Tai-pan Star Diosa

Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7
Ch Sanluisbulls Roni   
Ch Sanluisbulls Roni
Home Pilar Hot Blood  
Home Pilar Hot Blood
Varkiss Bulldog Black Sabay   Orchardrose Buster Boy  
Orchardrose Buster Boy
Iceglint I'm Edward  
Iceglint I'm Edward
Iceglint I´m Spike  
Iceglint I´m Spike
Lynmans Lasting Peace  
Lynmans Lasting Peace
Iceglint I´m Primrose  
Pastrich Beauty Patches By Iceglint  
Pastrich Beauty Patches By Iceglint
BOY Iceglint I´m Alfred  
BOY Iceglint I´m Alfred
Manhatten Bella Of Pastrich  
Manhatten Bella Of Pastrich
Iceglint I´m Elisabeth At Orchardrose  
Iceglint I´m Elisabeth At Orchardrose
Ch, BOY Iceglint I´m Harry   
Ch, BOY Iceglint I´m Harry
Lynmans Stagestruck  
Lynmans Stagestruck
Biddle I´m Roxanne Iceglint  
Iceglint I´m Saskia  
Iceglint I´m Saskia
Iceglint I'm Edward  
Iceglint I'm Edward
Iceglint I´m Shoshannah  
Varkiss Bulldog Winnie Moo  
Varkiss Bulldog Winnie Moo
Boris At Varkiss Bulldog   Crusheds Earthquake  
Crusheds Earthquake
Merriveen Any Way  
Merriveen Any Way
Dos Aguas Kimono Girl  
Nike At Varkiss   Ocobo Hermes  
Agata Jarzebinowe Uroczisko  
Crusheds Xtremly-pretty   Brave Spirit At Hoptop  
Brave Spirit At Hoptop
Hobtop White Diamond  
Hobtop White Diamond
Rowendale Charly Girl  
Crusheds New Dream  
Crusheds New Dream
Merriveen Any Way  
Merriveen Any Way
Blokhead Bull Mighty Real  
Blokhead Bull Mighty Real
Home Pilar Make Me Happy   Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure   
Ch, Int Ch Luvipride Under Pressure
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove   
Ch Kelloe Kid Glove
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence   
Ch Esclusham Song Of Sixpence
Merriveen Milady   Hyten Heavens To Merga Troid  
Hyten Heavens To Merga Troid
Merriveen Maybe Lucky  
Little One Of Qseventhheaven  
Little One Of Qseventhheaven
Ch, Int Ch Wencar Golden Chance   
Ch, Int Ch Wencar Golden Chance
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Edgewick Little Tina Of Wencar  
Edgewick Little Tina Of Wencar
Int.Ch. Ch.It. Tizzy De I Bulls Degli Orsi   
Int.Ch. Ch.It. Tizzy De I Bulls Degli Orsi
Wildax Tom Foolery  
Wildax Tom Foolery
Home Pilar Dolche Vita  
Home Pilar Dolche Vita
Luvipride Day Just  
Luvipride Day Just
Britishpride Elvis  
Britishpride Elvis
Britishpride Power'n Glory  
Britishpride Power'n Glory
Britishpride Philosophy  
Britishpride Philosophy
Little One Of Qseventhheaven  
Little One Of Qseventhheaven
Ch, Int Ch Wencar Golden Chance   
Ch, Int Ch Wencar Golden Chance
Int.Ch. Ch.It. Tizzy De I Bulls Degli Orsi   
Int.Ch. Ch.It. Tizzy De I Bulls Degli Orsi
Fatso De Selcum  
Fatso De Selcum
La Chata Jolly Boy   Merriveen Courtier  
Merriveen Courtier
La Chata Christmas  
Luke De Selcsum   Darrel Read Zumi  
Sanluisbulls Janett  
Sanluisbulls Janett
British Gladiator Giorgio At Sanluisbulls  
British Gladiator Giorgio At Sanluisbulls
Armani From The Bulls Compagnie  
Armani From The Bulls Compagnie
Ch. Britishpride Entrepreneur   
Ch. Britishpride Entrepreneur
Ch Britishpride The Sandman   
Ch Britishpride The Sandman
Mr Fezzywig  
Mr Fezzywig
Ch Britishpride Cream Cake   
Ch Britishpride Cream Cake
Ch Britishpride Moschino   
Ch Britishpride Moschino
Britishpride Power'n Glory  
Britishpride Power'n Glory
Britishpride Summer Breeze At Koramia  
Britishpride Summer Breeze At Koramia
Arrugas San Simon Bulls  
Arrugas San Simon Bulls
Ch Nobozz Del Boy   
Ch Nobozz Del Boy
Ch Britishpride The Charmer At Omega   
Ch Britishpride The Charmer At Omega
Nobozz Phoebes Girl  
Nobozz Phoebes Girl
Mervander Turkish Delight  
Mervander Turkish Delight
Ch. Merriveen Take That   
Ch. Merriveen Take That
Mervander Wild Fire  
Mervander Wild Fire
Sotakal Janett  
Sotakal Janett
Ch, Jr Ch April Full Moon Make My Day Jr   
Ch, Jr Ch April Full Moon Make My Day Jr
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day   
Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Merriveen Make My Day
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar   
Ch Esclusham Golden Chimes Of Wencar
Merriveen Milady  
Ch April Full Moon Cocaine   
Ch April Full Moon Cocaine
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Groz Kriger Oliver   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Groz Kriger Oliver
Groz Kriger Darling  
Groz Kriger Shadow  
Groz Kriger Shadow
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Groz Kriger Oliver   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch Groz Kriger Oliver
Rebus Jubille  
Romakome Idol Ida  
Groz Kriger Glory   Ch Midwey Jubilee   
Black Bulls Of Brittain Aphrodite  
Sanluisbulls Alison  
Sanluisbulls Alison
Jamm Pony Express De Mauiexpo At Sanluisbulls  
Jamm Pony Express De Mauiexpo At Sanluisbulls
Balu At Mauiexpo  
Balu At Mauiexpo
Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Macm Mussolini   
Jr Ch, Int Ch, Multi Ch Macm Mussolini
Ch Macm Victory   
Ch Macm Victory
Macm Zelda  
Macm Zelda
Sherri   Ch South Night Triumph From Shastal   
Ch South Night Triumph From Shastal
Yukka ( Lebedinogo Ozera)  
Alexa De Gordas Ortiz   Los Enanos De La Posada Hansel   Arrugas De Jaramillo Cartier  
Los Enanos De La Posada Haudry  
Silvermine Ginger Ale   Ch Co Arrugas De Jaramillo Magoo   
Arrugas De Jaramillo Lupe  
Lc Gold Cocolos Nova  
Lc Gold Cocolos Nova
Groz Kriger Wriggle  
Groz Kriger Wriggle
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen   
Ch Valleybulls Silver Sailor At Merriveen
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready   
Ch Merriveen Rough N' Ready
Swalesboy Simply The Best  
Swalesboy Simply The Best
Groz Kriger Uganda   Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees   
Eng. Ch. Mystyle Kees
Ch April Full Moon Kwai   
Ch April Full Moon Kwai
Daneck Malaver Sara Of Cocolos  
Daneck Malaver Sara Of Cocolos
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Kingdome Can More Than Words   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch Kingdome Can More Than Words
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Hobtop Iced Diamond   
Ch, Jr Ch, Int Ch, World Ch, Multi Ch, GCh Hobtop Iced Diamond
Ch Ocobo Post Scipt   
Ch Ocobo Post Scipt
Barbie De Olazabal  
Barbie De Olazabal
Goliat De Olazabal  
Only Brown De Olazabal  
Morgana Tai-pan   not available not available not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available