Baytor Harvester

Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7
Bryneatons Sparky   Ch Sospan Fawr   
Ch Sospan Fawr
Ch Prince Of Woodgate   
Ch Prince Of Woodgate
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)   
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Allithorne Rodney   Broth Of A Bhoy  
Nero's Daughter  
Mount View Susie   Tony's Double  
Owlthorne Limestar  
Silver Ruffles   Ch Falstone Dreadnaught    Roseville Burke  
Falstone Vera  
Pelton Queen   Golden Nugget (uk 1935)  
Madonna Max  
Wynne Of Woodcote   Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)   
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)
Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Ch Roseville Barryflash   
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine   Ch Basford Golden Nymph   
Ch Basford Golden Nymph
Bugler Judy  
Calla Lily   Buster Storm   Morovian Masthead  
Lowespark Duchess  
Stonlyn Snowflake   Allithorne Rodney  
Panfro Interlude  
Parcwyn Amaranth   Lord Luke Of Wenallt   Ch Maelor Uplifter   
Ch Maelor Uplifter
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Allithorne Rodney  
Mount View Susie  
Maelor Veronica   Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Maelor Sunflower  
Missie Lu-lu   Silver Stream   not available
not available
Sally Superb   not available
not available
Lady Dora Of Wenallt   Falstone Demotic Jasper (late Demotic Jasper)  
Falstone Demotic Jasper (late Demotic Jasper)
Georgian Sunflash  
Georgian Sunflash
Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  
Jill Of Mayesbrook   Crossbank Canute  
Brindle Queen  
Lady Lou Of Wenallt   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Hefty Olivia   Trueblend Of Tollington   Tugboat Of Tollington   Ch Prince Of Woodgate   
Ch Prince Of Woodgate
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)   
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Silver Ruffles  
Wynne Of Woodcote   Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)   
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)
Calla Lily  
Blockbuster Bittersweet  
Blockbuster Bittersweet
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Allithorne Rodney  
Mount View Susie  
Leodride Daphne   Ch Leodride Air Marshall   
Ch Leodride Air Marshall
Margaret Pal  
Top Note Of Tollington   Hell Of A Fella   Demotic Jasper Again   Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Dazzling Jasmine  
Jill Of Mayesbrook   Crossbank Canute  
Brindle Queen  
Lovely Lassie   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Easter Princess   Mallworth Major Monger   Ch Prince Of Woodgate   
Ch Prince Of Woodgate
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)   
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Silver Ruffles  
Wynne Of Woodcote   Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)   
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)
Calla Lily  
Mallworth Maid Marian   Lessingham Ramillies   Ch Maelor Solarium   
Ch Maelor Solarium
Lessingham Golden Girl  
Mallworth Matriarch   Ch John Blockbuster   
Ch John Blockbuster
Leodride Lovely Lady  
Golden Sunstar   not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Ch Great Hill Bunty    Ch Tinka Of Westframacott   
Ch Tinka Of Westframacott
Ch Prince Of Woodgate   
Ch Prince Of Woodgate
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)   
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Allithorne Rodney   Broth Of A Bhoy  
Nero's Daughter  
Mount View Susie   Tony's Double  
Owlthorne Limestar  
Silver Ruffles   Ch Falstone Dreadnaught    Roseville Burke  
Falstone Vera  
Pelton Queen   Golden Nugget (uk 1935)  
Madonna Max  
Wynne Of Woodcote   Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)   
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)
Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Ch Roseville Barryflash   
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine   Ch Basford Golden Nymph   
Ch Basford Golden Nymph
Bugler Judy  
Calla Lily   Buster Storm   Morovian Masthead  
Lowespark Duchess  
Stonlyn Snowflake   Allithorne Rodney  
Panfro Interlude  
Bredonian Dolly   Brownslane Bernard   Ch Maelor Solarium   
Ch Maelor Solarium
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Allithorne Rodney  
Mount View Susie  
Maelor Veronica   Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Maelor Sunflower  
Brownslane Maryzone April   Falstone Sensation  
Falstone Sensation
Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  
Molly O´ Mine (1946)   Ben Bolt Of Auburncrest  
Lady Mountwise  
Bredonian Lady   Warrior Choice   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Sweet Rosemary   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Great Hill Dubonnet   Eng. Ch. Milord Of The Regions   
Eng. Ch. Milord Of The Regions
Ch Maelor Solarium   
Ch Maelor Solarium
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Allithorne Rodney   Broth Of A Bhoy  
Nero's Daughter  
Mount View Susie   Tony's Double  
Owlthorne Limestar  
Maelor Veronica   Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Ch Roseville Barryflash   
Maelor Sunflower   Am Ch Vardona Individualist   
Tyn Y Coed Lucky Start  
Wicked Lady Of The Regions   Cliftonwood Son O´ Taffy   Welsh Guardsman   Falstone Sensation  
Falstone Sensation
Princess Bonny  
Princess Bonny
Juliet Of Barbury   Altonian Red Rebel  
Topaz Of Maythorpe  
Whitmore Beauty   Chunky Boy   not available
not available
Amrondine Amber   not available
not available
Ch Great Hill Starturn   
Ch Great Hill Starturn
Laddie Of June  
Laddie Of June
Ch Superb Of Wiggin   
Ch Superb Of Wiggin
Ch Maelor Solarium   
Ch Maelor Solarium
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Maelor Veronica  
Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin   
Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin
Falstone Sensation  
Falstone Sensation
Princess Bonny  
Princess Bonny
Juneter Surprise   Ch Netherdene Rival   
Ch Netherdene Rival
Falstone Sensation  
Falstone Sensation
Molly O´ Mine (1946)  
June's Progress   Falstone Beautiful  
Pride Of June  
Morovian Mainjoy   Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)   
Ch Dunvegan Falstone Rodney (late Falstone Rodney)
Allithorne Resolution  
Allithorne Resolution
Allithorne Rodney  
Mount View Susie  
Silver Ruffles   Ch Falstone Dreadnaught   
Pelton Queen  
Wynne Of Woodcote   Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)   
Ch, Int Ch Morovian Mainstay (uk 1942)
Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Ameswaite Pal O´sunshine  
Calla Lily   Buster Storm  
Stonlyn Snowflake