Norcross Model
7 коленная родословная сгенерированна
1 поколение
2 поколение
3 поколение
4 поколение
5 поколение
6 поколение
7 поколение
Smithdown I Be He
Monarch Squire
Monarch Squire
Warfleigh Fascinator Kilburn (uk-can)
Wroxham Silent Prince
Wroxham Silent Prince
Hazelmere Prince
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Lady Mayoress
Ch Silent Duchess
Ch Silent Duchess
Stolid Joe
Ch Heywood Duchess
Ch Heywood Duchess
Morris Marguerite
Ch Coadjutor
Clansman (uk)
Clansman (uk)
Northern Betty
Ch Rollicking Randy
Ch Rollicking Randy
Clara Of Wearmouth
Imperial Ruby
Imperial George
Paddington Campbell
John Campbell
John Campbell
Little Bunchie ( Bruton)
Miss Nancy (uk)
not available
not available
Mona ( Imperial)
Paddington Nigger
Crumpsall Bombard (uk-usa)
Merry Belle
Lenox Queen
Carthusian Albert
Duchess ( Wakeling)
Coster Queen Bessie
Coster Diamond (can-usa)
Coster Diamond (can-usa)
Worsley Costermonder (uk-can)
Worsley Costermonder (uk-can)
Ch Coadjutor
Clansman (uk)
Clansman (uk)
Cecilia (uk)
Boldrewood Rex (uk-usa)
Boldrewood Rex (uk-usa)
Mersey Duchess
The Little Diamond
The Little Diamond
Woodcote Merry Boy (uk-can)
Woodcote Diplomacy
Nelly Neil
The Little Nipper (can-usa)
Fairfool (uk-can)
Saucy Lady (can)
Buster Penfold Chinook (uk-can)
Buster Penfold Chinook (uk-can)
Richard Penfold
Old Catton Diamond
Deodora Diadem
Jena London Penfold (uk-usa)
Dick Penfold
Zemima Placid
Dufferin Belle
Ch Cheetham Squire
Ch Cheetham Squire
Ch Argo (can)
Lady May (can)
Dufferin Girl
Moston Marshall (uk-can)
Moston Marshall (uk-can)
Woodley Queen
Queen Emma
Kilburn Banker (uk-can)
Beaming Bertie
Paddington Campbell
John Campbell
John Campbell
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Rita (1895)
Little Bunchie ( Bruton)
The Swashbuckler
Sally Venn
Peggy May
Master Delaforce
High Jinks (uk)
Weston Swash
Gilmore Lady
Lord Guido (uk-usa)
Jenny ( Gilmore)
Wroxham Barbara
Wroxham Silent Prince
Wroxham Silent Prince
Hazelmere Prince
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Prince Albert (uk-usa 1897)
Lady Mayoress
Ch Silent Duchess
Ch Silent Duchess
Stolid Joe
Ch Heywood Duchess
Ch Heywood Duchess
Wroxham Cameo
Centaur Dreamwold (uk-usa)
Centaur Dreamwold (uk-usa)
Jim Cerberus (uk-usa)
Jim Cerberus (uk-usa)
Countess Of Teesdale
Ch Coadjutor
Princess Pats
King Khartoum
Penfold Pressgang (uk-can)
Penfold Pressgang (uk-can)
Penfold London (now Khartoum)uk-usa
Marie Penfold
Nanmap Netta
Lady Datham
Peggy I X
Lucky Durham (uk-usa)
Mersey Skipper
Millingford Bon Bon
Putsy Maid
Teddy C
Johannah C
Peggy Prince Albert
Fair Stone Rex
Rolling Stone
Rolling Stone
Shields Rodney Stone (uk-can)
Shields Rodney Stone (uk-can)
Maple Queen (scot-can)
Lady Angus Lennox
Lord Angus Vinemount (uk-usa)
Lord Angus Vinemount (uk-usa)
Lennox Benita
Woodley Queen
Golden Star (can)
Golden Star (can)
Lee Bank Squire (uk-can)
Lee Bank Squire (uk-can)
Rydal Patch
Woodley Betta
Lord Hesketh
Cap Um Dolly
Diana Minors (uk-can)
Ospringe Duke (uk)
Kilburn Duke
Kilburn Duke
Old Catton Demon
Old Catton Diamond
Ch Thornbury Diamond (uk-usa)
Union Guard
Pressmore Hattie
Thornbury Cavalier
Buttercup (uk)
Old Catton Starlight
Bravo Billy
Bicester Crib
Thoughtless Beauty
Sadie Penfold
Romsey Refusal
Marguerite Penfold
Gertie Iona (uk-usa)
Dick Penfold
Duke Of Cornwall
Rolyat (uk-usa)
Rolyat (uk-usa)
Merry Belle
Our Sarah
Enfield Jimmy
Lady Broadstairs
Madam Penfold
Penfold London (now Khartoum)uk-usa
Old Catton Diamond
Kitty Penfold (uk)
Ivy Penfold
Dick Penfold
Baroness Penfold
Baroness Penfold
Kilburn Barrister
Ben Stone
Ben Stone
British Stone
British Stone
Buck Stone
Buck Stone
Lady Kitchener (uk 1896)
Regina Stone
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Lady Patricia
Mogg Smith
Duke Of Cornwall
Rolyat (uk-usa)
Rolyat (uk-usa)
Merry Belle
Myrtle Queen
not available
not available
Crumpsall Squire (uk-usa)
Crumpsall Squire (uk-usa)
Lord Wealdstone
Don Baronet
Ch Lady Paget
Heath Baronet
Heath Baronet
Lady Bute (uk)
Welsh Harp Beauty
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Kootenay Belle (uk-can)
Godley Monarch
Lumn Defender
Rufus Superbus
Dick Penfold
Duke Of Cornwall
Our Sarah
Baroness Penfold
Baroness Penfold
Baron Penfold
Bermondsey Queen
Treforest Queen
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Godley Beauty
Moston Galliard
Baronet Swasher
Baronet Swasher
The Swashbuckler
Polly (uk)
Hazelmere Prince
Earlsfield Choice
Moston Sally
Moston Marvel
Rory O' More
Bess ( Ferguson)
Moston Nell
not available
not available
Duchess Pride
Bill Sykes (uk 1910)
Ben Stone
Ben Stone
British Stone
British Stone
Buck Stone
Buck Stone
Lady Kitchener (uk 1896)
Regina Stone
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Ch Rodney Stone (uk-usa)
Lady Patricia
Hollywell Empress
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Lucy (uk 1912 Gibbons)
Glanyrafon Joe
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Lady Venus (uk 1910)
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available