir Riley Charles Putnam   Bandit Kumquat Fletcher  
Nelsons Cuddles  
Anneler's Maggie Mae   Tiger's Red Baron Manahl  
Red Penny Manhal  
Major League Annie Ann   Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth   
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth
Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick   
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick
Ch Jo Bobs Duchess Of Prestwick   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Cherokee Falon  
Ch Little Ponds Splash   
Ch Little Ponds Splash
Ch T-tow Gustav With Gusto    Ch, Int Ch T-town Farmer Roy   
Ch, Int Ch T-town Farmer Roy
CH Gretchen Godiva Luddington   
Little Ponds Blonde Ambition   Ch Powerbull's Boomer Esiason   
Ch Powerbull's Boomer Esiason
Ch Speers Annabelle Lee   
Mcdermott's Awesome Blossom   Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth   
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth
Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch Little Ponds Splash   
Ch Little Ponds Splash
Ch T-tow Gustav With Gusto   
Little Ponds Blonde Ambition  
Ch Mcdermott's Sandy Of Vincent   
Ch Mcdermott's Sandy Of Vincent
Ch Vincents Real Mccoy   
Ch Vincents Real Mccoy
Ch Cherokee Otis   
Ch Cherokee Otis
Vincents Country Sunshine  
Vincents Country Sunshine
Ch Kandi's Little Sweet Pea   
Ch Kandi's Little Sweet Pea
Ch Vincents Zullo's Just Jake   
Ch Vincents Zullo's Just Jake
Kristi Lane  
Slik Class-a Wht Lightn Lexus   Ch Rich Korn Licker   
Ch Rich Korn Licker
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting   
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting
Ch Roscoe's Sunshine Specialty    Doc's Sunshine Rally   Ch. Doc's Chunky Chester   
Doc's Brendie  
Millie Muffin   Ch Doc's Roscoe P Coltrane   
Hominy (1985)  
Annie Fanny Of Bertha Butt   Ch Brumar's I'm So Handsome Hank    Tiffany's Home Grown  
Tiffany's Home Grown
Brumar's I'm Rosie Too  
Bertha Butt Of Lulubell   Ch. Rc's Squire Duffy O'donahue Td   
Ch. Rc's Squire Duffy O'donahue Td
Lazy Lady Of Lulubell  
Tuffy Xxxii   Ch Poboy's Dandee    Ch Poboy's Hoss   
Ch Poboy's Hoss
Ch Millcoats Geronimo   
Ch Millcoats Geronimo
Wilson's Lil Hannah  
Wilson's Lil Hannah
Poboy's Dan - Dee Rainbow   Poboy's Iceman  
Knob Hills Bounty Of Gold  
Ch. Aguirre's Chubsy Ubsy    Ch Dynamite Red Of Melrod   
Ch Dynamite Red Of Melrod
Am CH Oldhams Doubletake Of Melrod   
Jackie's Patches  
Shelbys Miss Mollie   Billy Bad I I  
Salley Faye Stokes  
Bam Bam's Seagrams Seven   Ch Jb's Chief Tuckers Laststand    Ch Volkart's Wyatt Tucker    Ch Brower Wyatt Burp    Ch Brower One Cool Dude   
Stephen Flapjack Jemima  
Ch Volkart's Mighty Fine Brandy    Mayfield Mighty Sampson  
Smith's Molly May  
Fry's Cherokee Lady   Fry's Cherokee Cheif   T-town Mr. Jazzman  
Ch Baliwick's Boxcar Nancy   
Ch Baliwick's Boxcar Nancy
Fry's Cherokee Queen   Imogene's Butt Kicken Harley  
Fry's Cherokee Teako  
One Precious Peacutter   Ken's Socrates   Ch Cedar Lane's Fleetwood Mack   
Ch Cedar Lane's Fleetwood Mack
Ch Vincents Real Mccoy   
Ch Vincents Real Mccoy
Cedar Lane's Katie O´riley  
Boomer's Cocoa   Ch Boomer's Sooner Drury   
Murray's Heather Fether Jo  
Morrison's Precious Rose   Bennett's Everidae Bad Guy Jr   Bennett's Everidae Bad Guy  
Hustler Ann Tray  
Sommerset Farm's Jenny   Somerset Farms Little Ben  
Michael's Baby Love  
Ch Major League Classay A Penny For Your Thoughts    Ch, GCh Beams Kabo Texas Retreat   
Ch, GCh Beams Kabo Texas Retreat
Ch Notorious Waldo Pepper   
Ch Notorious Waldo Pepper
Ch Mytoys Mighty Texas Legend   
Ch Mytoys Mighty Texas Legend
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Hetherbull Millcoat Pippin  
Brown Ridge's Sweetie Pie  
Ch Cherokee Legend Beatrice    Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation   
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation
Ch Cherokee Legend Dallas   
Ch Cherokee Legend Dallas
Ch Mytoys Blast From The Past   
Ch Mytoys Blast From The Past
Ch Dingmans Chip Off The Old Block   
Ch Dingmans Chip Off The Old Block
Ch Marinebulls All The Way   
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Dingmans Lawdy Miss Maudy  
Dingmans Lawdy Miss Maudy
Ch Mytoys N.mexico Connection   
Ch Mytoys N.mexico Connection
Ch Vincents Real Mccoy   
Ch Vincents Real Mccoy
Mytoys Playing Possum  
Mytoys Playing Possum
Ch Imperious Wise Fear Factor   
Ch Imperious Wise Fear Factor
Ch. Imperious Fearless Of Risk   
Ch. Imperious Fearless Of Risk
Ch Imperious Risky Business   
Ch Imperious Risky Business
Ch Cedar Lane's Fleetwood Mack   
Ch Cedar Lane's Fleetwood Mack
Snugabull Pride And Joy  
Snugabull Pride And Joy
Imperious Polka Dot Rose   Jaylous Major Max  
Jaylous Major Max
Lorelu Golden Honey O'sims  
Ch, Multi Ch Imperious Wise Crystal Ice   
Ch, Multi Ch Imperious Wise Crystal Ice
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting   
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting
Ch Roscoe's Sunshine Specialty   
Annie Fanny Of Bertha Butt  
Imperious Bulwick Bella Of Wise  
Imperious Bulwick Bella Of Wise
Ch. Imperious Fearless Of Risk   
Ch. Imperious Fearless Of Risk
Imperious Roxy's Wise Choise  
Ch Notorious Red Mercedes   
Ch Notorious Red Mercedes
Ch Chimera Dowat's The Bandit   
Ch Chimera Dowat's The Bandit
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting   
Ch Roscoe's White Lighting
Ch Roscoe's Sunshine Specialty    Doc's Sunshine Rally  
Millie Muffin  
Annie Fanny Of Bertha Butt   Ch Brumar's I'm So Handsome Hank   
Bertha Butt Of Lulubell  
Ch Mytoys N.mexico Connection   
Ch Mytoys N.mexico Connection
Ch Vincents Real Mccoy   
Ch Vincents Real Mccoy
Ch Cherokee Otis   
Ch Cherokee Otis
Vincents Country Sunshine  
Vincents Country Sunshine
Mytoys Playing Possum  
Mytoys Playing Possum
Ch Dingmans No Show Jone´s   
Ch Dingmans No Show Jone´s
Ets Daisy On The Brazos  
Ch Rocket City's Yt Almond Bark   
Ch Rocket City's Yt Almond Bark
Flippins Jahidi   Ch Flippins Scout   
Ch Flippins Scout
Ch Millcoats Geronimo   
Ch Millcoats Geronimo
Flippins My Bonnie  
Flippins My Bonnie
Classybull Naja Thunderbolt   Ch Double A's Honest Abe   
Ch Double A's Honest Abe
Ch. Classybull Caroline   
Ch Rocket City's Mini M-n-m   
Ch Rocket City's Mini M-n-m
Rocket City's Rudy T  
Rocket City's Rudy T
Ch Poboy's Hoss   
Ch Poboy's Hoss
Saltforks My Little Maggie  
Dk's Rocket City's Carmel  
Dk's Rocket City's Carmel
Ch Breckley's Box Car Willie   
Dk's Diamond Lil  
Dk's Diamond Lil
Ch Major League She's A Daisy   
Ch Major League She's A Daisy
Ch Glendars Dylan   
Ch Glendars Dylan
Ch Beauties Amos   
Ch Beauties Amos
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson   
Ch Walnut Row's Moe's Mighty Samson
Ch Walnut Row's Lucky Moe   
Ch Walnut Row's Lucky Moe
Ch Dagor Pie's Sequel Of Pie   
Ch Dagor Pie's Sequel Of Pie
Millcoats Forever Floppsy  
Millcoats Forever Floppsy
Ch Dagor's Maximum Effort   
Ch Dagor's Maximum Effort
Todd´s Sister Hazel  
Ch Beauties Repeat    Ch Beauties Fuzz Buster    Ch Buster Beauty   
Ch Buster Beauty
Ch Beauties Miss Vivian   
Ch Beauties Miss Vivian    Ch Sundance Matador   
Ch Sittinbulls Little Squaw   
Ch Glendars Shes A Beauty   
Ch Glendars Shes A Beauty
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth   
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth
Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch Little Ponds Splash   
Ch Little Ponds Splash
Ch T-tow Gustav With Gusto   
Little Ponds Blonde Ambition  
Ch Glendars Easter Sensation   
Ch Glendars Easter Sensation
Ch Glendars Radar Ii   
Ch Glendars Radar Ii
Ch Beauties Fuzz Buster   
C-c Sundance Dynasty  
Beauties Just A Doll   Ch Beauties Fuzz Buster   
Ch Beauties Miss Vivian   
Ch Mousers Major League Sweetheart   
Ch Mousers Major League Sweetheart
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy   
Ch Cherokee Legend Pretty Boy
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus   
Ch Legacy's Cajun Zeus
Hetherbull Millcoat Pippin   Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Millcoats Thelma  
Brown Ridge's Sweetie Pie   Hetherbull Arrogant Fat Man  
Kambi Mae Disco  
Ch Cherokee Legend Beatrice    Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation   
Ch, Multi Ch Mugshot's Standing Ovation
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Ch Hailey's Comment   
Ch Hailey's Comment
Ch Cherokee Legend Dallas   
Ch Cherokee Legend Dallas
Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Cherokee Mousers Constance  
Cherokee Mousers Constance
Ch Little Ponds Chief   
Ch Little Ponds Chief
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth   
Ch Cherokee Legend Garth
Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch Little Ponds Splash   
Ch Little Ponds Splash
Ch T-tow Gustav With Gusto   
Little Ponds Blonde Ambition  
Ch Cherokee Legend Flower   
Ch Cherokee Legend Flower
Ch Prestwick Gawain   
Ch Prestwick Gawain
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick   
Ch Cherokee Lord Prestwick
Ch Jo Bobs Duchess Of Prestwick   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage   
Ch Cherokee Mardel Sage
Ch Millcoats Titus   
Ch Millcoats Titus
Cherokee Falon