Ibiza Tony Brus Bulls

Bulldogpedigree.com において、7世代の拡張血統図を制作するこ

1世代 2世代 3世代 4世代 5世代 6世代 7世代
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Bredwardine Lord Antonio Garcelbull   
Ch, Jr Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Bredwardine Lord Antonio Garcelbull
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Garcel Bull Constantine   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Garcel Bull Constantine
Ch Helmlake Marlon   
Ch Helmlake Marlon
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Black Hope Brando   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Black Hope Brando
Int Ch, Multi Ch Lav Eipril Bomond   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Lav Eipril Bomond
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Mervander Thunder Voice   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Mervander Thunder Voice
Ch Mervander Thundering Home   
Ch Mervander Thundering Home
SA Ch Mervander Galloon   
SA Ch Mervander Galloon
Mervander Belle Capri  
Mervander Belle Capri
Mervander Man Of War  
Mervander Man Of War
Thaikou Macushla Of Mervander  
CH FIN, SWE, DK Black Hope Peppermint   
CH FIN, SWE, DK Black Hope Peppermint
Lav Eipril Avtoritet  
Lav Eipril Avtoritet
Ch Maddalo Red Dragon   
Ch Maddalo Red Dragon
Lav Eipril Astarta  
Lav Eipril Astarta
Mowens Double Dream  
Mowens Double Dream
Ch Bondabull Northern Star   
Ch Bondabull Northern Star
Mowens Biscuit  
Mowens Biscuit
Helmlake Secret Lives   Ch Nobozz Drunk And Disorderly   
Ch Nobozz Drunk And Disorderly
Hiising Hells Angel   Lynmans Morris  
Swalesboy Snowy Mort Hiising  
Hot Ruby At Nobozz   Hillplace Musketeer  
Delightful Daisy  
Boos Girl At Helmlake   Multi Ch Wyecaple Karaoke   
Multi Ch Wyecaple Karaoke
Bantonloch Barney Magroo  
Bantonloch Barney Magroo
Coldstream Pepperino At Wyecaple  
Coldstream Pepperino At Wyecaple
Crisdelbully Boos Ddelight   Glyndee Josh Son Of Tosh  
Glyndee Josh Son Of Tosh
Briditch Spritzer At Crisdelbully  
Briditch Spritzer At Crisdelbully
Edition Of Luxe Gigan Pet  
Edition Of Luxe Gigan Pet
Edition Of Luxe Born To Be Bad  
Edition Of Luxe Born To Be Bad
Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White   
Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste   
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Merriveen Mona Lisa  
Merriveen Mona Lisa
La Chata Happy Girl   Merriveen Courtier  
Merriveen Courtier
La Chata Boot White  
La Chata Boot White
Edition Of Luxe Springer  
Edition Of Luxe Springer
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Shalad My Girl Lollipop  
Edition Of Luxe Show Time   Int Ch Merriveen Take Five   
Int Ch Merriveen Take Five
Vachart Cintia  
Edition Of Luxe Lollipop   Ch The Hopis Bullet   
Ch The Hopis Bullet
Ch Nobozz Del Boy   
Ch Nobozz Del Boy
Ch Britishpride The Charmer At Omega   
Ch Britishpride The Charmer At Omega
Nobozz Phoebes Girl  
Nobozz Phoebes Girl
Medbull Little Cherub At Nobozz  
Medbull Little Cherub At Nobozz
Eng Ch Balfour Action Man Of Laroyal J.w   
Eng Ch Balfour Action Man Of Laroyal J.w
Hiising Lucki Lulu At Medbull  
Hiising Lucki Lulu At Medbull
Edition Of Luxe It Show Time   Int Ch Merriveen Take Five   
Int Ch Merriveen Take Five
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste   
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste
Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull  
Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull
Vachart Cintia   Ch Merriveen Court Martial   
Ch Merriveen Court Martial
Vachart Lluna  
Vachart Lluna
Barachusa Di Grotta Rea   Barachusa Di Grotta Bieco Ill Ragazzo   Ch Rizi Bizi Bull Buffalo Bill   
Ch Rizi Bizi Bull Buffalo Bill
Ch Groz Kriger Uranus   
Ch Groz Kriger Uranus
Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees   
Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees
Mystyle Mcvicar Of Ocobo  
Terlingfair Flirty Girty Of Mystyle  
Ch April Full Moon Kwai   
Ch April Full Moon Kwai
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Ch April Full Moon Cocaine   
Ch April Full Moon Cocaine
Rizi Bizi Bull Zsozso  
Rizi Bizi Bull Zsozso
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Groz Kriger Thobie   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Groz Kriger Thobie
Groz Kriger Power  
Groz Kriger Power
Groz Kriger Grace  
Rizi Bizi Bull Elsa   Strase Mix Aga  
Strase Mix Aga
Havannai Holdeny Szilvia  
Farkastanya-szepe Urno   Ch Szarhidai Benderguz    Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Groz Kriger Oliver   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Groz Kriger Oliver
Rebus Jubille  
Romakome Idol Ida  
Miske Szepe Cindy   Lord Zlata Selma  
Lord Zlata Selma
Bullkiller-donluc Duci  
Farkastanya-szepe Georgina   Farkastanya-szepe Botond   Ch Hajduvari Black Jimmy   
American S Flaco Devil Amarilla  
Elek-szive Szelli   Ch Tuffnuts Striker   
Ch Tuffnuts Striker
Paloc Mentor Batterfly  
Barachusa Di Grotta Berenice Puella   Viharsarok-puszta Dundi   Good Face Hades  
Good Face Hades
Ch Groz Kriger Uranus   
Ch Groz Kriger Uranus
Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees   
Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees
Ch April Full Moon Kwai   
Ch April Full Moon Kwai
Groz Kriger Truta  
Groz Kriger Truta
Ch, Jr Ch Groz Kriger Hero   
Ch, Jr Ch Groz Kriger Hero
Groz Kriger Origin  
Groz Kriger Origin
Viharsarok-puszta Monic   English Pirate Bulldog Guy  
English Pirate Bulldog Guy
Golden Bull Yeti  
Golden Bull Yeti
English Pirate Bulldog Ivy  
English Pirate Bulldog Ivy
Viharsarok Puszta Amanda   Ch Alex Emin Sad   
Cegledi Morgos Karmen  
Barachusa Di Grotta Arioko   Multi Ch Blunt Island Dugo    not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Kebeam Bambi   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Garcel Bull Blancanieves  
Garcel Bull Blancanieves
Ch Helmlake Fat Boy With Garcelbull   
Ch Helmlake Fat Boy With Garcelbull
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull   
Ch, Int Ch Blood Blue Boy Islandbull
La Chata Kaiser  
La Chata Kaiser
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste   
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove   
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence   
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence
Merriveen Mona Lisa  
Merriveen Mona Lisa
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully   
Ch, BOY Ocobo Tully
Thydeal Be Loved  
La Chata Boot White  
La Chata Boot White
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust   
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust
Lynmans Living Legend  
Lynmans Living Legend
Kelloe Allum Chine  
Dos Aguas Marta Sanchez  
Dos Aguas Marta Sanchez
Ch, Int Ch Dos Aguas Jacob   
Ch, Int Ch Dos Aguas Jacob
Ch Sp Nobozz Leticia Lamb Chops   
Ch Sp Nobozz Leticia Lamb Chops
Shasha The Queen  
Shasha The Queen
Budas De Oro Bulky  
Budas De Oro Bulky
Sp Ch La Chata Blood Red   
Sp Ch La Chata Blood Red
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust   
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust
Dos Aguas Marta Sanchez  
Dos Aguas Marta Sanchez
Ch Fearnought Fights For Ever   
Ch Fearnought Fights For Ever
La Chata Ilusion Bitch  
La Chata Ilusion Bitch
Merriveen Courtier  
Merriveen Courtier
Kofyn Kawtcha Lookin  
Kofyn Kawtcha Lookin
Merriveen Quite Contrary  
Merriveen Quite Contrary
La Chata Beauty In Show   Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust   
Ch, Int Ch Kelloe Angel Dust
Dos Aguas Marta Sanchez  
Dos Aguas Marta Sanchez
Rosebud Baby   JW Linmist X Factor  
JW Linmist X Factor
Ch Nobozz Drunk And Disorderly   
Ch Nobozz Drunk And Disorderly
Hiising Hells Angel   Lynmans Morris  
Swalesboy Snowy Mort Hiising  
Hot Ruby At Nobozz   Hillplace Musketeer  
Delightful Daisy  
Linmist Perfect Bliss  
Linmist Perfect Bliss
Ch Britishpride The Sandman   
Ch Britishpride The Sandman
Mr Fezzywig  
Mr Fezzywig
Ch Britishpride Cream Cake   
Ch Britishpride Cream Cake
Linmist Lolita   Linmist Legacy At Jacoste  
Quintic Ace Darling Of Linmist  
Lady Louisa (uk)   Lynmans Sandow  
Lynmans Sandow
Lynmans Lasting Peace  
Lynmans Lasting Peace
Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid   
Eng Ch Iceglint Intrepid
Lynmans Justina  
Lynmans Tamsin   Lynmans Rocket Man  
Lynmans Rocket Man
Maury´s Matilda Of Lynmans  
Fordfox Nelly´s Dillema   Praetoriam Astrum  
Praetoriam Astrum
Aldridge Albany  
Aldridge Albany
Fordfox Golden Amber At Praetoriam  
Fordfox Golden Amber At Praetoriam
Algarde Ninrod At Fordfox   Eng Ch Tymaro Tender Touch   
Eng Ch Tymaro Tender Touch
Fordfox Hoover The Mover  
Garcel Bull Remember To Sky  
Garcel Bull Remember To Sky
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Garcel Bull Constantine   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Garcel Bull Constantine
Ch Helmlake Marlon   
Ch Helmlake Marlon
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Black Hope Brando   
Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Black Hope Brando
Int Ch, Multi Ch Lav Eipril Bomond   
Int Ch, Multi Ch Lav Eipril Bomond
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Mervander Thunder Voice   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Mervander Thunder Voice
Mervander Belle Capri  
Mervander Belle Capri
CH FIN, SWE, DK Black Hope Peppermint   
CH FIN, SWE, DK Black Hope Peppermint
Lav Eipril Avtoritet  
Lav Eipril Avtoritet
Mowens Double Dream  
Mowens Double Dream
Helmlake Secret Lives   Ch Nobozz Drunk And Disorderly   
Ch Nobozz Drunk And Disorderly
Hiising Hells Angel  
Hot Ruby At Nobozz  
Boos Girl At Helmlake   Multi Ch Wyecaple Karaoke   
Multi Ch Wyecaple Karaoke
Crisdelbully Boos Ddelight  
Edition Of Luxe Gigan Pet  
Edition Of Luxe Gigan Pet
Edition Of Luxe Born To Be Bad  
Edition Of Luxe Born To Be Bad
Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White   
Ch, Int Ch La Chata Quite White
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste   
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste
La Chata Happy Girl  
Edition Of Luxe Springer  
Edition Of Luxe Springer
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle
Edition Of Luxe Show Time  
Edition Of Luxe Lollipop   Ch The Hopis Bullet   
Ch The Hopis Bullet
Ch Nobozz Del Boy   
Ch Nobozz Del Boy
Medbull Little Cherub At Nobozz  
Medbull Little Cherub At Nobozz
Edition Of Luxe It Show Time   Int Ch Merriveen Take Five   
Int Ch Merriveen Take Five
Vachart Cintia  
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Kanterbull Garcebull   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Kanterbull Garcebull
Hiising Triple Xxx  
Hiising Triple Xxx
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Draco Malfoy ( Apud / Apud )   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch Draco Malfoy ( Apud / Apud )
Brave Wilson ( Castillo )  
Brave Wilson ( Castillo )
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )   
Ch, Int Ch, GCh Gral' Urko ( Hernandez )
Ch, Int Ch Beauty Carolyn ( Calderon )   
Ch, Int Ch Beauty Carolyn ( Calderon )
Britanny ( Morales )  
Britanny ( Morales )
Int Ch Picachu ( Hernandez )   
Ch Flor ( Hernandez )   
Ch Flor ( Hernandez )
Hiising Hii Water   Ch, BOY Saintgeorges Shakermaker Mystyle   
Ch, BOY Saintgeorges Shakermaker Mystyle
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle  
Ringablok Mcdonald Mystyle
Saintgeorges Stand Proud  
Saintgeorges Stand Proud
Hiising Slightly Tipsy   Ch Nobozz Drunk And Disorderly   
Ch Nobozz Drunk And Disorderly
Medbull Ms Dynamite  
Edition Of Luxe Good Morning   Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle   
Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, BOY Captain Hudson With Mystyle
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Merriveen Milady  
Shalad My Girl Lollipop   Blossdunmere Lanista At Shalad  
Timmys Tilty At Shalad  
Edition Of Luxe Show Time   Int Ch Merriveen Take Five   
Int Ch Merriveen Take Five
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste   
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Make Haste
Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull  
Hyten High Priestess Of Luvpull
Vachart Cintia   Ch Merriveen Court Martial   
Ch Merriveen Court Martial
Vachart Lluna  
Vachart Lluna