Resolute Mountain Dew

7 коленная родословная сгенерированна

1 поколение 2 поколение 3 поколение 4 поколение 5 поколение 6 поколение 7 поколение
Ch Resolute Doublenought   
Ch Resolute Doublenought
Resolute Dreadnougt  
Resolute Dreadnougt
Ch Dey Del's Steadfast Hercules   
Ch Dey Del's Steadfast Hercules
Ch Glyndebourne Royal Fanfare   
Ch Glyndebourne Royal Fanfare
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus  
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus
Ch Westfield Flying Colors   
Ch Westfield Flying Colors
Ch Rawburn Avalanche   
Ch Brookhollow Gingerbush   
Ch Rawburn Queen Aphrodite    Ch Rawburn Avalanche   
Deyorra´s Little Hippo  
Luthien's Diva Of Glyndebourne   Westfield Stone´s Throw   Ch Averills Bo'sun Mutton Chop   
Ch Averills Bo'sun Mutton Chop
Ch Westfield Cunemorus Stone   
Ch Westfield Cunemorus Stone
Luthien's Twinkletoes   Luthien's Frosty Spice  
Jayjay's Mean Mary Jean  
Dey Del's Matilda  
Dey Del's Matilda
USA Ch Huntnhope Deydel Arjuna Caru   
USA Ch Huntnhope Deydel Arjuna Caru
Dey Del's Legaci Of Zeus  
Dey Del's Legaci Of Zeus
Showbiz Fairy Prince  
Dey Del's Electra Of Hernandez  
Huntington Hope Avesta   Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus  
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus
Huntington Hope Asha D´angus  
Dey Del's White Hope   Bowag Airborne Sunnyday  
Bowag Airborne Sunnyday
Ch Cherokee Angus Of Primeva   
Ch Cherokee Angus Of Primeva
Bowag Airborne Maxine  
Dey Del's Classy Cassie  
Dey Del's Classy Cassie
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus  
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus
Dey Del's Delightful Delilah  
Satuit Rumblin Rosie  
Satuit Rumblin Rosie
Smasher Al Capp  
Smasher Al Capp
Smasher Gem Gemoney   Smasher Dan Patch  
Smasher Dan Patch
Smasher Constant Comment  
Smasher Constant Comment
Philip´s Grumpy Guenevere  
Otterhill´s Smasher Virginia   Smasher Constant Comment  
Smasher Constant Comment
Ch Bev Ron´s Star Spangled Girl   
Smasher Clara Barton   Smasher Dan Patch  
Smasher Dan Patch
Smasher Constant Comment  
Smasher Constant Comment
Philip´s Grumpy Guenevere  
Thunder Bay Toccoa   Pixies ´lil Snoopie  
Pixies White Lightin  
Satuit Quintessa   Ch Glyndebourne Royal Fanfare   
Ch Glyndebourne Royal Fanfare
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus  
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus
Ch Westfield Flying Colors   
Ch Westfield Flying Colors
Ch Rawburn Queen Aphrodite   
Luthien's Diva Of Glyndebourne   Westfield Stone´s Throw  
Luthien's Twinkletoes  
Hetherbull How Ami-a-bull   Dingmans Hunk Of Hetherbull  
Dingmans Hunk Of Hetherbull
Ch Marinebulls All The Way   
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Marinebulls Kaydee Too  
Marinebulls Kaydee Too
Hetherbull Arrogant Roberta   Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Robert   
USA Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Dynamo   
USA Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Dynamo
Ch Resolute Daffodil   
Ch Resolute Daffodil
Ch Dey Del's Steadfast Hercules   
Ch Dey Del's Steadfast Hercules
Ch Glyndebourne Royal Fanfare   
Ch Glyndebourne Royal Fanfare
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus  
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus
Ch Westfield Flying Colors   
Ch Westfield Flying Colors
Ch Rawburn Avalanche   
Ch Brookhollow Gingerbush   
Ch Rawburn Queen Aphrodite    Ch Rawburn Avalanche   
Deyorra´s Little Hippo  
Luthien's Diva Of Glyndebourne   Westfield Stone´s Throw   Ch Averills Bo'sun Mutton Chop   
Ch Averills Bo'sun Mutton Chop
Ch Westfield Cunemorus Stone   
Ch Westfield Cunemorus Stone
Luthien's Twinkletoes   Luthien's Frosty Spice  
Jayjay's Mean Mary Jean  
Dey Del's Matilda  
Dey Del's Matilda
USA Ch Huntnhope Deydel Arjuna Caru   
USA Ch Huntnhope Deydel Arjuna Caru
Dey Del's Legaci Of Zeus  
Dey Del's Legaci Of Zeus
Showbiz Fairy Prince  
Dey Del's Electra Of Hernandez  
Huntington Hope Avesta   Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus  
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus
Huntington Hope Asha D´angus  
Dey Del's White Hope   Bowag Airborne Sunnyday  
Bowag Airborne Sunnyday
Ch Cherokee Angus Of Primeva   
Ch Cherokee Angus Of Primeva
Bowag Airborne Maxine  
Dey Del's Classy Cassie  
Dey Del's Classy Cassie
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus  
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus
Dey Del's Delightful Delilah  
Jennie Darling Daphne   Bounty's Arrogant Mutineer   Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Lazarus   
Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Lazarus
Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Robert    Am CH Hetherbull Arrogant Impulse   
Am CH Rawburn Hetherbull Melissa   
USA Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Dynamo   
USA Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Dynamo
Am CH Taurustrail Houseboat   
Am CH Hetherbull Arrogant Zsa Zsa   
Bounty's Hetherbull Sandpiper   Dingmans Hunk Of Hetherbull  
Dingmans Hunk Of Hetherbull
Ch Marinebulls All The Way   
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Marinebulls Kaydee Too  
Marinebulls Kaydee Too
Bounty's Bullbottom Jeannie   Bounty's Averill-liberty-bull  
Bounty's Priscilla At Bowler  
Jennie Her Grace   Ch Billies Alvin Of Whiteoaks    Ch My Buddy Of Whiteoaks    Ch Buster Brigadier   
Sugarlites Nina Of Whiteoaks  
Smasherjoe Sophie Tucker   Smasherjoe Buster Max  
Zoe's A-phartin  
Her Grace   Ch Bucky's Blarneystone    Smasher Gem Gemoney  
Joys Folly Lady Mertle  
Pywacket Of Valleybrook   Tweedle Dum Of Valleybrook  
Tuppence Of Valleybrook  
Resolute Mountain Melody  
Resolute Mountain Melody
Ch Resolute Magic Mountain   
Ch Resolute Magic Mountain
Ch Charjo Gullibull Gilbert   
Ch Charjo Gullibull Gilbert
Ch Fredlynns Be Ay   
Ch Fredlynns Be Ay
Quintic Ambrose  
Quintic Ambrose
Ch Ocobo Skipper   
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian   
Ch.Eng Kingrock Captain Christian
Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo  
Rabmoga Second Go Lucky Of Ocobo
Ch Ambassadors Quite Amazing Of Quintic   
Ch Ambassadors Quite Amazing Of Quintic
Merriveen Happy Daze  
Merriveen Happy Daze
Ambassadors Hatty Jakes  
Quintic Camilla Of Fredlynns   Capps Avenger   Ch Ocobo Skipper   
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Capps Piccalilly  
Quintic Best Bet   Sevenup Sportsman  
Chrissy Of Quintic  
Charjo Making Tyme   Hall's Charjo Justen Tyme Too   Ch Hall's Mr Jahred   
Ch Hall's Mr Jahred
USA Ch Cherokee King Arthur   
USA Ch Cherokee King Arthur
Hall's Miss Babette  
Hall's Miss Daisy Mae   Hall's Mr Koby  
Hall's Mr Koby
Hall's Miss Jeanal  
Charjo Crash Jessica   Ch Hug-o-bull Sunday Punch   
Ch Hug-o-bull Sunday Punch
Hug-o-bull Leroy Bredt  
Hug-o-bull Leroy Bredt
Hug-o-bull Mignonne Bluntline  
Charjo Bambi Barker   Ch Tackawanna Charlie Chan   
Ch Tackawanna Charlie Chan
Seabo's Jarjabel Hug-o-bull  
Ch Post Hoc Whitney Houston   
Ch Post Hoc Whitney Houston
Ch Cherokee Zebadiah   
Ch Cherokee Zebadiah
Ch Fredlynns Be Ay   
Ch Fredlynns Be Ay
Quintic Ambrose  
Quintic Ambrose
Ch Ocobo Skipper   
Ch Ocobo Skipper
Ch Ambassadors Quite Amazing Of Quintic   
Ch Ambassadors Quite Amazing Of Quintic
Quintic Camilla Of Fredlynns   Capps Avenger  
Quintic Best Bet  
Cherokee Opal  
Cherokee Opal
Ch Cherokee Yancey   
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Ch Cherokee Ivanhoe   
Ch Cherokee Ivanhoe
Ch Cherokee Pride   
Ch Cherokee Pride
Cherokee Trial   USA Ch Cherokee King Arthur   
USA Ch Cherokee King Arthur
Ch Lebo Peaches   
Ch Lebo Peaches
Ch Post Hoc White Lightening   
Ch Post Hoc White Lightening
Ch Justice Conway Of Delta    USA Ch Justice Humphrey Of Delta   
USA Ch Justice Humphrey Of Delta
UK Ch Outdoors Yeknoc Justice   
UK Ch Outdoors Yeknoc Justice
Lady Maude Of Delta  
USA Ch His And Her´s Maggie Of Delta    Am CH Da San´s Smokey The Bear   
Dear Abby Of Delta  
USA Ch Cherokee Jubilee   
USA Ch Cherokee Jubilee
Ch Cherokee Yancey   
Ch Cherokee Yancey
Ch Cherokee Ivanhoe   
Ch Cherokee Ivanhoe
Ch Cherokee Pride   
Ch Cherokee Pride
Cherokee Turkey   USA Ch Cherokee King Arthur   
USA Ch Cherokee King Arthur
Ch Lebo Peaches   
Ch Lebo Peaches
Shrink A Bull Clementine   Dey Del's Thaddeus T   Ch Glyndebourne Royal Fanfare   
Ch Glyndebourne Royal Fanfare
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus  
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus
Ch Westfield Flying Colors   
Ch Westfield Flying Colors
Ch Rawburn Avalanche   
Ch Brookhollow Gingerbush   
Ch Rawburn Queen Aphrodite    Ch Rawburn Avalanche   
Deyorra´s Little Hippo  
Luthien's Diva Of Glyndebourne   Westfield Stone´s Throw   Ch Averills Bo'sun Mutton Chop   
Ch Averills Bo'sun Mutton Chop
Ch Westfield Cunemorus Stone   
Ch Westfield Cunemorus Stone
Luthien's Twinkletoes   Luthien's Frosty Spice  
Jayjay's Mean Mary Jean  
Dey Del's Matilda  
Dey Del's Matilda
USA Ch Huntnhope Deydel Arjuna Caru   
USA Ch Huntnhope Deydel Arjuna Caru
Dey Del's Legaci Of Zeus  
Dey Del's Legaci Of Zeus
Showbiz Fairy Prince  
Dey Del's Electra Of Hernandez  
Huntington Hope Avesta   Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus  
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus
Huntington Hope Asha D´angus  
Dey Del's White Hope   Bowag Airborne Sunnyday  
Bowag Airborne Sunnyday
Ch Cherokee Angus Of Primeva   
Ch Cherokee Angus Of Primeva
Bowag Airborne Maxine  
Dey Del's Classy Cassie  
Dey Del's Classy Cassie
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus  
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus
Dey Del's Delightful Delilah  
Ch. Shrink A Bull Satuit Voyeur    Ch Glyndebourne Royal Fanfare   
Ch Glyndebourne Royal Fanfare
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus  
Dey Del's Dynamic Zeus
Ch Westfield Flying Colors   
Ch Westfield Flying Colors
Ch Rawburn Avalanche   
Ch Brookhollow Gingerbush   
Ch Rawburn Queen Aphrodite    Ch Rawburn Avalanche   
Deyorra´s Little Hippo  
Luthien's Diva Of Glyndebourne   Westfield Stone´s Throw   Ch Averills Bo'sun Mutton Chop   
Ch Averills Bo'sun Mutton Chop
Ch Westfield Cunemorus Stone   
Ch Westfield Cunemorus Stone
Luthien's Twinkletoes   Luthien's Frosty Spice  
Jayjay's Mean Mary Jean  
Satuit Seawyx   Ch Luthien's Kozabull Tweedledee    USA Ch Joean´s Glamour Man    USA Ch Shacklefords Sugar And Joe   
USA Ch Shacklefords Sugar And Joe
Joean's Rock And Roll Baby  
Ch Pixies Opportunity Knox    Luthien's Excalibur  
Lady In Red (1976)  
Hetherbull Bon Ami A Bull   Dingmans Hunk Of Hetherbull  
Dingmans Hunk Of Hetherbull
Ch Marinebulls All The Way   
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Marinebulls Kaydee Too  
Marinebulls Kaydee Too
Hetherbull Arrogant Roberta   Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Robert   
USA Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Dynamo   
USA Ch Hetherbull Arrogant Dynamo