1 поколение |
2 поколение |
3 поколение |
4 поколение |
5 поколение |
6 поколение |
7 поколение |
Sutherland Roy (uk-can)  |
Max London (uk-usa)  |
Dick Penfold  |
Duke Of Cornwall  |
Ch Rolyat (uk-usa)  Ch Rolyat (uk-usa)  |
Donax  Donax  |
Bullace  |
Merry Belle  |
Bombard (uk-usa)  Bombard (uk-usa)  |
Fi Fi ( Fergusson)  |
Our Sarah  |
Enfield Jimmy  |
Denver  |
Enfield Poppy  |
Lady Broadstairs  |
Pressmore Dandy  |
Lady Blister  |
Madam Penfold  |
Penfold London (now Khartoum)uk-usa  |
Old Catton Diamond  |
Ch Thornbury Diamond (uk-usa)  |
Sallie (uk 1901)  |
Kitty Penfold (uk)  |
Alfred The Great (uk 1908)  |
Lady Cissy  |
Ivy Penfold  |
Dick Penfold  |
Duke Of Cornwall  |
Our Sarah  |
Baroness Penfold  Baroness Penfold  |
Baron Penfold  |
Bermondsey Queen  |
Kiddie Penfold  |
Dick Penfold  |
Duke Of Cornwall  |
Ch Rolyat (uk-usa)  Ch Rolyat (uk-usa)  |
Donax  Donax  |
Bullace  |
Merry Belle  |
Bombard (uk-usa)  Bombard (uk-usa)  |
Fi Fi ( Fergusson)  |
Our Sarah  |
Enfield Jimmy  |
Denver  |
Enfield Poppy  |
Lady Broadstairs  |
Pressmore Dandy  |
Lady Blister  |
Baroness Penfold  Baroness Penfold  |
Baron Penfold  |
Romsey Refusal  |
Reminder  |
Sheffield Daisy  |
Marguerite Penfold  |
The Crusher  |
Peggy ( Johnson)  |
Bermondsey Queen  |
Pressgang Chief  Pressgang Chief  |
Cambridge Heath Crib  |
Countess Helena  |
Bermondsey Rose  |
Forester  |
Little Kyril  |
Merry Bells  |
Ashgill Jim (uk-can)  |
Ch Rollicking Randy  Ch Rollicking Randy  |
Royal Stone  Royal Stone  |
Buck Stone  Buck Stone  |
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)  Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)  |
Black 'un  |
Black Fury  |
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)  Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)  |
Gipsy Princess  |
Strategy (uk)  |
Klondike  |
Prisoner  Prisoner  |
Penetrate (1895)  |
Briarwood  |
Ripon  |
Little Cat  |
Bubble Biddy  |
Bluff  |
Montezuma  |
Don Salano  Don Salano  |
Tidey  |
Red Duchess  |
Smartt's Punch  Smartt's Punch  |
not available |
Broghton Patch  |
Shields Rodney Stone (uk-can)  Shields Rodney Stone (uk-can)  |
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)  Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)  |
Lady Capena  |
Ventura  |
Stockwell  |
Orry Queen  |
Octoroon  |
Huck Finn  |
Rodney Merlin (uk-usa)  |
Merlin  Merlin  |
Woodcote Galtee More  Woodcote Galtee More  |
Rita (1895)  |
First Choice  |
Bully Boy I I  |
Gipsy Mina  |
Onoto Watanna  |
Yeovil Lion (uk-usa)  Yeovil Lion (uk-usa)  |
Owen Swift  |
Lady Thornfield  |
Zaida ( Carl Haggenjos)  |
Woodcote Don (uk-usa)  |
Houri I I (usa 1898)  |
Molly Thornbury  |
Ch Thornbury Diamond (uk-usa)  |
Union Guard (form Advance Guard) (uk-usa)  |
Bromley Crib (uk-usa)  Bromley Crib (uk-usa)  |
Fi Fi ( Fergusson)  |
Pressmore Hattie  |
Pressmore Dandy  |
Pretty Polly ( Ford)  |
Maizie Penfold (uk-usa)  |
Romsey Refusal  |
Reminder  |
Sheffield Daisy  |
Civil Servant  |
Major Cyclops  Major Cyclops  |
Fleet Lass  |
Futurity Kerrisdale Lass  |
Kingsway White Pride  |
Eng CH Cintra Sam  Eng CH Cintra Sam  |
Ch Newington Prince Arthur (uk-usa)  |
Stratford Campbell  |
Paddington Campbell  |
John Campbell  John Campbell  |
Little Bunchie ( Bruton)  |
Peggy May  |
Master Delaforce  |
Gilmore Lady  |
Ivory Lulu  |
Kilburn Barrister  |
Ben Stone  Ben Stone  |
Mogg Smith  |
Jessie (1910)  |
Uxbridge Matchless  Uxbridge Matchless  |
Dolly ( Clarke)  |
Cintra Sarah  |
Kilburn Barrister  |
Ben Stone  Ben Stone  |
British Stone  British Stone  |
Regina Stone  |
Mogg Smith  |
Duke Of Cornwall  |
Myrtle Queen  |
Fleetwood Mary  |
Roisterer  |
The Swashbuckler  |
Starmenon  |
Fleetwood Peggy  |
Dark Day  |
Bingham Queen  |
Kilburn Topsy (uk-can)  |
Tony Blinker  |
Holy Blinker  |
Bachelor Double  |
Jester Of Wearmouth  |
Mistress Of Mahomet  |
Seaton Beauty  |
Chester Marvel  |
Throston Kitty  |
Dusky Maiden  |
Heywood Baron  |
Flag Stone  Flag Stone  |
Heywood Victoria  |
Thornton Baroness  |
not available |
not available |
Peggy ( Kilburn)  |
Dewsbury Globe Ballie  |
Mackworth British  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
Markham Ross  |
Markham Monarch  Markham Monarch  |
not available |
not available |
Venus ( Markham)  |
not available |
not available |
Calamity Ann  |
Courtney Coronet Chinook (uk-can)  Courtney Coronet Chinook (uk-can)  |
Centaur Dreamwold (uk-usa)  Centaur Dreamwold (uk-usa)  |
Jim Cerberus (uk-usa)  Jim Cerberus (uk-usa)  |
Carthusian Cerberus  Carthusian Cerberus  |
Bapton Monarch  |
Carthusian Catherine Wheel  |
Lady Alberfelto  |
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)  Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)  |
Lady Felto  |
Compassion  |
Nuthurst Doctor  Nuthurst Doctor  |
Ivel Doctor (uk-usa)  Ivel Doctor (uk-usa)  |
Primula  Primula  |
Astley Queen  |
Rex Nelson  |
Diamond Lu Lu  |
Roly Poly  |
Prenton Dick  |
Boldrewood Rex (uk-usa)  Boldrewood Rex (uk-usa)  |
Dick Stone  Dick Stone  |
Regal Choice  |
Sarah Lee  |
not available |
not available |
Plum Duff (uk)  |
Don Baronet  |
Heath Baronet  Heath Baronet  |
Lady Bute (uk)  |
Devonshire Dumpling  |
Parkholme Crib  Parkholme Crib  |
Langstone Scrunch  |
Good Fortune  |
Adelphi Marquis  |
Broadgate Rex  |
Thornhill Moses  |
not available |
not available |
Lady Henley (uk-usa)  |
Beaming Bertie  |
Garrett Nell  |
Bedford Royal  |
Grafton Punch  |
Royal Stone  Royal Stone  |
Grafton Princess  |
Bedford Sweet  |
not available |
not available |
Crescentwood Nancy  |
Don Ginger Snooks (usa-can)  |
Silas Marner (uk-usa)  |
Hicks  |
Lady Thornfield  |
Solace ( Carl Haggenjos)  |
Woodcote Don (uk-usa)  |
Houri I I (usa 1898)  |
Crescentwood Crete  |
Shields Rodney Stone (uk-can)  Shields Rodney Stone (uk-can)  |
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)  Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)  |
Lady Capena  |
Ivel Queen  |
Blackmail (usa)  |
Lady Smith (can Bickle)  |