Du-car's Red Velvet

Generation 1 Generation 2 Generation 3 Generation 4 Generation 5 Generation 6 Generation 7
Ch Duke The Bruiser    Ch Du-car's Butch Cassidy    Dreadnought´s Journeyman   Ch. Int. Kippax Dreadnought   
Ch. Int. Kippax Dreadnought
Ch Koper Kernel   
Ch Koper Kernel
Flixtonian Bomber   Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Bessie O´portmahon  
Golden Ballerina   Falstone Sensation  
Falstone Sensation
Miss Matador  
Kippax Anne   Ch Superb Of Wiggin   
Ch Superb Of Wiggin
Ch Maelor Solarium   
Ch Maelor Solarium
Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin   
Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin
King Pin   Kippax Jimmy  
Proud Madame  
Am CH Rich Homade Chili    Sheridan Joe S Jones   Sheridan Sorrowful Jones   Ch O´sandy´s Jiggs   
Ch O´sandy´s Jiggs
Sheridan Solo  
Am CH Mike´s Memory Duchess    Ch O´sandy´s Jiggs   
Ch O´sandy´s Jiggs
Sheridan Bridgett  
Jumpin Jacqui   Am CH Rich Pilgrim Beans    Am CH Dusty Vulcan   
Pilgrims Princess Panda  
Pilgrims Princess Panda
Lady Elizabeth G   not available
not available
Ch Fearnoughts Mollie    Ch Kippax Fearnought   
Ch Kippax Fearnought
Ch Koper Kernel   
Ch Koper Kernel
Flixtonian Bomber   Peter Beautiful  
Peter Beautiful
Bessie O´portmahon  
Golden Ballerina   Falstone Sensation  
Falstone Sensation
Miss Matador  
Kippax Anne   Ch Superb Of Wiggin   
Ch Superb Of Wiggin
Ch Maelor Solarium   
Ch Maelor Solarium
Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin   
Ch Easter Sensation Of Wiggin
King Pin   Kippax Jimmy  
Proud Madame  
Smith's Lady Patty   not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Gorgeous Ginger   Ch Mim Jim´s Buckie Too Of Cha Ru   
Ch Mim Jim´s Buckie Too Of Cha Ru
Bon Homme´s Tub O´nugget   Am CH Bon Homme´s Little Nugget    Am CH Double Nugget   
Am CH Double Nugget
USA Ch Nugget My Ideal   
USA Ch Nugget My Ideal
Nuggetaire´s Carmetta  
Bon Homme´s Bonita   Ch Morovian Lancelot Butch   
Ch Morovian Lancelot Butch
Lady Susan Viii  
Len Mar Samoa Of Twin Shot   USA Ch Getnug Lord Jeffrey   
USA Ch Getnug Lord Jeffrey
Nugget Trealor  
Nugget Trealor
Queen Of Mae Belle  
Nugget Lady Linda   not available
not available
Cha-ru´s Princess Meg   Bon Homme Admiral   Am CH Double Nugget   
Am CH Double Nugget
USA Ch Nugget My Ideal   
USA Ch Nugget My Ideal
Nuggetaire´s Carmetta  
Bon Homme´s Bonita   Ch Morovian Lancelot Butch   
Ch Morovian Lancelot Butch
Lady Susan Viii  
Bon Homme Admiral´s Judy   Bon Homme Admiral   Am CH Double Nugget   
Am CH Double Nugget
Bon Homme´s Bonita  
Wise Own Little Tornado   Millview´s Topper  
Wise Lady Marion Angelface  
Miss Chic-a-ree   Stone-wall Ruff N Tuff   Stone-wall Coppersmith   Juneter's Ace  
Juneter's Ace
Ch Superb Of Wiggin   
Ch Superb Of Wiggin
Juneter Surprise  
Stone Wall Dinah   O´sandy´s Jiggs Ii  
O´sandy´s Jiggs Ii
Dinah Of White Hub  
Ch Stone-wall Sapphire    Juneter's Ace  
Juneter's Ace
Ch Superb Of Wiggin   
Ch Superb Of Wiggin
Juneter Surprise  
Stone Wall Dinah   O´sandy´s Jiggs Ii  
O´sandy´s Jiggs Ii
Dinah Of White Hub  
Perky Polly Penz   Rich Double Heritage   Am CH Rich Kernal Kopper    Ch. Int. Kippax Dreadnought   
Ch. Int. Kippax Dreadnought
Danny´s Josie  
El-lana Monique   Ch. Int. Kippax Dreadnought   
Ch. Int. Kippax Dreadnought
Eng CH Allithorne Playgirl   
All Mac's Sally Joe   not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
Du-car's Miss Dallas   Ch Du-car's Durango Kid    Ch Mim Jim´s Buckie Too Of Cha Ru   
Ch Mim Jim´s Buckie Too Of Cha Ru
Bon Homme´s Tub O´nugget   Am CH Bon Homme´s Little Nugget    Am CH Double Nugget   
Am CH Double Nugget
USA Ch Nugget My Ideal   
USA Ch Nugget My Ideal
Nuggetaire´s Carmetta  
Bon Homme´s Bonita   Ch Morovian Lancelot Butch   
Ch Morovian Lancelot Butch
Lady Susan Viii  
Len Mar Samoa Of Twin Shot   USA Ch Getnug Lord Jeffrey   
USA Ch Getnug Lord Jeffrey
Nugget Trealor  
Nugget Trealor
Queen Of Mae Belle  
Nugget Lady Linda   not available
not available
Cha-ru´s Princess Meg   Bon Homme Admiral   Am CH Double Nugget   
Am CH Double Nugget
USA Ch Nugget My Ideal   
USA Ch Nugget My Ideal
Nuggetaire´s Carmetta  
Bon Homme´s Bonita   Ch Morovian Lancelot Butch   
Ch Morovian Lancelot Butch
Lady Susan Viii  
Bon Homme Admiral´s Judy   Bon Homme Admiral   Am CH Double Nugget   
Am CH Double Nugget
Bon Homme´s Bonita  
Wise Own Little Tornado   Millview´s Topper  
Wise Lady Marion Angelface  
Du-car's Poker Alice   Ch Du-car's Butch Cassidy    Dreadnought´s Journeyman   Ch. Int. Kippax Dreadnought   
Ch. Int. Kippax Dreadnought
Ch Koper Kernel   
Ch Koper Kernel
Kippax Anne  
Am CH Rich Homade Chili    Sheridan Joe S Jones  
Jumpin Jacqui  
Ch Fearnoughts Mollie    Ch Kippax Fearnought   
Ch Kippax Fearnought
Ch Koper Kernel   
Ch Koper Kernel
Kippax Anne  
Smith's Lady Patty   not available
not available
Du-car's Babs Of Jerohn   Ch Jerhon's Stu Nought    Ch. Int. Kippax Dreadnought   
Ch. Int. Kippax Dreadnought
Ch Koper Kernel   
Ch Koper Kernel
Kippax Anne  
Susie´s Grumpus   not available
not available
Bridget Of Jerohn   Ch Jerhon's Old Man    Ch Jerhon's Morovian Willie   
Maxmal Morovian Rose  
Jerhon's Jim Dandy Nought   not available
not available
Du-car's Sundown Kate   not available not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available
not available not available not available
not available
not available not available
not available