Generation 1 |
Generation 2 |
Generation 3 |
Generation 4 |
Generation 5 |
Generation 6 |
Generation 7 |
Donax  Donax
Dockleaf  Dockleaf  |
Dandelion  Dandelion  |
Reeves Crib  Reeves Crib  |
Tiger ( Young Tiger)  |
Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  |
Duke I I ( Lamphier)  |
Rush ( Lamphier's)  |
Meg ( Old Meg) Lamphier's  |
King Dick (old King Dick) Lamphier  King Dick (old King Dick) Lamphier  |
Old Nell ( Thirlwind)  |
Reeves Mab  |
Duke ( Lamphier 1868)  |
Duke (old Duke) Henshall 1867  Duke (old Duke) Henshall 1867  |
not available |
Queen Mab (1870)  |
Dan ( Page's)  |
Rose (1862)  |
Dahlia  |
King Cole ( Pybus Sellon)  King Cole ( Pybus Sellon)  |
Sixpence  Sixpence  |
Blondin (old Blondin)  |
not available |
Nell ( Bartlett)  |
King Cole (old King Cole) Berrie's  King Cole (old King Cole) Berrie's  |
Wasp ( 1863 Hinks)  |
Ch Dona Sol  Ch Dona Sol  |
Gamester  Gamester  |
Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  |
Rose ( Berrie)  |
Gipsy Queen (uk 1879)  |
Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  |
Smut (laurence's)  |
Damson  |
Datholite  Datholite  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
Lady Disdain (1883)  Lady Disdain (1883)  |
King Cole ( Pybus Sellon)  King Cole ( Pybus Sellon)  |
Sixpence  Sixpence  |
Blondin (old Blondin)  |
not available |
Nell ( Bartlett)  |
King Cole (old King Cole) Berrie's  King Cole (old King Cole) Berrie's  |
Wasp ( 1863 Hinks)  |
Maritana (1881)  Maritana (1881)  |
Gamester  Gamester  |
Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  |
Rose ( Berrie)  |
Gipsy Queen (1880)  |
Sancho Panza (1876)  Sancho Panza (1876)  |
Romping Girl  |
Dona Disdain  |
Don Pedro  Don Pedro  |
Sahib  |
Sepoy  Sepoy  |
Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  |
Duke I I ( Lamphier)  |
Rush ( Lamphier's)  |
Kit ( Rodger's)  |
Saxon (old Saxon) Ridgway's  |
Nettle ( Rodger)  |
Juno (1875)  |
Bowler  |
Don (uk Parker's)  |
Busy (1)  |
Bully (2)  |
Dan  |
Kitty (uk 1869 Munroe)  |
Hebe (1878)  |
Punch (1871)  |
Sultan (uk 1870 Shenton)  |
Druid ( Mundell's)  |
Duchess ( Shenton's)  |
Bully (2)  |
Dan  |
Kitty (uk 1869 Munroe)  |
Chloe (1875)  |
Bowler  |
Don (uk Parker's)  |
Busy (1)  |
Bully (2)  |
Dan  |
Kitty (uk 1869 Munroe)  |
Lady Disdain (1883)  Lady Disdain (1883)  |
King Cole ( Pybus Sellon)  King Cole ( Pybus Sellon)  |
Sixpence  Sixpence  |
Blondin (old Blondin)  |
Nelson ( Hinks)  |
Poll ( Verinder's)  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
Nell ( Bartlett)  |
King Cole (old King Cole) Berrie's  King Cole (old King Cole) Berrie's  |
Dan ( The Post Worrier) Adcock's  Dan ( The Post Worrier) Adcock's  |
Lady ( Berrie's)  |
Wasp ( 1863 Hinks)  |
Lord Nelson (uk 1862 Pike)  |
Beauty ( Hinks)  |
Maritana (1881)  Maritana (1881)  |
Gamester  Gamester  |
Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  |
Duke I I ( Lamphier)  |
Rush ( Lamphier's)  |
Rose ( Berrie)  |
Sepoy  Sepoy  |
Nell ( Bartlett)  |
Gipsy Queen (1880)  |
Sancho Panza (1876)  Sancho Panza (1876)  |
Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  |
Miss Smiff  |
Romping Girl  |
Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  |
Rose (1876)  |
Ivel Daffodil (late Woodcote Lilly)  |
Ivel Doctor (uk-usa)  Ivel Doctor (uk-usa)  |
General Roberts  |
Ch Harper (uk-usa 1886)  Ch Harper (uk-usa 1886)  |
British Monarch  British Monarch  |
Monarch (1878)  |
Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  |
Rose ( Berrie)  |
Venice  |
Slenderman ( Gordon Murray)  |
Moss  |
Judy ( Webb's)  |
Adrastus  |
Royal George ( St George)  Royal George ( St George)  |
Patch Ii  |
Mary (1880)  |
Crib ( Guy's)  |
Gipsey ( Bradfield)  |
Charmion (uk-usa 1887)  |
Buga Boo ( Cribber)  |
Bendor  |
Gamester  Gamester  |
Cassy-cassy  |
Una I I I  |
Monarch (1878)  |
Penzie  |
Young Rocket  |
Pincher  |
Ajax Iii  |
Actress  |
Rocket  |
Sambo (uk-can 1870)  |
Bertha  |
Ivel Nana  |
Aston Lion  |
Lion Seeker  |
Eng Ch Forceps  Eng Ch Forceps  |
Reeves Crib  Reeves Crib  |
Dogberry (alice Prior To Reg's)  |
Game Hen  |
Gambler ( Reeves)  Gambler ( Reeves)  |
Nell (1875)  |
Guildford Helen (uk 1888)  |
Young Gambler  |
Gambler ( Reeves)  Gambler ( Reeves)  |
Nell ( Davis)  |
Spider  |
Leon (uk-usa 1882)  |
Nell ( Tubb's)  |
The Friskey Matron  |
Muggridges Boss  |
Oswego (uk-usa)  Oswego (uk-usa)  |
Ch Grabber (uk-usa John Bull)  Ch Grabber (uk-usa John Bull)  |
Toria  |
Claudia  |
African Monarch (uk-usa)  |
Juliana  |
Marmalade  |
Don Pedro  Don Pedro  |
Sahib  |
Hebe (1878)  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
Ivel Dorry  |
King Orry (uk-usa 1889)  King Orry (uk-usa 1889)  |
Pagan (1885)  |
Alaric  |
Gamester  Gamester  |
Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  |
Rose ( Berrie)  |
Ida (uk 1879)  Ida (uk 1879)  |
Faust  Faust  |
Dorritt  |
Pundee  |
Sahib  |
Sepoy  Sepoy  |
Juno (1875)  |
Hebe (1878)  |
Punch (1871)  |
Chloe (1875)  |
Koorie  |
Goliath  |
Gamester  Gamester  |
Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  |
Rose ( Berrie)  |
Betsey ( Browse)  |
Sultan (uk 1877)  |
Busy  |
Pundee  |
Sahib  |
Sepoy  Sepoy  |
Juno (1875)  |
Hebe (1878)  |
Punch (1871)  |
Chloe (1875)  |
Poll (1895)  |
Felix  |
Gamester  Gamester  |
Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  Crib ( Turton's) Lamphier's  |
Duke I I ( Lamphier)  |
Rush ( Lamphier's)  |
Rose ( Berrie)  |
Sepoy  Sepoy  |
Nell ( Bartlett)  |
Spikey  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
Valetta (1888)  |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |
not available |