1 поколение |
2 поколение |
3 поколение |
4 поколение |
5 поколение |
6 поколение |
7 поколение |
Ch Bonaparte Gold Diamond  Ch Bonaparte Gold Diamond
Ch Ser Hogo-fogo Of Baskervil  Ch Ser Hogo-fogo Of Baskervil  |
Hyten Hokus Pokus  Hyten Hokus Pokus  |
Ashcourt Corn Cracker  |
Aldridge Adam  Aldridge Adam  |
Ch Aldridge Avanti  Ch Aldridge Avanti  |
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold  Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold  |
Aldridge Ardent Arlene  |
Aldridge Anatalie  |
Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell  Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell  |
Altiyna Of Aldridge  |
Ashcourt Annabelle  |
Ringablok Super Ted  |
Dewrie Fascinator  |
Ringablok Tiffi  |
Tuffnuts Blizzard  |
Wencar Silver Sonlight  Wencar Silver Sonlight  |
Freckles Of Tuffnuts  |
Bronorn April Cracker Of Hyten  |
Aldridge Alaunt  Aldridge Alaunt  |
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold  Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold  |
Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough  Eng.Ch Beechlyn Golden Nugget Of Denbrough  |
Ch Aldridge Adventuress  Ch Aldridge Adventuress  |
Aldridge Ardent Arlene  |
Ch Outdoors Jubilant  Ch Outdoors Jubilant  |
Aldridge Ardent Miss  Aldridge Ardent Miss  |
Bronorn Impressionist  |
Ch Quintic Amos Of Ocobo  Ch Quintic Amos Of Ocobo  |
Ch Ocobo Skipper  Ch Ocobo Skipper  |
Ch Ambassadors Quite Amazing Of Quintic  Ch Ambassadors Quite Amazing Of Quintic  |
Bronorn Cheeky Monkey  Bronorn Cheeky Monkey  |
Aldridge Alaunt  Aldridge Alaunt  |
Barjo Futuristic Of Bronorn  |
Baskervils Elizaveta  |
Fine Sheriff Beauty  Fine Sheriff Beauty  |
Ch Happy Fine Torry  Ch Happy Fine Torry  |
Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest  Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest  |
Wheatpark Rum Punch  |
Coopell Intreped Lady  |
Betfill Piggy  Betfill Piggy  |
Filipp  |
Betta Z Klonowca  |
Agi Mak Wey  |
Caligula Vislava  Caligula Vislava  |
Churchil Of The Edroywin House  |
Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood  Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood  |
Polly Mac Kenzi  |
Bob Mac Kenzi  |
Merivin Putty  |
Nail White Of Kessi  |
Kloff Z Cerne Cesty  Kloff Z Cerne Cesty  |
Conny Vislava  |
Churchil Of The Edroywin House  |
Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood  Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood  |
Ch White Castle Voodoo Quick Step  |
Ch Ocobo British Passion  Ch Ocobo British Passion  |
White Castle Emma  |
Line Lod Gamma  |
Caligula Vislava  Caligula Vislava  |
Churchil Of The Edroywin House  |
Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood  Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood  |
Heavy Becky  |
Richard ( Merivin)  |
Happy Yoka  Happy Yoka  |
Ch Jasmin Gold Diamond Lows  |
Sir Denis Afterwood  |
Ch Happy Brus  |
Fart Barbapapa  Fart Barbapapa  |
Ch Cypis ( Sobietaka)  |
Mariseni Sir Frederik  Mariseni Sir Frederik  |
Lady Luck Of Mariseni  Lady Luck Of Mariseni  |
Brighild Of Miijaho  |
Pride Of The Dee  |
Bryneatons Betty  |
Betfill Piggy  Betfill Piggy  |
Filipp  |
Tabus X Fingal  |
Diana  |
Betta Z Klonowca  |
Ch Cypis ( Sobietaka)  |
Hawkshope Holly  |
Berry Afterwood  |
Caligula Vislava  Caligula Vislava  |
Churchil Of The Edroywin House  |
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Monogram  Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Monogram  |
Ch Amber Stone Of Honour  Ch Amber Stone Of Honour  |
Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood  Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood  |
Pickwick Union Jack  |
Diva Vam Yoke-height-wood  |
Pretty Mac Kenzi  Pretty Mac Kenzi  |
Bob Mac Kenzi  |
Filipp  |
Betta Z Klonowca  |
Merivin Putty  |
Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest  Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest  |
Merriveen Hollydaze Dolly  Merriveen Hollydaze Dolly  |
Abbi Gold Diamand Low's  Abbi Gold Diamand Low's  |
Urwis Molosos  |
Caligula Vislava  Caligula Vislava  |
Churchil Of The Edroywin House  |
Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Monogram  Ch, Int Ch Merriveen Monogram  |
Ch Amber Stone Of Honour  Ch Amber Stone Of Honour  |
Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood  Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood  |
Pickwick Union Jack  |
Diva Vam Yoke-height-wood  |
Bora Ka- Klu  |
Bukanyr Kinguv Dum  |
Pickwick Union Jack  |
Darling Vam Yoke-height-wood  |
Agata Z Klonowca  |
Ch Cypis ( Sobietaka)  |
Hawkshope Holly  |
Smileys Jasmin  |
Smileys Starmaker  Smileys Starmaker  |
DKCH INTCH KBHV81,83 BDSG82 LCH Alival Chip Of Gold  DKCH INTCH KBHV81,83 BDSG82 LCH Alival Chip Of Gold  |
Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold  Eng Ch Aldridge Advent Gold  |
Kingrock Fire Demon  |
Smileys Kiss  |
The B Chata  |
Abelone  |
Smileys Rosa  |
The B Chata  |
Cincinatti Napoleon  |
Cincinatti Kathrin  |
Abelone  |
Bonzo  |
Xantippe  |
Ness-gamilton  |
Ch Gesly London  |
Lidon Dinald  Lidon Dinald  |
Ch Annadic Prince Happy  |
Annadic Wrath Of Gwenstan  Annadic Wrath Of Gwenstan  |
Ch The Meddler Of Brenuth  |
Dough Boy Of The Regions  Dough Boy Of The Regions  |
Brenuth Kristal Clear  |
Reedside Jenny Wren Of Annadic  Reedside Jenny Wren Of Annadic  |
Ch Annadic Psalm  Ch Annadic Psalm  |
Totaniase Little Susie  |
Sunniryl Serenade Of Annadic  Sunniryl Serenade Of Annadic  |
Ch Isgraig Red Baron  Ch Isgraig Red Baron  |
Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell  Ch Aldridge Aristocrat Of Brandywell  |
Isgraig Looby Lou  Isgraig Looby Lou  |
Sunniryl Betty Boop  |
Ch Ocobo Skipper  Ch Ocobo Skipper  |
Bravardo Bumble Bee  |
Fine Bogart Agika  |
Ch Happy Fine Torry  Ch Happy Fine Torry  |
Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest  Mister Jabberwock Of Sherwood Forest  |
Wheatpark Rum Punch  |
Coopell Intreped Lady  |
Betfill Piggy  Betfill Piggy  |
Filipp  |
Betta Z Klonowca  |
Line Lod Gizel  |
Caligula Vislava  Caligula Vislava  |
Churchil Of The Edroywin House  |
Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood  Kessy Vom Yoke-height-wood  |
Heavy Becky  |
Richard ( Merivin)  |
Happy Yoka  Happy Yoka  |
Pussy Yuled  |
Betgers Martin  Betgers Martin  |
Tiffany's Captain Peacock  |
Tiffany's Home Grown  Tiffany's Home Grown  |
Noelean Lover Boy  |
USA Ch Tiffany's Raisin In The Sun  |
Brumar's I'm Rosie Too  |
Ch Doc's Roscoe P Coltrane  |
Brumar's Sweet Li L Serena  |
Tiffany's Mercey Merci  |
USA Ch Tiffany's Born To Boogie  USA Ch Tiffany's Born To Boogie  |
Walnut Row's Awesome Force  |
Tiffany's Fair And Square  |
Tiffany's Penellopy  |
Noelean Lover Boy  |
USA Ch Tiffany's Raisin In The Sun  |
Osanna  |
Tuffnuts Peacekeeper  Tuffnuts Peacekeeper  |
Hobtop Sentinel  Hobtop Sentinel  |
Ch Ocobo Skipper  Ch Ocobo Skipper  |
Ch Chappark Little Madam  Ch Chappark Little Madam  |
Tuffnuts Tuff Luck Of Thatchway  |
Ch Tuffnuts Mathew  Ch Tuffnuts Mathew  |
Tuffnuts Kushti  |
Karambol Kalisto  |
Tristan (rkf)  |
Andrian So Zvezdnih Skal  |
not available |
Karamba Dodi  |
Andrian So Zvezdnih Skal  |
not available |
Eteza S Rozy Vetrov  |
Daniel Vilem's  Daniel Vilem's  |
Jr Ch Largo Zlata Selma  Jr Ch Largo Zlata Selma  |
Ch, Int Ch Beefeater Bulls Finney O'toole  Ch, Int Ch Beefeater Bulls Finney O'toole  |
Nl Ch Wybong Kinderdijk Kid  Nl Ch Wybong Kinderdijk Kid  |
Ch Kanturk Kount Kassius  |
Soraya Bright Blaze  |
Ch Beefeater Bulls Banshee Baby  Ch Beefeater Bulls Banshee Baby  |
Ch Gold Run Of The Seven Seas  Ch Gold Run Of The Seven Seas  |
Blighty's Henrietta  Blighty's Henrietta  |
Ch Harum Scarum Romakone  |
Romakome Admiral O`toole  Romakome Admiral O`toole  |
Ch, Int Ch Beefeater Bulls Finney O'toole  Ch, Int Ch Beefeater Bulls Finney O'toole  |
Sandean Go For Gold  |
Baby Bonansa Romakome  |
Beefeater Bulls Enniskillen-hero  Beefeater Bulls Enniskillen-hero  |
Sandean Fly The Flag  |
Antra  |
Pole Princi Of Benjupa  |
Omenes Of Kamile  |
Caligula Vislava  Caligula Vislava  |
Rozabella Fine Tery  |
Patroness Of Vizdom  |
Johnston's Jiminy Cricket  Johnston's Jiminy Cricket  |
Metzger's Peacheset Creme  |
Axini Romantic Ot Favorita  |
Ch Dandy Cisty Vzduch  Ch Dandy Cisty Vzduch  |
Ch Gagman Greewy Jubilee  Ch Gagman Greewy Jubilee  |
Antra Cisty Vzduch  |
Gay Margaret Favorit  |
Ch Happy Fine Torry  Ch Happy Fine Torry  |
Gayana Favorit  |
Chita  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
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not available |
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not available |