1 поколение |
2 поколение |
3 поколение |
4 поколение |
5 поколение |
6 поколение |
7 поколение |
Ch Maelor Superb  Ch Maelor Superb
Ch Maelor Solarium  Ch Maelor Solarium  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Allithorne Rodney  |
Broth Of A Bhoy  |
Ch Basford Son O'revival  Ch Basford Son O'revival  |
Eng. Ch Basford Revival  Eng. Ch Basford Revival  |
Bronze Queen  |
Rollicking Fan  |
Knight Of The Grail  |
Maisie (1926)  |
Nero's Daughter  |
Ch Novo Nero  Ch Novo Nero  |
Bere Regis Monarch  |
Novo Silent Duchess  |
Hopeful Maid  |
Pullover  |
Bere Regis Nancy  |
Mount View Susie  |
Tony's Double  |
Crossbank Canute  |
Crossbank Cadet  |
Crossbank Crusty  |
Gwenfelin  |
Conquistador  |
Tango Of Highstanding  |
Owlthorne Limestar  |
Allithorne Whynoy  |
Ch Allithorne Rival  Ch Allithorne Rival  |
Norland Diadem  |
Kirkby Folly  |
Roseville Beamer  |
Princess Ruby (uk)  |
Maelor Veronica  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ch Roseville Barryflash  |
Ch Obstinate Artist  |
Ch Sunbarry  Ch Sunbarry  |
Lass O' Sunshine  |
Roseville Bobetty  |
Roseville Bachelor  Roseville Bachelor  |
Roseville Begonia  |
Gingerette  |
Ch Obstinate Artist  |
Ch Sunbarry  Ch Sunbarry  |
Lass O' Sunshine  |
Moss Rose (uk 1932)  |
Manresa Martini  Manresa Martini  |
Miss Peggoty  |
Maelor Sunflower  |
Am Ch Vardona Individualist  |
Oak Hill Rival  |
Taringa Draftsman  |
Vindex Variety Star  |
Rowsley Duchess  |
not available |
not available |
Tyn Y Coed Lucky Start  |
Ch Obstinate Artist  |
Ch Sunbarry  Ch Sunbarry  |
Lass O' Sunshine  |
Golden Dutchey  |
Ch Keysoe Golden Sovereign  Ch Keysoe Golden Sovereign  |
Cloverley Berrie  |
Ch Maelor Primula  |
Ch Allithorne Truant  Ch Allithorne Truant  |
Allithorne Rodney  |
Broth Of A Bhoy  |
Ch Basford Son O'revival  Ch Basford Son O'revival  |
Eng. Ch Basford Revival  Eng. Ch Basford Revival  |
Bronze Queen  |
Rollicking Fan  |
Knight Of The Grail  |
Maisie (1926)  |
Nero's Daughter  |
Ch Novo Nero  Ch Novo Nero  |
Bere Regis Monarch  |
Novo Silent Duchess  |
Hopeful Maid  |
Pullover  |
Bere Regis Nancy  |
Yeolden Susan  |
Ch Detford Dragon  |
Eng. Ch Basford Revival  Eng. Ch Basford Revival  |
Eng. Ch Son O' Jill  Eng. Ch Son O' Jill  |
Tantrums  |
Lynton Meg  |
Ch Anglezarke Sonny Boy  Ch Anglezarke Sonny Boy  |
Betty White  |
Allithorne Kitty  |
Broth Of A Bhoy  |
Ch Basford Son O'revival  Ch Basford Son O'revival  |
Rollicking Fan  |
Meddlesome Marta  |
Eng. Ch Basford Revival  Eng. Ch Basford Revival  |
Obstinate Countess  |
Maelor Muscari  |
Allithorne Resolution  Allithorne Resolution  |
Allithorne Rodney  |
Broth Of A Bhoy  |
Ch Basford Son O'revival  Ch Basford Son O'revival  |
Rollicking Fan  |
Nero's Daughter  |
Ch Novo Nero  Ch Novo Nero  |
Hopeful Maid  |
Mount View Susie  |
Tony's Double  |
Crossbank Canute  |
Gwenfelin  |
Owlthorne Limestar  |
Allithorne Whynoy  |
Kirkby Folly  |
Maelor Veronica  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ch Roseville Barryflash  |
Ch Obstinate Artist  |
Roseville Bobetty  |
Gingerette  |
Ch Obstinate Artist  |
Moss Rose (uk 1932)  |
Maelor Sunflower  |
Am Ch Vardona Individualist  |
Oak Hill Rival  |
Rowsley Duchess  |
Tyn Y Coed Lucky Start  |
Ch Obstinate Artist  |
Golden Dutchey  |
Eldermont Dancette  |
Ch Altonian Regal  |
Calgarth Monarch Of The Bay  |
Rowsley Mainstar  |
Gang-on  Gang-on  |
Berwyn Benny  |
Eng. Ch Basford Revival  Eng. Ch Basford Revival  |
Berwyn Bountiful  |
Kitty Gray  |
Country Squire  |
Pantia Lass  |
Rowsley Consolation  |
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  |
Rowsley Comediene  |
Am Ch Vardona Individualist  |
Tyn Y Coed Lucky Start  |
Mainstar Of The Bay  |
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)  |
Peter Beautiful  Peter Beautiful  |
Ch Roseville Barryflash  |
Gingerette  |
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  |
Ch Basford Golden Nymph  Ch Basford Golden Nymph  |
Bugler Judy  |
Tyn Y Coed Lucky Start  |
Ch Obstinate Artist  |
Ch Sunbarry  Ch Sunbarry  |
Lass O' Sunshine  |
Golden Dutchey  |
Ch Keysoe Golden Sovereign  Ch Keysoe Golden Sovereign  |
Cloverley Berrie  |
Busty Lynn  |
Cadley Dough Boy  Cadley Dough Boy  |
Crossbank Canute  |
Crossbank Cadet  |
Ch Sunbarry  Ch Sunbarry  |
Crossbank Caprice  |
Crossbank Crusty  |
Ch Novo Nutter  |
Miss Elegance  |
Watamug  |
Ch Basford Golden Nymph  Ch Basford Golden Nymph  |
Glendene Bahram  Glendene Bahram  |
Tangerine Grand Slam  |
Bugler Judy  |
Magic Chief  |
Wardleyite  |
Blythe Bag O'trix  |
Richworth Gold Label  |
Manresa Drummer Boy  |
Manresa Meredith  |
not available |
Manresa Marygold  |
not available |
not available |
Steeltown Fawn Belle  |
Golden Bloom  |
not available |
not available |
Crosscliff Betty  |
not available |
not available |
Eldermont Elvira  |
Tom Thumb (1940)  |
Jarvey Jim  |
Eng. Ch Basford Revival  Eng. Ch Basford Revival  |
Eng. Ch Son O' Jill  Eng. Ch Son O' Jill  |
Eng CH Dunscar Draftman  Eng CH Dunscar Draftman  |
Eng Ch Silent Jill  Eng Ch Silent Jill  |
Tantrums  |
Eng Ch Roseville Barrystar  Eng Ch Roseville Barrystar  |
Dinkie Belle  |
Patch O'gay  |
Seima Rajah  |
Rajah Of Bhong  Rajah Of Bhong  |
Lady Daphne  |
Dancette  |
Hefty Rebel  |
Binnicle  |
Stantonian Duchess  |
Barnacle Bill  |
Buckchase Defiance  |
Naval Defiance  |
Marigold Of Buckchase  |
Babs Of Buckchase  |
Centurion Of Buckchase  |
Sally Of Buckchase  |
Queenie Daw  |
Bosworth Bunjie  |
Ch Bunjie (uk-usa)  Ch Bunjie (uk-usa)  |
Dorinda  |
Oakwood's Julie  |
not available |
not available |
Coventrian Caprice  |
Lord Raffles Of Ironbank  |
Falstone Roddie  |
Duranside Roddie  Duranside Roddie  |
Basford Watchman (late Nevington Watchman)  |
Ch Basford Gem  Ch Basford Gem  |
Silversides  |
not available |
not available |
Blossom Time  |
Bere Regis Monarch  |
Ch Manresa Monami (uk-usa)  |
Bere Regis Nancy  |
Loo Loo (1935)  |
Doodles (1934)  |
Duranside Lucy  |
Coventrian Carol  |
Marquis Of The Hills  Marquis Of The Hills  |
Coventrian Chancellor  |
Lord Raffles Of Ironbank  |
Coventrian Carol  |
Brindle Perfection  |
Falstone Sensation  Falstone Sensation  |
Lass Of Wonder  |
Linby Lou  |
Clovers Son  |
Leodride Toreador  Leodride Toreador  |
Arethusa Of Farlington  |
Southfarm Sue  |
not available |
not available |