Int.Ch Toby Jug Of Wyngrove

7 коленная родословная сгенерированна

1 поколение 2 поколение 3 поколение 4 поколение 5 поколение 6 поколение 7 поколение
Ch. Int. Eastgate Stalwart Bosun   
Ch. Int. Eastgate Stalwart Bosun
Lord Lancaster   Ch Prince Of Woodgate   
Ch Prince Of Woodgate
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)   
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Allithorne Rodney   Broth Of A Bhoy  
Nero's Daughter  
Mount View Susie   Tony's Double  
Owlthorne Limestar  
Silver Ruffles   Ch Falstone Dreadnaught    Roseville Burke  
Falstone Vera  
Pelton Queen   Golden Nugget (uk 1935)  
Madonna Max  
Wynne Of Woodcote   Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)   
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)
Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Ch Roseville Barryflash   
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine   Ch Basford Golden Nymph   
Ch Basford Golden Nymph
Bugler Judy  
Calla Lily   Buster Storm   Morovian Masthead  
Lowespark Duchess  
Stonlyn Snowflake   Allithorne Rodney  
Panfro Interlude  
Bosuns Starlight   Newington Boson   Falstone Sensation  
Falstone Sensation
Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Ch Roseville Barryflash   
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine   Ch Basford Golden Nymph   
Ch Basford Golden Nymph
Bugler Judy  
Princess Bonny  
Princess Bonny
Berwyn Benny  
Kitty Gray  
Bessie O´portmahon   Son O' Legacy  
Lady Mcbeth  
Eustonian Dizzie   Ch Allithorne Truant   
Ch Allithorne Truant
Allithorne Rodney   Broth Of A Bhoy  
Nero's Daughter  
Yeolden Susan   Ch Detford Dragon   
Allithorne Kitty  
Wendy Of Calstock   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Stalwart Miss Mandy   Stalwart Dalecarlia Drakes Drum   Eng CH Noways Man O'war   
Eng CH Noways Man O'war
Ch Prince Of Woodgate   
Ch Prince Of Woodgate
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)   
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Silver Ruffles  
Wynne Of Woodcote   Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)   
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)
Calla Lily  
Beauty Of Bulldene   Ch Georgian Jonathan Camden   
Ch Georgian Jonathan Camden
Georgian Sturdy  
Roland Treasure  
Bulldene Judy   Georgian Netherdene Resolute  
Bidwell Beauty  
Dalecarlia My Lady Luck   Ch Prince Of Woodgate   
Ch Prince Of Woodgate
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)   
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Silver Ruffles  
Wynne Of Woodcote   Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)   
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)
Calla Lily  
Bulldene Judy   Georgian Netherdene Resolute   Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Netherdene Elite  
Bidwell Beauty   Bonnie Of Auburncrest  
Madam De Farge  
Prospect Beauty   Sandy Of Backheath   not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Sue Of Blackheath   Regal Councillor   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Buzz Bomb Queenie   Cross Sword Major   Crossbank Canute  
Lady Mollie   Hewlett Defiance  
Sally (1940)  
Eng Ch Eastgate Carousel   
Eng Ch Eastgate Carousel
Eng Ch Eastgate Crusader    Ch Maelor Invincible   
Ch Maelor Invincible
Ch Maelor Solarium   
Ch Maelor Solarium
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Allithorne Rodney   Broth Of A Bhoy  
Nero's Daughter  
Mount View Susie   Tony's Double  
Owlthorne Limestar  
Maelor Veronica   Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Ch Roseville Barryflash   
Maelor Sunflower   Am Ch Vardona Individualist   
Tyn Y Coed Lucky Start  
Ch Maelor Primula    Ch Allithorne Truant   
Ch Allithorne Truant
Allithorne Rodney   Broth Of A Bhoy  
Nero's Daughter  
Yeolden Susan   Ch Detford Dragon   
Allithorne Kitty  
Maelor Muscari   Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Allithorne Rodney  
Mount View Susie  
Maelor Veronica   Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Maelor Sunflower  
Ch Eastgate Demirep Of Craggvale    Ch Maelor Uplifter   
Ch Maelor Uplifter
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Allithorne Rodney   Broth Of A Bhoy  
Nero's Daughter  
Mount View Susie   Tony's Double  
Owlthorne Limestar  
Maelor Veronica   Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Ch Roseville Barryflash   
Maelor Sunflower   Am Ch Vardona Individualist   
Tyn Y Coed Lucky Start  
Flamstead Flamingo   Cadley Dough Boy  
Cadley Dough Boy
Crossbank Canute   Crossbank Cadet  
Crossbank Crusty  
Watamug   Ch Basford Golden Nymph   
Ch Basford Golden Nymph
Bugler Judy  
Ch Gem Of Mannin    Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)   
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)
Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  
Manderfield Monica   Parkholme Commander  
Wendy Leymor  
Roberta´s Lady Sarah   Rucklewood Sir John   Ch Leodride Beau Son   
Ch Leodride Beau Son
Leodride Beau Brummel  
Leodride Beau Brummel
Leodride Commander  
Leodride Commander
Vindex Vallar  
Byles Beauty  
Goody Two Shoes (uk)   Georgian Sunflash  
Georgian Sunflash
Rehswob Duchess  
Leodride Lovely Lady   Vindex Vallar   Ch Berwyn British Baker   
Vindex Vixen  
Victory Moon   Squadron Leader  
Fentonian Lass  
Querndon Lady Victoria   Parkholme Craftsman  
Parkholme Craftsman
Ch Parkholme Melampus   
Ch Parkholme Melampus
Falstone Sensation  
Falstone Sensation
Hallfarm Pride  
Parkholme Duchess   Eng CH Ameswaite Duke   
Eng CH Ameswaite Duke
Parkholme Rosebud  
Runway Lady   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Con Choice   not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available