Betty (uk Suddes)
7 коленная родословная сгенерированна
1 поколение
2 поколение
3 поколение
4 поколение
5 поколение
6 поколение
7 поколение
Colvestone Billy
Pleasant Bertie
Paddington Campbell
John Campbell
John Campbell
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
John Of The Funnels
Wadsley Jack
Lucy Loo
Don Salano
Don Salano
Dodo (uk 1894)
Rita (1895)
Dona Disdain
Ceres (1892)
Guido (uk 1889)
Guido (uk 1889)
Margaret Catchpole
Little Bunchie ( Bruton)
The Swashbuckler
Bromley Crib (uk-usa)
Bromley Crib (uk-usa)
Royal Duke (uk-usa)
Maid Of Perth
Fi Fi ( Fergusson)
Sally Venn
Pressmore Dandy
Don Venn
Don Venn
Lucy Venn
Wedmore Lady
King Of Burdett
Wedmore Phylis
Maggie May
Master Delaforce
High Jinks (uk)
Fortunes Frolic
Fortunes Frolic
Barney Barnato (uk 1895)
Barney Barnato (uk 1895)
Fantine (uk)
Doctor Janet
Ivel Doctor (uk-usa)
Ivel Doctor (uk-usa)
Rebecca Roe
Weston Swash
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Gilmore Lady
Lord Guido (uk-usa)
Royal Britons Pride
Union Guard (form Advance Guard) (uk-usa)
Pressmore Hattie
Lady Sapho (uk)
Set Fair
Jenny (uk 1904 Gilmore)
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Colvestone Minnie
Dick Stone
Dick Stone
British Stone
British Stone
Buck Stone
Buck Stone
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
John Of The Funnels
Lucy Loo
Black 'un
Bapton Monarch
Lady Kitchener (uk 1896)
Ch Jack Of Spades (uk-usa 1895)
Don Alexis
Queen Of Spades (uk)
Gipperswick Beauty
Sir Edward (uk)
Lady Gipperswick
Regina Stone
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
John Of The Funnels
Wadsley Jack
Lucy Loo
Don Salano
Don Salano
Dodo (uk 1894)
Lady Patricia
Regent Street Prince (late Hippo)
Regent Street Prince (late Hippo)
Sheffield Barry
Gipsy Knight (late Hackney Gipsy)
Lady Dolly (1896)
not available
not available
Shy Gwendoline
Rory O' More
The Swashbuckler
Bromley Crib (uk-usa)
Bromley Crib (uk-usa)
Royal Duke (uk-usa)
Maid Of Perth
Fi Fi ( Fergusson)
Vesey Maud
Gay Lucy
Bull Ring Blackberry
Hampshire Dolly
Vanxhall Sally
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Colvestone Gwennie
Cheque Book
Red Stone
British Stone
British Stone
Buck Stone
Buck Stone
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
John Of The Funnels
Lucy Loo
Black 'un
Bapton Monarch
Lady Kitchener (uk 1896)
Ch Jack Of Spades (uk-usa 1895)
Don Alexis
Queen Of Spades (uk)
Gipperswick Beauty
Sir Edward (uk)
Lady Gipperswick
Fancy Stone
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Nessie Quee'n
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Regina May
Pleasant Bertie
Paddington Campbell
John Campbell
John Campbell
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
John Of The Funnels
Lucy Loo
Rita (1895)
Ceres (1892)
Little Bunchie ( Bruton)
The Swashbuckler
Bromley Crib (uk-usa)
Bromley Crib (uk-usa)
Fi Fi ( Fergusson)
Sally Venn
Pressmore Dandy
Wedmore Lady
Maggie May
Master Delaforce
High Jinks (uk)
Fortunes Frolic
Fortunes Frolic
Doctor Janet
Weston Swash
not available
not available
Gilmore Lady
Lord Guido (uk-usa)
Royal Britons Pride
Lady Sapho (uk)
Jenny (uk 1904 Gilmore)
not available
not available
Colvestone Minnie
Dick Stone
Dick Stone
British Stone
British Stone
Buck Stone
Buck Stone
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Black 'un
Lady Kitchener (uk 1896)
Ch Jack Of Spades (uk-usa 1895)
Gipperswick Beauty
Regina Stone
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
John Of The Funnels
Lucy Loo
Lady Patricia
Regent Street Prince (late Hippo)
Regent Street Prince (late Hippo)
Lady Dolly (1896)
Shy Gwendoline
Rory O' More
The Swashbuckler
Bromley Crib (uk-usa)
Bromley Crib (uk-usa)
Fi Fi ( Fergusson)
Vesey Maud
Bull Ring Blackberry
Vanxhall Sally
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available