Jack-pott Tecumseh
Generation 1
Generation 2
Generation 3
Generation 4
Generation 5
Generation 6
Generation 7
Walnut Row's Moe's Marc Anthony
Ch Walnut Row's Lucky Moe
Ch Walnut Row's Lucky Moe
Ch Dub Dell's Mighty Moe
CH Kralan's Moby Dick
Kralan's Tow Bar
Am CH Kralan's Hobo
Kralan's Talent Scout
Am CH Waltonīs Calamity Jane
Kralan's Luv
Jacwood's Kelly Of Anson
Kralan's Sparkle Plenty
Hetherbull Arrogant Heyday
Am CH Hetherbull Arrogant Zenith
Am CH Hetherbull Arrogance
Am CH Hetherbull Arrogance
Am CH Hetherbull Arrogant Parlay
Am CH Hetherbull Arrogant Parlay
Gordonīs Arrogant Miss Chief
Am CH Gordonīs Chief White Cloud
Hetherbull Arrogant Lorelei
CH USA Little Betty Boop
Am CH New-camīs Automatic Shotgun
Eng Am CH Bowcrest Automatic Choice
Eng Am CH Bowcrest Automatic Choice
Eng Int CH Goulceby Craigatin Brave Boy
Eng Int CH Goulceby Craigatin Brave Boy
Kaydek Lady Jane
Am CH New-jerīs Tammy Of Mitch
Am CH Jerohns Mitch
Jerryīs Precious Heidi
Little Pan-zee O'rogue
Little Pan-zee O'rogue
Ch Har Jo's Cornhusker Pete
Ch Har Jo's Cornhusker Pete
Schor Red Rogue Of Boomer
Schor Red Rogue Of Boomer
Har Jo's Blackeyed Susan
Schor Mazel Of Red Rogue
Schor Red Rogue Of Boomer
Schor Red Rogue Of Boomer
Har Jo's Blackeyed Susan
Snuffyīs Diamond Kelly
Ch Snuffyīs Smyhe Of Kelly Road
Ch Min A Sota Fats Of Kelly Road
Ch Min A Sota Fats Of Kelly Road
Ch Mim Jimīs Buckie Too Of Cha Ru
Ch Mim Jimīs Buckie Too Of Cha Ru
Bon Hommeīs Tub Oīnugget
Cha-ruīs Princess Meg
Gouldīs Molly Of Kelley Road
Vardona Bengal Lancer
Gouldīs Snowball
Golders Green
Am Ch Rich Bonanza
Am CH Froggieīs Reflection
Shacklefords Faun Debb
Princess Butterball
Am CH Allin's High Hopes
Ch Nichol's Patsy Of Fearnought
Rich Harjoīs Faith
Ch Har Jo's Super Pete
Ch Har Jo's Cornhusker Pete
Ch Har Jo's Cornhusker Pete
Schor Red Rogue Of Boomer
Schor Red Rogue Of Boomer
Har Jo's Blackeyed Susan
Kendee's Pocohontas Bryant
Flomars Cochise Of Kandee
Flomars Bobo
CH USA Rich Bonalu
Am Ch Rich Bonanza
Am CH Froggieīs Reflection
Shacklefords Faun Debb
Wimpe's Hullabalu Lulu
Am Ch Dreadnoughtīs Two Timer
Wimpe's Why Not
Ch Dagor Pie's Sequel Of Pie
Ch Dagor Pie's Sequel Of Pie
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball
Ch Doc's Wabash Cannon Ball
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Ch Golden Carmel Coach
Ch Golden Carmel Coach
Am Ch Bayside Red Oak
Cilgwyn Golden Prince
USA Can Ch Bayside Ruby
USA Ch Rosebud Brandy
UK USA Ch Jackath Silver Rock
UK USA Ch Jackath Silver Rock
Pandoraīs Cotton Taffy
Ch Marinebulls Here She Comes
Ch Marinebulls Here She Comes
Ch Cherokee Morgan
Ch Cherokee Morgan
Ch Snowman Kenilworth Samson
Ch Snowman Kenilworth Samson
Sandow Sequel
Ch Tha Mac's Windy Gal
Ch Damarīs El Domino
Ch Loganīs Frosty Snowflake
Ch Doc's Lady Bridgette
Livingstonīs Jaunty Jasper
Jay-o-gladīs Jaunty Jock
Ch Galbraithīs Pork Chop
Bucklewoodīs Patty Jo
Delīs Lucky Dolly
not available
not available
Doc's Tootie Hootie Bootie
Frans Showstopper Jr
Frans Showstopper
Ames Frosty Snowflake
Doc's Showstopper Abby
Frans Showstopper
Frans Sherry Red
Ch Dagor's Pie In The Sky Oīgoober
Ch Dagor's Pie In The Sky Oīgoober
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Ch Marinebulls All The Way
Ch Golden Carmel Coach
Ch Golden Carmel Coach
Am Ch Bayside Red Oak
Cilgwyn Golden Prince
USA Can Ch Bayside Ruby
USA Ch Rosebud Brandy
UK USA Ch Jackath Silver Rock
UK USA Ch Jackath Silver Rock
Pandoraīs Cotton Taffy
Ch Marinebulls Here She Comes
Ch Marinebulls Here She Comes
Ch Cherokee Morgan
Ch Cherokee Morgan
Ch Snowman Kenilworth Samson
Ch Snowman Kenilworth Samson
Sandow Sequel
Ch Tha Mac's Windy Gal
Ch Damarīs El Domino
Ch Loganīs Frosty Snowflake
Ch Phillips Peppermint Pattie
Rowan's Brassman
Big Ben Of Essex
Big Ben Of Essex
Eng. Ch Sailors Choice
Eng. Ch Sailors Choice
Leighmark Genevieve
Nelle Belle
Atomstone Brass Guardsman
Tinkerbell Myrtle
Rowan's Diamond Lil
Ch Snuffyīs Smyhe Of Kelly Road
Ch Min A Sota Fats Of Kelly Road
Ch Min A Sota Fats Of Kelly Road
Golders Green
Rowan's Lady Victoria
Eltoro Replica
Rowan's Valorie Dutchess
Ch Arthurians Pott Of Sherry
Ch Jc's Jon-boy Collins
Ch Jc's Jon-boy Collins
Am CH Charvelīs Red Butch
Am CH Charvelīs Smokey Joe
Am CH Charvel S Grand Duke Of De Bar
Am CH Theovian Ideal Citizen
Gile S Dreadnought Dudley
Miss Angel Terry Lynn
Charvelīs Suzy Q
not available
not available
Charvelīs Precious
Am CH Theovian Stu-nought Jones
Am CH Jerohns Stu Nought
Am CH Jerohns Stu Nought
Am CH Theovian Rock And Roll Jones
Charvelīs Dynamite
not available
not available
Charvelīs Judy
Am CH Charvelīs Theovian Citizen
Am CH Charvel S Grand Duke Of De Bar
Am CH Theovian Ideal Citizen
Charvelīs Suzy Q
Oī Lady Hoo
not available
not available
Bruann's Bubbles
Bobenhouse Chief O
Ch Bobenhouse's Little Tarzan
Ch Bobenhouse's Little Tarzan
Miss Golden
Fearnought Beautiful Ll
Charvel's Maggie
Frosty's Bethsheeba
Scheelīs Big Ben
Qualco Dandy Al
Qualco Cracksman
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Qualco Solitaire
Lady Snoks
Count Hefty Mack
Candice Lady
Lady Nancy (1965)
Qualco Cracksman
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Tredgold Gaius Caligula
Qualco Solitaire
Cheyenne Lady
Dreadnought's Son Shine
Duchess White Foot
Scheelīs Westminster Abbey
Sunner's Sweet William
Hoss Lll
Ch Du-car's Butch Cassidy
Tonga Brown
Marcin's Lady Samantha
not available
not available
Hello Dolly
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
Ch Arthurian's Orphan Annie Of Jc
Jc's Incredible Hulk
Jc's Incredible Hulk
Ch Jc's Jon-boy Collins
Ch Jc's Jon-boy Collins
Am CH Charvelīs Red Butch
Am CH Charvelīs Smokey Joe
Am CH Charvel S Grand Duke Of De Bar
Charvelīs Precious
Charvelīs Judy
Am CH Charvelīs Theovian Citizen
Bruann's Bubbles
Frosty's Bethsheeba
Scheelīs Big Ben
Qualco Dandy Al
Lady Nancy (1965)
Scheelīs Westminster Abbey
Sunner's Sweet William
Hello Dolly
Jc's Pretty Kan-dee Girl
Jc's Canterbury Kan-dee Man Kan
Averills Frosty Cowboy
USA Ch Vardona Snowmanīs Double
USA Ch Vardona Snowmanīs Double
Averill Boatswain Solitaire
Am CH Stu-pought
Singletonīs Sunny Stu
Patīs Miss Tauna Lee
Dearmoreīs Sarah Beth
Sir Brutus Of Hearnaught
not available
not available
Lady Portia Of Hearnaught
not available
not available
Am CH Calyīs Strawberry Fizz
Ch Jc's Jon-boy Collins
Ch Jc's Jon-boy Collins
Am CH Charvelīs Red Butch
Am CH Charvelīs Smokey Joe
Am CH Charvel S Grand Duke Of De Bar
Charvelīs Precious
Charvelīs Judy
Am CH Charvelīs Theovian Citizen
Bruann's Bubbles
Frosty's Bethsheeba
Scheelīs Big Ben
Qualco Dandy Al
Lady Nancy (1965)
Scheelīs Westminster Abbey
Sunner's Sweet William
Hello Dolly
Am CH Calyīs Jc Jon-boyīs Kan-dee Kane
Jc's Canterbury Kan-dee Man Kan
Averills Frosty Cowboy
USA Ch Vardona Snowmanīs Double
USA Ch Vardona Snowmanīs Double
Averill Boatswain Solitaire
Am CH Stu-pought
Singletonīs Sunny Stu
Patīs Miss Tauna Lee
Jc's Dutchess Red Baby Of Mcīs
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available
not available